~The Galactic Free Press~Energy and Event Update~ Out with the old, this Powerful Energy of Love Commands ~ Enter 5th Dimensional Alignment~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/16/2012 - 15:50

~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~16~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~


~Energy and Event Update~ Out with the old, this Powerful Energy of Love Commands ~ Enter 5th Dimensional Alignment~



Artwork By Father God


~Greetings Love Beings, We continue our New Daily Message Series.~




Magnetic Field~ A Region Established by the Presence of a Magnet or electric current. Example~ Planet Earth=Heart is Surrounded in a Pure Magnetic Field, Pure Consciousness Energy, of Love Source Energy, called The Higher Grid, or Golden Grid.


Magnet~ Exhibited by the field of a force produced by means of magnetics. Example~ The Real Law of Attraction, is where Love Gathers with Love because Love is Like a Magnetic field, that gathers Love Energy to Create More Love Energy. Your internal System is Connected to this Magnetic field, because you are made of this as well=Source Energy.



 The ever increasing energies are on the move, and swirling about, their gift is bringing into Alignment the 5d Earth Reality of Balanced Harmonics. Because of this, The vortex's around the Planet, that have not alighned to the Higher Energies are now collapsing, out with the old, this Powerful Energy of Love commands. You can see an example of this collpase occurring in Greece.This, is just another aspect of the deep cleansing period Humanity is in. Just like so many Lightworkers have done in breaking down their egoic illusions, this is now occurring on the Planet, Planetwide. This was inevitable!


~Humanity is becoming a Blue StarSeed Nation~




It has been our responsibility for the past 5 years directly, to share the True Information and to prepare Humanity for these moments that We have arrived in, the Inevitable Destiny. The magnetics are changing now and very quickly, this is moving those that have been prepared to now completly reside in the 5th dimensional frequency and beyond. The Moment has come to move into your Places for the Next incoming events. This will occur naturally as a series of synchronostic events. For those that have connected in, payed attention, did the work of releasing these belief systems and then awakened into Love, are now being moved into Perfect Alignment with The Divine Plan, which stabilize's the 5th dimensional frequency onto the Planet.




 As WE Move through these Energetic Waves of February, the Planet and Humanity is Balancing through each alignment, to arrive at the Center. Humanity is just along for the ride aware or unaware. The Magnetics within the Planet and Within Humanity continue to shift upwards. For some this may cause more chaos and insanity, for others more overflowing Joy. This depends on how much of all the belief systems one has released from their body holograms and are Present in the Moment of Now.


This event and the ones to follow, were predestined to assist Humanity and the Planet in releasing the illusionary programs aka belief systems, that keeps them in pain and suffering. So that they may align with Mother Earth=Heart and Her Destiny, which is Home into The Light.


Artwork By Father God


Total Love Shares for February 749$

Funding Needs and Costs for Site and Team 2000$


~ Its Our honor to Be Here for Everyone of You Everyday, Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy, and Its our Pleasure to Be of Service~ Thank You for Sharing, to keep us in service everyday without any interuption~A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.




~We are Here to Assist In Humanity's Complete Freedom into The Present Moment of NOW~


We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery!


If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here



We are a Part of President Obama's Team..YEEHAW and We Thank Everyone for helping Love share Equality.


Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


Doreen Smith

Thu, 02/16/2012 - 20:50

This is a most beautiful time to be on this planet...There's so much going on. We all feel it...It is like wave on wave....We're feeling this deep within...We're on a Cosmic train....Peace train... We're changing day to day... I sure appreciate everyone who writes here in Galactic Free Press... I so need to read and learn so much...

I just have to say that I love Father God's artwork... as always, so intricate and detailed and colorful...Like Life!!!

I know that sometimes I feel surges come upon me...I just have to smile because I know,  I'm being adjusted in every way... I have a long ways to go yet and I pray for the courage, strength, wisdom, Peace and love to breathe deeply and let all I'm learning help to carry all of us to our Divine Source... Much Peace, Joy, Light, and Love to you, FatherMotherGod...and to ALL...

I'm sneezing up a storm..sniffle, sniffle...Gotta rest this weary body..I'm coming down with a little cold I think....I know my pillow is calling...Goodnight...I love you... :) <3 NOW!

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