question about feeling disconnected

Submitted by Arizona on Thu, 07/18/2013 - 18:19

Hi All.  I am just wondering how much others are feeling totally disconnected from things, especially work - the kind of work one does to take care of earthly needs.  I am grateful for the opportunities I have to bring in a decent income and do my part to better take care of my family but I have never felt so disinterested, easily distracted, and unmotivated.  Part of me feels like I've been 'hustling' for decades and I am just burned out.  I have always been able to recharge and feel revitalized but it's been months. Sure, I have other business interests I want to pursue, but they demand resources that I don't have w/o continuing my current work.  I have been spiritually aware my entire life full of amazing experiences.  I get that we are all going thru ascension symptoms.  I get that life is very happily changing.  I'm not looking for someone to tell me to 'follow my dream' as I am already doing that with my work lifestyle -- as a consultant.  I have total independence, and have always enjoyed what I do but I can't seem to give a hoot about it anymore.  It's a means to other things this much I know.  But the disconnect I am feeling now is like none other.  I am going to start sitting in silence around trees as much as I can - I already spend time in prayer/ meditation, live green and healthy, manage stress well, and don't give energy to things I can't control.  I just want to enjoy working again -- is anyone else feeling this? 

I really hadn't thought about it that way so thank you for pointing this out!  Many blessings to you for keeping this site going and available to humanity during this time, it is so needed!


Thu, 07/18/2013 - 20:23

Hi Arizona,

I can fully relate to what you're saying.  It was a year ago that this started for me.  It was so encompassing, the desire to do nothing, the total lack of interest in anything, that I chose to do nothing.  I was in a situation where I needed to find new employment, or forfeit my super-cool digs four blocks from the beach in Santa Barbara.  I ended up doing nothing because I simply couldn't. For months I watched my situation deteriorate, fully aware of what I could do to save myself.  In spite of this, I did nothing.  I watched it collapse and decided to let the chips fall where they may.  It may not have been the wisest choice from a 3D perspective, but it was the choice I made, and I have no regrets.

Needless to say, I lost my cool bungalo in SB.  I lost some face too.  In spite of this, I didn't care.  I gave the situation love, cleared that karma, packed up my things and went to live with some friends in the California desert.  I floundered there for awhile, running a hundred scenarios through my head as to, "what I wanted to do with my  life." Once again, I was faced with the reality that there was nothing I wanted to do.  For the record, I have many talents and skills, and a fantastic resume to back that up.  Landing a job wasn't the issue.  Wanting one was.

Long story short, I was so crippled by disinterest, I realized I had to leave the USA.  There was absolutely nothing about life in America that interested me.  If I was to survive this transition and transmutation with my sanity in place, I had to go somewhere, do something completely different.

In March I moved to China to teach English.  I am 52 years young, so bear that in mind.  Moving to China saved me in a sense.  I also think it has readied me for what's to come.  I still struggle with motivation and interest.  Most of the time, all I want to do is sleep or let my imagination run wild.  I am a talented musician, yet my guitar sits in its case un-played.  I haven't the interest to play it.  I have absolutely no idea what I want to do.  

Teaching is new to me and I find it very rewarding and exciting.  I give it my all and it has been a great learning experience.  Perhaps my future revolves around this?  I don't know, but every day in China is an adventure.

I appreciate your blog and send you my love and light.   I also admire you for feeling this way.  In some indescribably marvelous way, it is a fabulous place to be.



It's inspiring, thank you. You definitely made a big change, that in and of itself must be exhilarating.  Other than wanting to be around trees and water more (tough in a desert climate) I don't feel a pull be in any one location, including my present one - at least not anymore. 

Teaching is a beautiful way of being in service, I admire you.


Thu, 07/18/2013 - 20:31

I can't say exactly when it became more than just a mood or attitude, but lately everything you described relating to your profession is true with mine. There's also no rational explanation about this shift because one could argue that I have pretty much the ideal in-home small business one could possibly have. In business since 1991, at the top of my field, on staff electronic/computer engineering for 2 radio stations and with national service agencies troubleshooting networks there is variety, challenge and accomplishment. yet absolutely no interest any longer. It is also true that I have lost all possessive interest in material things in general.

Blessings to a fellow traveler on the Path to Oneness

David Porter

Thu, 07/18/2013 - 20:53

We are likely in a void just now entering a new. Even the ones that keep their same careers will treat them differently in our future, we all just hope that future is actually "soon??"

And our careers will treat us different as well. For many though there will be abundant choice in very unique jobs to do. We have a planet to clean up and rebuild everything about it from the bottom of the Seas to the top of the atmospheres.

I would bring comfort to you by saying the triggers for much of this will be pulled by end Augt, this year, but who really knows "when" but The Almighty?

