
Submitted by LightofZen on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 21:26

So I do my best to live my life in light and love. Recently I have been having anger issues. I work in customer service where most people that call in are angry and upset. Also, the coworker next to me is in a constant state of anger. This anger all around me is seeping into my being. I do my best to calm myself but from time to time it over takes me and I fall in to that angry mode. I was wondering if anyone had any insight of dealing with this situation. I do not love my job, but I feel that I have to keep doing this to support my family for the time being. Thanks for your guidance.

Light and Love,

Light of Zen

Anonymous (not verified)

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 23:12

Breathe - In every moment, Angels and ArchAngels are just one deep breath away. Breathing also breaks the cycle of negativity that we sometimes allow ourselves to get sucked into, and it takes an ackward type of energy to choose to restart that negative vortex back up. Just feels weird. Try it. When someones yelling or on a rant, just take a deep breathe, hold it, and let it out. Most people just give up the drama. Also, maintaining a constant focus on living in the Now moment helps me realize that anything negative that "seeps into our beings", is coming from a moment that has already pass-ed. Leave it back there.  

On the same token, nothing can ever seep into your True Being. They must be consciously received by us. Negative energies are present to maintain a balance within infinite possibility, but we have the power to adjust how susceptible we are to them. The more we fill ourselves with light, the less likely it is that negative energies can affect our Now moments. 

Each negative moment is an opportunity to look internally on how not to expect the surroundings to change, but instead to change our perspectives and how we receive that energy (if at all). The more we change, the more our surroundings will reflect that change. The more we choose to live in the light (in every moment, especially when it gets cloudy), the bighter our Lightbodies shine, forever. These are the real tests. We are being tested in every moment by our higher guidance; sending us hints for opportunities to add to the light (if we choose), or just allow them to hold us down. Use these moments to your advantage. Flip the script. Focus on the positive and always kNow that your higher self is always at the helm.  

Customer Service: Use your job as an opportunity for growth and light shining. The more you stay in the light (especially when others are at their darkest moment), the more opportunity there is for them to see how much they are contributing to their own negative vibrations. The higher our vibration, the easier it is for others to pick up on them, and adjust their frequency. 


Love Love Love,



Anonymous (not verified)

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 23:14

I am going through the same thing , seems everybody around me is angry  and I find myself pulled into it as well . I feel that if I don't conquer this issue within myself I'll be returning to this place that I am soo loathing . We should all try to fight our anger and hatred now more than ever , starting with me !!                      Keep cool all.......... Timebider

Anonymous (not verified)

Wed, 08/29/2012 - 01:41

I had a root canal this year.  Now 6 months later I can afford the crown, when the dentist appointment arrives the transmission goes out on my truck.  I had to take a cab to the dentist.  This follows a $500 tune up on the same truck.  I have rats in my walls which I have become certain are the result of a suspect 'cell phone tower' recently erected in my neighborhood.  Many of my neighbors have rats these days.  I hire a guy but he never shows up.  And it looks like they may have chewed through my plumbing but I have to wait for the sun to come up to inspect.

I had started on this meditation approach which I liked.  It is effective quick in a way ..   except my plumbing sounds like a paint shaker this morning so I woke up angry again.

Devi Cholet

Wed, 08/29/2012 - 04:59

I learned to understand my anger and in doing that it has helped

me to understand and help others with their anger.  I had a

seemingly endless pit of anger and rage suppressed since

childhood.  I could not control my outbursts and they seemed

totally out of proportion to the circumstances. 


When I finally learned to separate myself during heated moments

and sit quietly, honoring what I was feeling, everything changed.

I was able to re-enter situations with a new perspective and

was able to say the best things in a calm and loving manner

in order to make the whole dynamic change.


Now when others are angry around me, I listen and ask

questions, so that they will be able to see and understand

their own situation better.  Instead of pushing my own

and their anger away,  I love them through it and I learned

to use my anger in a way that makes it a great teacher.


Anger needs to be expressed!!!  But the best way to

express it is in the most loving manner possible.  This

way it can be a "transformer" and "healer" for many

deep longings and wounds.


Sun, 03/17/2013 - 07:09

I don't really harbor anger in my heart because it brings about so many stress and anxieties in our lives. If we have negative emotions inside us, it could lead to health problems. Whenever I feel angry, I try to relax by drinking my favorite cup of green tea.

Shaman Goddess

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 19:30

Hi Light of Zen, if you could imagine your energy field as a beautiful flowing fur rug - floating like seaweed in the ocean. Other people also have the same kind of field. Our field carries the vibrations of our thoughts and feelings, and there is a lot of 'stuff' that triggers our thoughts and feelings in negative directions. Whilst you can be responsible for your own centering, you can't control others around you. So when you work with the public, you are dealing with people in all different mental and emotional states - all of that sitting in their field. If your fields are seaweed, then the ocean is the common connective energy through which we all travel. When there is a lot of negativity, impatience (stress), etc around you, it impregnates the common connective energy, it colours it. Which in turn, is vibrating into your field - not nice! Solution? Protection - shielding and clearing.


Shielding - First - imagine your beautiful energy field, and the common connective energy surrounding it. Your field is large, egg-shaped (pointy at the top, wider at the bottom), flowing and beautiful. Next - imagine a beautiful strong mirrorball (remember the mirrored disco balls?) all around your field - defining the line between your field and everything outside of it. This mirror ball reflects away all of those energies that are not Yours and are not Light. The only thing that streams in is beautiful light - everything else bounces away from you easily and without harm to anyone. Set this up every morning, and ou may have to check on it from time to time throughout the day to reinforce it. 


Clearing. Rather than going through this - I will share a video that takes you through two types of clearing.


I hope this helps, Daniella Breen. 

was picked on all day at work, really upset had some tears in the afternoon, l didnt deserve it , sometimes being a nice person isnt worth it you get no respect. After 6 years , love my job , just work with some rude men

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