Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/04/2011 - 05:13




~When one does not see that one does not see, one does not even see that one is blind.
~Paul Veyne


How does one awaken? How does on move from unconsciousness into consciousness? In unconsciousness one does not even see that one is unconscious, so how does one awaken to the fact they've been unconscious? Does it take an outside event, the right teacher, theright religion, the right mantra, the right meditation, or does one discover a longing deep within themselves for a more meaningful Life,
a deeper sense of Love and a larger Truth?

I tell you it comes from within, the outer aspects of Awakening are only a reflection of what lies within. When one is adamant in their intention of raising
consciousness the rest works itself out. In consciousness, every moment holds the opportunity for evolution. In unconsciousness, it seems it's just the same old boring situations again and again.

Can words like mine help Awaken someone? Perhaps, but as I said  before, it's only if that person chooses that for themself. Otherwise, these words will be empty or even worse, offensive. So how does one move from unconsciousness to consciousness? It's quite simple really, your natural state of Being is consciousness. You weren't born unconscious, you were taught to be that way. It's a disease you had to
accept to be a part of society. If you don't think society has major problems allow me to illustrate.

Your governments rarely work for the people they've sworn to serve, your businesses exploit their customers, other businesses and even their own employees, people are
starving as plans are being made to use the limited food supply as fuel for cars and last, but not least, the destruction of the planet is increasing at an exponential rate and even though the majority of people know this, they've waiting for someone else to fix the problem. I could list pages of evidence for societies madness, but I think the
preceding points illustrate it clearly.

So you were taught to be unconscious by a society that wasn't even  aware of what it was doing. How does one fix this problem. Simple, let go of everything you were taught by society. This can be as easy or as hard as you make it. To make sure that societal conditioning stuck, you've been imprinted with fears that impede the process of letting
go. One of the major ones is fear of the unknown. In letting go one must tread unfamiliar territory, so fear of the unknown often stops this journey before it even starts. Another major impediment is the need for acceptance outside of yourself. As one becomes Free, those who are still in chains often respond with resentment, jealousy, fear and anger.

Up until recently, going against society often earned you a
hemlock cocktail, if they wanted to be discreet, or a literal public roast, if they wanted to make an example. Your Freedom calls into question what they think freedom is, which points to another impediment to the letting go of social imprinting, the need to be right. In moving from unconsciousness to consciousness, it's
absolutely essential to admit that one's view of the world was wrong. Given the choice, would you rather be happy or right? You may find it extremely offensive at first when someone calls your world an illusion (it is) but it wasn't you who made it that way so there's no reason to take it personally. You were simply convinced of the lies when you
were too young to know any better.

Here's an exercise to give you a taste of what it means to be Free.  Even if you're already convinced you are free, I'm asking you to put your whole Being into this (and everything else).

Imagine that everything in your world is an illusion. LOL

Imagine that all your appointments, your obligations, your job, and your relationships no longer have any hold on you.

Imagine, from this moment on, following your dreams and living in joy.

Imagine letting go of everything you feel is holding you back.

Imagine finding Peace within yourself and seeing that Peace reflected throughout the Planet.

Imagine rekindling the innocent and carefree days of your childhood.

Pay close attention to how all this makes you feel and imagine anything else that makes you feel happy and Free. Does your normal life provide you with these types of feelings?

If it does not, you're
living unconsciously. Perhaps not all the time, but you're likely unconscious at work and within your other routines. Ask yourself, what do you really want out of Life? Simply what's comfortable? Or real
excitement and adventure?



So True...


"As one becomes Free, those who are still in chains often respond with resentment, jealousy, fear and anger."


This is the major thing Ive been dealing with over here.  The reason I dont like hanging in the Bronx or the other borrows.  Im geting better at ignoring these ppl that attack me (not physically, they wouldnt dare, because they are full of FEAR and afraid and I Am Not).

But Thank You My Bro... I wish more unconscious ppl could read your post and WAKE UP lol.  Wake Up to Their True Selves and let go of the fear...at the same time, I cannot feed their fear and fall back into the unconsciousness (but I did so on the 3rd in the harlem public assistance office...and got kicked out the building...gotta be honest).

All My Love To You And The Whole Team

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