~ Update By Sheldan Nidle~ As the Light Has Decreed

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/25/2013 - 17:54

David Porter

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 19:51

How exciting!!! So this time can we expect what you just expressed in such URGENT wording to us by next week to begin taking form or should we just expect the same results, which are NONE for the remainder of our visit to the planet?

Your answer please?

Either you are affiliated with the cabal and have some hidden agenda of the urgency of your messages that have specific to us linguistic terminologies expressing "shortly," "soon," "immediate" "standing on the bring" "imminant" keeping us in hope so we continue to "PAY" your agenda-OR-you have not much to do "up there" on your ships and are board to tears and just want to tantalize us-OR-maybe you are as urgent in this transition as we and just can't hold your tongue.

I'm sorry I'm running out of guesses, could you please give me and the rest of us down here a hand and explain why for the last many years that you have been leading us with your words specifically on this path of excitement making it sound as though the "EVENTS" begin tomorrow by noon?

I mean Shelden, "soon" has been gone now since you were a little tot, right? When did you begin allegedly receiving information from these alleged Beings?

You have not replied to one of my many comments, why not? I don't mean sarcasm. I just mean to get at why you continue this? Although I'm confident that your in it for personal gain, correct? Is this why you don't reply? 

We would all like to see the fruition of what you speak of, but we are all tired of the lies, and being miss led by whoever and or those who make money off of us on falsified pretenses with false promises.

Or maybe the "Beings" that you channel just need some earth courses in the meaning of linear time lines?

Living in the now, see you and them later.





You know this guy Sheldon doesn't reply cuz he is full of shit! He puts the same crap over an over and credulous at best those who believe such crap, lets face it I know that earth is going through some changes, but this guy is been saying this an that is happening with zero proof or tangible facts, yeah sure faith comes in play would be the argument some would make, but please... there is a limit! 

Read every message this guys posts and you would see that nothing is different... DRATZO.. We come again, to fill your head with shit! hahaha

And you have to pardon my language but I don't wanna use any more nouns because I love this site, I just dislike the BS this guy posts all the time!

There are many broken promises, predictions, dis-information everywhere.

That is why everyone should maintain fresh batteries in their Bullshit Detectors and to not skip the routine maintenance and calibration they require. You know, fine tune your intuition by establishing a baseline resonance by using known good information.

Team Dark uses innocent channels through impersonation to cause the elevation of false hopes and using the subsequent dash to very effectively instill negative vibrations of doubt, anger, fear and frustration. I suggest reading all channelings with a firewall of equanimity. When there are no longer attachments/expectations, higher states of being are assured.

Love has already won, it's over for Team Dark. They are just not quite up to speed on this yet.

Blessings everyone.



Wed, 06/26/2013 - 14:40

Dear People:

It is frustrating that we continue to wait and to wait and to wait for the liberation of the planet.

However, our TV stations and our newspapers don't tell us that we are loved everytime they report.  Indeed, they tell us that human kind is nasty, brutal, competitive, greedy.  Sheldon's report reminds us that we are LOVED, and that just feels better.

So I would rather read that our Star Families love us and are waiting to meet us, than the opposite.

May our waiting days be blessed with more bliss..........Livinglitely




This is how I come to comment on this blogger because I read it and yes it is inspiring. However, that is not my only quest in where I derive my information sources from. I want to be told the truth, don't you? Each and every time and each and every word, don't you?

If the alleged "Beings" of Shelden were of the Light, why in Heavens name would they continue to give us blatant miss information? They (he and them) have done this for as many years as he has made a business out of it.

I'm okay with ones earning as much as they can, but not at the expense of others with lies as a formula.

Just trying to keep it clean and trustworthy with good sites like this one is.

Dear David:

You make some excellent points.  Truth is very important.  Then there is the play of probability.

At any given point, we, the people, might change direction.  Each point contains infinite potential.  Sometimes the inertia of a situation carries it on to the usual conclusion, and sometimes the magic of a new decision or insight can carry a situation into a totally new pattern.

So while Sheldon keeps saying that good things are coming, from my perspective the guides are speaking about our increasing awareness that things need to change, our intention grows more powerful to make this change, and so ultimately it will change.  Potential needs a tipping point.  Sheldon continues to encourage the tipping point.  "Soon" is getting to be tiresome - truly it is -

What I don't see in my earth bound, semi-liberated form, is how close we are to the tipping point.  So perhaps as a consolation prize, I will settle for the feeling that being loved by guys in space ships is perferable to the vision of our world provided by conventional media.

Best wishes, David, and I appreciate your passion, intelligent comments, insight.......livinglitely



Thu, 06/27/2013 - 16:11

Livinglitely, your perspective resonates most strongly with me and I admire your wisdom as applied to bring peace and understanding in resolution to the GFL

Love and Blessings

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