In the Energies blessing us at this segment of our linear time, this is an excellent time to actually open the "third eye," go to work on that and do it relentlessly!!! Command it so from the Lord God of your Being...

The Light is forcing the hidden out of it's hiding places and as soon as we do actually get a grip on the cabal once and for all with or without the promised assistance of the Star Beings we will be able to progress like never before. We must MAKE the dark dissolve and in many cases this will include permanent removal from planet for many of them.

This is where I don't see how we can do that until we regain the portions of funds they have stolen from us all. Which is just about 97% of all monies on planet. Otherwise we better have a Galactic Federation for support, even if they have to work behind the eyes of the ones that choose to live in fear of Them. If they met Them the fear would dissolve on the spot, so I'm not sure why so many times "They" have justified again and again why they won't come on down, They said that they were approved by Heaven's Decree Augt, 4, 2012??? Something is wrong with the information from the alleged channels? Many of them have spoken many times now with forked tongue.

Prayer helps, meditation will at the least assist the one doing it, but this is something that ever single one of us need to support or at the least allow.


For reminding me of the void too - it does make perfect sense.  Along with this I've had an increase (in intervals) of tones in my ears.  I don't put timelines on any of the global changes but I feel them very strongly.  I send Love and Light out to the cosmos on a daily basis....another interesting note, one of the things that has also increased is closer contact with wild animals - my family doesn't seek it but they come around and seem very calm around us and on our property -- hawks, owls, hummingbirds, bunnies, lizards, even bobcats.  We love nature so appreciate this and are always respectful.  I suppose this is all part of ascension??

I know exactly what you are saying and for me this first happened in 2011.  I`ve been thinking of it as being unplugged.    There is a burnout feeling associated with it for me.    The ascension energies are intense and there are many vibrations which I think are pretty heavy almost.    As I started to change as you describe there was no  conscious decision to change, it just evolved.  It is really cool to read your message and see that I am not alone with these personal insights that seem so obvious as we navigate and acknowledge them. Take care.

Hi, after reading all of your posts, I feel so much better about where I am in my life right now!!  I'm a stay at home mom of 3.  Life has been a hard struggle, and just seems to get harder.  About 6 or 7 years ago, I lost my interest in working the 9 to 5 J.O.B.  I've been called lazy by many.  I have always been a hard worker, even having 2 jobs at a time.  I lost all interest in anything that was not service related...and even that...I just couldn't seem to find the gumption to go after anything.

Along with the difficulties inherent in raising 3 small kids (2 who are special needs), I also experienced very intense ascension symptoms, which at times debilitated me.  I could not imagine going to a doctor's office to try and apply for disability insurance.  What would I tell them??

The pressure from my in-laws, and husband have gotten pretty intense lately to find a J.O.B.  I just can't do it.  I just can't get a dumb job.  I feel like I'm waiting....waiting...for what...I have not been sure of.  Lately, I've felt more strongly that I am right where I am supposed to be in life and that the Truth will be made clear very soon...and I will have full understanding and acceptance.  Also, that all of my and my family's needs are being taken care of.

It's heartening to know I'm not the only one experiencing this.



In my mind you are already working 24/7 - you just aren't collecting a paycheck for it.  Remember God/the Universe is your Source anyway, not some company or "job".  They are merely vehicles for it.  I wanted to tell you that there are many things you can do from home to earn an income including being creative and selling yourself to an organization or cause you want to be in service for, and getting compensation for your time!!  Just believe it.

Best wishes to you/

I feel EXACTLY the same. Im an airline pilot and normally fly to Japan, Europe, New Zealand, Middle East. I like exploring new things whenever i nightstop but recently ive just been not bothered with Earthly things. I find it difficult to concentrate on work and the only thing that im bothered with is thinking about these changes, how so many people are showing more Love towards each other and i just enjoy looking at the night sky and stars. Something i can actually do alot in the aircraft.

So you have noticed that too... I am constantly observing, candidly, people acting lovingly to strangers such as giving up positions in line at the supermarket, stopping to assist picking up dropped items, complimenting others spontaneously. When I ask if others see what I am seeing, they sort of agree, but not to the level of my observations. What I see is a fundamental shift in consciousness in everyone that most either deny or are simply not aware of in themselves.

Here is another parallel: lately I have been spending time looking up at the stars in awe at the vastness of our universe, even from the minute field of view from Northern California, planet Earth.

Blessings to a fellow traveler on the path to Oneness



I have noticed this in China, too.  Random people are being nice to me, saying hello to the foreigner and wishing me well.  It is wonderful!

I wish I could see the stars at night, but the big city lights prevent this.  I miss the brilliant, star-filled skies of Santa Barbara and the California desert.  I especially miss the lights of space ships I used to see regularly over the Pacific Ocean.  Some zipped across the sky, while others remained still; making patterns of lights.

