James Tyberonn ~ 2013 ~ The Extraordinary 2nd Half Of Year One

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/21/2013 - 08:12

David Porter

Sun, 07/21/2013 - 17:13

James, I am aware that you are just the messenger of the messenger but maybe you could have a communication with AA Metatron and help us understand what is important to us all in our now.

What happened to mass ascension that is due this Sept, that was delayed from Dec, 2012 to Sept, 2013 so more of us could make the ship?

In this message there seems to me to be much information that we don't know, understand or have any tangible use for at this time in our evolution whether we are metaphysician or common folk?

It would seem to me that an Arch Angel would know of those that visit this nature of information and at this critical timeline for us would bring us pertinent information that we can apply to our daily living cercumstances?

It always concerns me with the blogs I visit when I read in them commercials that lead us to any sites for any reason? 99.99999% of the populous are unable to make it, this leaves out just about everyone.





Aspirita 1

Tue, 07/23/2013 - 15:00

I normally do not take the time to reply to others "unaware" commentaries but this one seemed so out of context & contradictory to it's nature I had to chuckle :O This IS the information to which IS vital to our understanding of "THE PROCESS" of Ascension that to those "who DO visit THIS nature of wisdom teachings ARE perfectly aware of & at a stage in their conscious evolution to grasp the pertinence of all that has been given in this "channelling" so 'per se'.

To make a statement that this has "no tangible use at this time" is clearly coming from a person whom has not entered the "phase" of evolvement yet to realize ...THAT THIS CLEARLY STATES THE LEVELS OF HOW & WHICH WE TRANSCEND TO THE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL ASPECTS!!!  I AM a "common folk/person" (if one wishes to use such a ordinary term towards what "we truly are not") I AM not necessarily a metaphysician but am able to comprehend and integrate ALL that has been given in this fantastic message because I have been following/studying/contemplating & reading such ( & many others) works for years to know its extraordinarily valuable content :)

To argue against that this seems unimportant shows the lack of TRUE awareness of what "Ascension" entails & how the process assists "ALL" in our evolution and progresses for mankind INTO "The Golden Age". ??? Clearly their interpretation comes from a lack of FULL understanding of what Ascension IS & HOW it progresses; so must be forgiven for a very shallow & limited perception at this point and of holding a concept that one hasn't quite yet grasped, what they are saying is "more so about their own stage within it" than anything else :(

I AM able to apply all the information gathered from A.A. Metatron via James Tyberron on a constant DAILY basis to my life & integrate it's truths to my life for several years now :) The immense depth with his teachings have been an integral part of my "conscious evolvement" and give a depth that not many can access so far and so the ignorant comment of saying "an A. Angel Would Know..." would be better turned to the commentator = perhaps YOU should grow/evolve & learn a bit MORE!!!

To be a "so called" author of a series "REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE" clearly doesn't YET KNOW WHOM THEY ARE to be making such limited comments????

Whom you are speaks volumes by your words...wishing you only further growth, understanding and awareness to grasp the higher teachings of truth!!!

Happy Evolvement in the Ascension _/*\_




Tue, 07/23/2013 - 22:00

As we open our hearts and accept our roles within the Family of Light as the masters we truly are, we begin to fathom the multidimensional aspects of whom we truly are.

Quoted from the text above: "We tell you that these aspects of your multidimensional selves are playing a major role in coordinating the harmonic interfacing that will occur in the ‘Renaissance Portal’."

is an indication that the higher aspects of the information are being received by much more than the limited self in pre-5D conscious awareness at this time. We are all at different levels of our evolutionary process and there are no better or worse aspects of these levels, everyone of us have been to each and every point by the time the fat lady sings.


Blessings All

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