Snowden summoned Americans 'to confront the growing danger of tyranny,' father says
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The Last Time I Checked...
The ONLY ones that want tyranny are the tyrants. Everyone else, almost without exception, want peace, equality, democracy, the rule of law and justice - real justice that is, not the kind of "justice" we have in our courts today. The kind of justice that has a price tag attached to it. All that needs to be done is to restore the constitution in the spirit in which it was written and throw out the 14th amendment that created corporate fictions out of all U.S. citizens which was never ratified by the states in the first place. This was the lynch-pin that enabled the fall of our God-given rights.
Snowden and the Truth
When Secrecy and Lies are held up as sacred then Transparency and Truth are deemed the Enemy. Snowden told the truth and revealed it to the American People. The government has accused him of giving secrets to the Enemy. Does that mean the Amercian People are now the Enemy?