As for material possessions, I too have lost all interest.  I can't think of anything I wish to buy or own.

I enjoyed reading all the comments above.  Thanks to everyone who shared.

Dear Arizona,

    Thanks so much for your moving blog (hate that word!) letter is better!  And to all of you good luck to you all, Fantastic sharing cos I have been feeling the same way for months now and it just seem getting worse!!!  Luckily I have a long summer hoils right now even that is difficult at times as it is still chop wood carry water just to survive shope clean etc. keep house and family going.  Can relate to the chap who went to China, I left UK when i was young for Asia and it kept me sane for a while though after a time that drives you mad too and I come back home!  Last time I went to China I couldn;t take it anymore, the people the traffic etc. About the only thing I can still do with any panache is write poetry and articles! Even then I don;t care much about being published or the usual blandishments of ego!  Some days it is s bad I am paralyzed almost and very depressed, last month I stood on a city street and under bated breath cried out Lord I can;t stand it anymore! Fortunately not every day is like that Somretimes I feel hatred of people God earthly physical life with all its pain tedium slavery and struggle and demeaning vicious violence etc. and sympathize with the great Dostoevsky:  I love mankind but I can;t stand people!!!  All the love new age fluffy stuff sometimes I can;t relate to at all. Other moments I am in deep peace just watching things happen don;t even mind if it all goes down the pans there is a deeper fathomless being somewhere I will always be somehow....My guides recently told me to take it easy so doctors orders!  Not to feel guilty if I can;t do anything much...don;t know what is going on and or how it will pan out I seem almost in slow motion movie but very fast days just blip by - paradox.  I have a plan somehow not to work again in a heavy 3d under the cosh sort of way anyway and there is promise of abundance but always just round the corner - like the New Age!If I do have to go back to my old job to survive and the wife will throw me out to pay the mortgage!  I really will go mad!!!

    Love to you all be gentle with yourself these strange times indeed this could be heaven this could be hell in the words of the song!

    God Bless us 


The great Dostoevsky....  

I love that and your story reads like a page out of Dostoevsky, Al.  I love the brutal honesty of your world.  The new age fluffy stuff used to drive me crazy too.  Something kind of changed in that department though.  More love and light breaking in I suppose.

I could see where China would drive you bonkers.  It does the same to me sometimes.  The people can be an exasperating enigma to us Westerners.  Although lately, when I look at what's happening in the States and Europe, that seems totally alien, and I wonder who those people are and how anybody can tolerate such lies and nonsense.  I agree, the city and the traffic is too much in China, so I'm moving to the country in September.

I've done a lot of writing in the past, but like you, I don't have an ego to support, and the idea of cranking out some book seems absurd.  I spent a lot of years painting too, but there's no ego to support there anymore and I can't seem to find a reason to paint.

Anyway, best of luck in your journey.  As one of your elder countrymen once said, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."


Hi FlashRon....and everyone.  Since you mentioned it, I have also been noticing the patience, "pay it forward attitude", compassion, and general friendlier attitude of people around town.  There are still those horn honkers out there..but not as often. (I'm in No. Calif as well)

For Alanry...I have felt that was as well....I believe I experienced that intense anger/grief/depression etc right before I shifted even more in awareness.  Perhaps it is a stage we go through in our awakening process...realization that everything we thought was real....was actually illusion can be shocking for many...shocking to the ego for sure.  When you feel that way, visualize yourself surrounded by all of our love for you, you are right where you are supposed to be. :)

For myself, I've been working on "unblocking" myself from fully experiencing everything I'm meant to.  In my earlier days of awakening, I was looking outside of myself for answers.  But even those sources (including Abraham), told me that all I seek is within me...that I (ego)  am in my own (spirit) way!  Patience was the key.  Now, I can honestly say I finally have gotten it...and I have learned how to achieve what I need.  

It's always in looking back, that we realize we have always been on our path, learning what we needed to learn, to climb the next step.   I really appreciate reading about all of your journeys...a further proof that we are all one...and are experiencing the same things. :)  I'm excited to discover what is next!



