EM Meyer - It’s Not What You Think – from an Ultra-Terrestrial Contactee

Submitted by Doreen Smith on Tue, 07/09/2013 - 13:40


Tue, 07/09/2013 - 14:09

In reply to by Mario

its quite a challenge at start, but the blueprints are out there, for the impossible to be possible. The funny thing is the bigger the words with multiple concepts in them the easyer it gets to transfer to words... Imagine the concepts I could view when words like Ultaihymæxtreme and karèð'èkded, æckróekèñïnð ALL those words at that peak vibration state had immense energy in them and was unlocking my DNA when I was going over and over with different tone beat voice, it was beyond and never got to that point again

Once in a lifetime trip to get to visit the visitors haha, I was such a JOY bomb when walking there when I saw Mikiliziou was just frozen there not moving going holly shit can he see me hahaha It was fun oh man.

is when I spotted him I thought it was someone playing a prank on me in some kind of suite. It looked liked he was just about to leave, and he was there not moving until I seen him look my way.

What shes explaining in this video I felt the same way for a while and whenever I try to explain now well its basically a blueprint scattered everywhere. So something all happen sooner or later haha. Theres many factors to.


Beautifully said.....I have to "say" , although it is all feeling ofcoarse...that I truly resonate with all of that. Your video is the answer to your question ...it transfers more than just words. Hugs to you.

I just registered here, primarily (I think ;-) just so I could comment on your presentation. You are EM Meyer, I'm assuming? What a pleasure to feel your energy!

I've long felt that "channeling" and other such "psychic" phenomena were not at all about the words that most people use to try and share this stuff, that it's mainly for the recipient, and that the point is somehow lost when they try to tell us about it in words. It is delightful to finally hear someone trying to clear that up for us. (a breath of Fresh Air :-)

Like I said, I just signed up so I don't know if more by you is available on this site, but I am interested in hearing or reading more from you, if you'd be so kind as to tell me where to look. Thank You.

From your Family of Light, welcome Home, AyDee. We all just "happened" to register here. Feel the Oneness... It IS You.

Yes there will be more from her Just as you came here because of her she came here because of you. It is all perfect, don't you see? Ahhh, the Oneness.

In Lak'ech.

Wolf Hongo

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 17:54

I often when speaking of the shift and changes and other things of the nature will suddenly go into what to me feels like a deep  waking meditation and i just become sort of like an amplifier of information. I dont really know if im channeling or just relaying the information but i often will catch myself completely invested in a meditative state witnessing the usual beautiful stuff that goes along with meditation while my mouth is rattling off whatever "news" goes into me.
I say i am unsure of it being a channel because i dont feel a singular presence so much as i feel just information and energy all flowing into and out of me into this plane.

Does this feel like what you witness?

If your in a meditive state, or just enjoying the blissfull and energies surveilling and your speaking or going constantly... its a form yes of knowing within. After my experience it was intense the knowledge coming in.. I think it might be encoded in our DNA everything is within, those higher beings are already beyon de concepts and Universally conected, so when you reach a level where information flows its basically remembering, its endless and vast in nature what the Universe is, everything is already there. The expansions are limitless realizations, could be remembering same to alignements. We are ALL that is, its from within.

Your perceptions are key to viewing expansions.

Love and Light, Namaste

when I saw the post this is about, there is no way I could make enhancements, only duplications of words/concepts and this is what its about.

Ahhh, feel the Oneness

We are One

Love and Blessings

I had a "mystical" experience which was actually around the December 21st date last year. It was not a contact/channel kind of experience but more like a "group"-consciousness feeling.


My initial investigation into what I experienced actually didn't directly lead me to channeling or the spiritual world but lead me to experiences people had with psychedelic drugs.

In the video above she talks about other dimensions and she is absolutely correct as far as I see it. My hyphothesis is that its the exact same world which some people experience on psychedelic drugs. People on these drugs report meeting intelligent beings, some even call them "aliens". Some report seing angelic beings which is interesting as well.

If you want to investigate further I suggest you look up people like Stanislav Grof, Rick Strassman, Daniel Pinchbeck, Terence McKenna. An eye-opening documentary is "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" (I think its on Netflix, not sure if anybody put it on youtube).

I am in no way endorsing you take psychedelics as a "shortcut". The experiences you will have are not necessarily pleasant.

In this incarnation my formal education in spirituality, Self, God (Self), reality/illusion, duality, Creation was from Class LSD.

This experience was the launch point for my awakening, where the total immersion into all of Creation was made, and my point is that there are many paths but they all lead to the One Truth of what and who we are, and yes we are so much more than words are capable of, so much more than we can conceive of.


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