Why the ascension process could not be started – Message from God ~ 28. Mai 2013 from Marc Gamma

Submitted by Gabrielle on Tue, 05/28/2013 - 21:42

God(Translated through Isabel Henn, http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com)

Many readers of my blog http://soul4free.wordpress.com were like me disappointed from the weekend and I had to do great efforts to recover and to not too lose faith in the whole thing. Proposed by my mentor I asked God why it didn’t work on the weekend, after so many reports in the internet had pointed on that and the message of Archangel Raphael from May 24. [click at the link] made a clear statement that it would happen now. I will provide you with an extract of the personal message to Isabel and me.

Message from God through M. Gamma – May 26, 2013

Isabel and Marc, I will give you an update, why it didn’t happen this weekend. The most important to start first. You both are not to blame that it didn’t work. There are a lot of reasons necessary to explain why I have decided against starting the Ascension process now respectively to wake up people and to let them perceive that they live in an illusion. It is important for me that you understand that many factors have led to this decision. It is also not important that you understand this because it is on me to decide when the time is ripe for this. I am aware that many humans due to the message have expected that it will begin now and I understand this.

I but will here verbalize myself clear and distinctly. The main reason why it didn’t happen are the humans themselves. Humans have doubted and hoped that it will work. And when they hope it will remain in the hope. When they believe that it will be so, that Ascension is starting, then it will start. This weekend was a good weekend to start it because several conditions for this had been fitting. Nonetheless the factor human didn’t co-operate and this is sad but true.

It is now up to you both how you want to deal with this situation. Also how you want to inform, educate and enlighten your fellow humans. It will be on you to find the appropriate sentences and words, to orient and inform humans why it didn’t work and which reasons have caused this. It is always the same in the universe and even I have to stick to the same laws. It is the law of cause and effect. People must realize this law and this is one of the most important reasons why it didn’t work. It hasn’t lacked much and then it would have happened. But exactly this threshold value, the asset that would be necessary that I could initiate the process wasn’t reached. I understand your disappointment and understand that you feel “taken on a ride”, to use one of your expressions. Anyhow I ask you to stay strong and believe in yourselves because you have to accomplish an important mission together Isabel and Marc.

…Be ready to do it; to do it together, to remind humans how they can achieve master hood. The inner attitude plays a central role and this has to be made clear to them. You both will find the right words to convince people of this, I know that because I know already the result.


With this message I went sleeping on Sunday. It wasn’t easy but what can one do, except of continuing for the cause, for people and the tasks one has agreed to undertake. During the Monday morning I have talked with my mentor Isabel and we have decided that we together would inform the people of Earth. That means that this notification will be available on http://soul4free.wordpress.com and http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com in german and english. From there the message shall be spread out into the world.

God has but explained that we will find the right words. Now we can either write this all alone or just find the right words. The words in his message to Isabel and me and in the message I asked God to give to the humans.

Why Ascension hasn’t worked – God through M. Gamma ~ May 27, 2013

My beloved humans on earth. I was asked by this scribe to give my view on why the promised spectacle didn’t happen on the weekend. I will readily comply with his request because he and I we are working very close together and will do so also in future times. He himself was going through a difficult time because he was so disappointed. But in comparison with you he knows why that is and this we want to rectify on your side now.

It is not always easy to understand how Spirit works. Spirit does not work like people have been brought forward by the bible but Spirit follows a way that is based on potentials and possibilities. This is relevant in all activities and procedures and is the basis from which I work. I too stick to the laws I have compiled for you. With “YOU” I don’t mean of course only the earth, but all that I have created and all I will ever create.

Now, to the reasons why it didn’t work. It is very simply expressed. All had matched only the factor human wasn’t ready. Humanity has again questioned all and instead of spending hope they caused confusion. You must always have clear thoughts, because your thoughts follow a pattern. The pattern is named cause and effect. Simplified it means the following:”That what you think must be manifested!” The universe and even I too cannot do otherwise. This is one of the irrevocable laws that are valid and as was told already: “I too have to stick to that!” If I don’t stick to that, all will go awry and become uncontrollable.

I am aware that this isn’t easy to understand but I can only appeal to you that you will internalize all my beloved children on earth. I, your heavenly Father want too, that you all will be finally released from this prison. I too want the possibility for you to become free, I too want that you can remember me again because this is My Will and this is my expression of the Love I have for you my children.

Now I want to come to the end and leave it to my scribe how he will continue with this information. I leave it to him because he too has his free will and I don’t dictate him what he has to do or to let. I leave it to him how he will inform you. He receives assistance from my beloved Goddess who is also incarnated on earth. She is available for him physically, in flesh and blood und with this I don’t mean in a partnership, but in a mutual supporting element for which both have volunteered. It is My Will and My Will shall be done. It is a question of time and a question of your support how fast all will happen my beloved children.

In great love to you my children


With pleasure I want also refer to the following message, that the Divine Mother has forwarded on May 27 2013 under the title “Moving Mountains”. [click at the link].

These three messages should give you an understanding about what all this is. It is not as that there are some Angels, God, Jesus or ET’s flying in and that they will help us through Ascension from A – Z. They stand at our side and assist us with Ascension, but we have to do the final step ourselves or like Archangel Raphael has said in one of his messages: “Then be ready to take the Ascension train!”

This step doesn’t mean to hope but to trust 100 per cent that it will happen!! 

Are you with us to support us with this project? We are but the channels respectively the bearer of messages but Ascension we can accomplish only together.

Isabel and Marc


Thank you for this comment. Just a wee bit of information is never a good thing. Many people are in that category. Me included. Still in school so to speak. Then there are many who have incarnated at this time to assist the entire process. This was never meant to be just a select few who ascend but, every living soul. For those who hold on to a thought that they may be better than another because they have done the work of clearing their own path to ascending but, catch themselves wondering why this event hasn't happened for them as of yet. This may be due to a  misunderstanding of the process and also that of a misunderstanding of the individuals soul path duties. Many folks have had the ability to ascend at any time since they arrived here. But, have not because before their incarnation there was a path agreed upon. A task to complete of an unselfish notion. There is no time limit for the completion of this task. It may take several lifetimes in our illusionary condition. Time or the 4TH dimension is moot in the overall outlook. But, we live in a clock driven world. So, when clocks are obsolete we will have our clear sign we have all arrived and not a second sooner. It may seem as if there has been a delay. This has been so for centuries. We have had some detours provided for our added experience. The people who lead the world are not necessarily the folks who are the most enlightened. They do indeed serve a great and honorable purpose in showing everyone how not to do it. Self appointed privilege will dissolve and soften the hard hearts when it is recognized that each person is a marvelous extension of Creator. It is my hope that people begin to dare to live their heavenly existence right here and now. Give yourselves permission to grow and enjoy the ride at the same time. A final note. Upon arrival at the 5TH Dimention station we will discover that school is just starting. Baby steps...haaaaa!



Wed, 05/29/2013 - 07:35

This is blame, and fear-mongering. It seeks to convince people that because they didn't feel any one distinctive event that the process has not already started. It is, in fact, nearing completion. You are not wrong for hoping, you are not wrong for doing your best, however inadequate you judge that to be. It all helps. Every kind thought, every deep breath, every beat of your loving heart moves the ascention process further along. The grain of truth in this is that yes, believing helps more. Believing manifests. Trust, and believe, because it is already so. Help it grow. <3

We're currently going through the Ascension Process, I have no idea what this channeler is talking about when he claims it "could not be started". I feel there's this fantasy that many people have where there's this magic day in the future where suddenly everyone's problems will be solved. This is one of the things religion programmed into people to create complacency and obedience.

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