Dear Mozart Floyd,

    Great name, thank you so much for your letter,  I can't keep up with this site finding this link was difficult in just one day!  But I think it a really important one and so thankful for that opportunity to be brutal honest as also many of you have been,  Glad you are enjoying China and heading out of city, how many temples and mountains I have been to!  Envy is coming back but I just don;t do the travel odyssey buccaneering thing so well anymore and it;s not just age it's more than that,  As the Byrds Bible said there is a season for everything.  My season right now is I have to somehow remake my world like a little god on the First day! with God's help and grace of course! But interesting many of us are feeling so not of the world, it's a feeling I had all my life but it's intensifying. The question remains how does one exist in a world one fundamentally is done with - of old I think some highly evolved lamas and yogis and taoist immortals disappeared some went into light body other men and women ran for the hills from Rome from whatever horrors of their times to monastaries ashrams caves etc.  some dare say went mad or hit the drugs drink whatever to bury the pain of their disconnection we are always only prodigals always only and ever passing through on our way to god knows where.     Human condition hasn't changed - right now I am reading a marvellous book about the early Christian world - many ways a lot like ours, they thought Christ's return  the Kingdom come was just around the corner too and the new earth would come and corrupt rulers get their cummupence - they lived in constant eschatological high alert! Two thousand years on well here we are!  Sometimes I have my love moments too but I always return to sense this is a war and it is life and death now and I simply don't know how much longer I can go on flogging the dead nag of old Adam as I call lurching on in 3d!  So something has to give something has to break but I don't know if I can do it or if we can do it.  I don't appear evolved enough to be able to do a disappearing act and going to Switzerland to ask the doctor for a pill, well I thing is for sure the reptoids that on one level engineered us don't take their teeth out of their food source that easily!

        It was nice talking to you dear friend go well,



Dear Al,

Thanks for the personal reply.  I'm glad you enjoy my user name.

You write a captivating, amusing story, and I appreciate you sharing.  I'm not sure I could read about the early Christian world.  My father was a Christian minister, a Presbyterian.  I renounced the church and almost anything to do with God, Jesus, and faith at the age of 8.  There was no way I could continue swallowing the hypocrisy and self-condemnation that religion asked of me.  Against my will, I was forced to attend church until the age of 18.  I had a hard time accepting this 3D reality as a child, and I've been a misfit and wanderer for as long as i can remember.  Up until recently, anything to do with God and "religion" was off limits to me and chocked up to propaganda, loss of self and allegiance to control.

I'm well over all that, and my heart has opened and is opening further.  At this point I'm like those early ecclesiastical's you mention.  I don't suffer any doubt.  I know in my heart that the Golden Age is at hand.  Even the physical world now shows signs.  Everyday there's something new happening somewhere: people protesting corruption, criminals going to jail, secrets being exposed.  The time is now.  I feel it, and by holding that in my heart, I make it so.  That's what it means to be a lightworker.  Holding that belief, that love in your heart creates more of it across the globe.  It anchors the light and helps it to multiply.

I've often wondered why I'm in China.  There were times back in the States where I wanted to do something "significant" to bring about the new paradigm.  What I now suspect is, I was guided to come to China to anchor the light.  I didn't know what the really meant at the time, but now I think I know.  I'm a beacon here in the middle kingdom, and all I need do is exist, serve by teaching, and share the love with everyone I meet.  For the most part, I feel "successful."  The second reasoning for my being in China was to have my heart healed and opened by all the beautiful, magnificent children I've had the pleasure of meeting.  Their playful openness, their creativity and zest for life has opened my heart and allowed me to feel and express an unconditional love and warmth, that for too many years has been nonexistent in my life.

The doomsday's are over.  The Golden Age is upon us.

Thanks again for your wonderful, poetic words.

Best regards,


I am humbled and incredibly grateful for such candid sharing about the same things I am feeling.  It wasn't long ago I used to think it was just when business got slow and reduced my income that I felt that way but now it really doesn't matter how much or how little I make, the feeling is the same.  Banner months, indifferent.  On the one hand it's a great feeling of freedom, and the other, there's the push to march on because of course that's what we do when we love our families and take care of them.  It's not about feeling the need to do something different, it's about feeling like not doing anything at all.  Sometimes the disconnect feels like living in a time and space that I wasn't supposed to be in -- like a timeline got extended somewhere.  It's just bizarre, and I know things are continually evolving.  I just try to honor these thoughts while I continue being and doing.  It feels like from one day to the next I could completely stop and embark on something totally different w/o giving a second thought to what I've done professionally for so long.

I am so glad to be around like minds here.......thank you all again for sharing.  Namaste:)

"I am so glad to be around like minds here...."

The feeling is mutual; and this is why I/We are "here".

But where is here?
When you consider where that might be, it comes down to a group of magnetic fields that are themselves widely distributed as patterns around this planet. Data. When this is assembled through technology and observed by you and I, it serves to connect our consciousness to each other as a unified field. Oneness. This thing called the internet is the physical aspect of Unity Consciousness to the degree we use it as a means to connect with each other like we are doing now. As soon as a character is sent it becomes part of the "cloud" and exists in a quantum fashion in no particular location until it is received at its destination. Having no one command and control center has made the internet invulnerable and potentially eternal; aspects which also parallel consciousness. Anyway I hope these ramblings haven't digressed too far off topic, I just enjoy sharing my explorations with like-minded Light-workers on the path to Oneness.



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