Who Is The Man Presented As Dzhochar Tsamaev?

Submitted by Ra-Raela on Sun, 07/21/2013 - 15:27

Another false flag in the making? Will the real Dzhochar please stand up?


I smell a dead rat! Sounds to me like they are passing off a look alike. Did they kill the real person?

Might of done a complete wirering seperated states of consciousness and activated before court? All he knows is seperate to before the split. Can be done from within or outside. His own rewirering OR outside as "They" Another he would then be unaware "technology". As it goes within hmmm, if they can Clone they already can achieve this in anyone.

Just for awareness and keep in mind every time I look into these things A LOT happens


Sun, 07/21/2013 - 16:11

In reply to by Mario

It's kind of like a "Schroedinger's Cat" thing. You are presented with a box, in theory, the box could contain a cat. The cat could be dead, or alive, both perspectives could be correct. Perhaps a psychic would know the truth, because the base signature would either be off, or on. You can't fake your aura, in other words.


Sun, 07/21/2013 - 19:35

In reply to by Ra-Raela

Cant fake our Aura? Meaning it would be the true self or Another but not Both? Hmm The Base Signature either On or Off Being? The "Knowing"?

Correlates with it, dependencys shift to Higher states if One questions the Universe. Its Fascinating haha :P

It appears to me that this thread has drifted so far off topic that clarity is the real casualty here. Nevertheless I am curious about having your last sentence made simple enough for me to understand: "Correlates with it, dependencys shift to Higher states if One questions the Universe. Its Fascinating haha :P"


Think about Paranormal for the relating Correlations to "knowing" as for A LOT happened

         about Paranormal for the relating Correlations to "knowing" as for A LOT happened

We can replace false flag for "Jump start" in my case haha

Anyhow I found it Interesting so you know what I know.


Wed, 07/24/2013 - 21:27

In reply to by Mario

Maybe I'm just too stuck in rational left-brain thinking but your statement that I held out for clarification hasn't been clarified at all. I beg your forgiveness and ask your indulgence once again.



Wed, 07/24/2013 - 23:47

In reply to by TheFlashRon

The same way I know whom you are, is the same way your interpretations show?

What one may know

For an answer witch may or may not exist is only found in the knowing from both sides. Which both sides, can not correlate to each other from the same perspective. In creating a "life map" we get answers from ourselves, if One side is contemplating an average decibel, the other whence it creates in correlations, confronts a set of interpretations in simultaneous conjunctions to higher aspects intervening the previous correlations. The knowing constantly evolves to further complexity in reorganizing an infinite pathway. Seemingly Impossible? From viewpoints, to attain the same understandings, Which Loops back to "The same way I know whom you are", from the interpretations of the way they are shown. That which can have evolved a more complex structure if one manages "mastery" on a constant variable.

Thank you Sir for Having me explain a concept in which, a deep process can increase the average 'Knowing" to an assimilation which corresponds to many individual timelines. A recycle to augment our physical awareness to new depths in time.


Your latest reply completely sidestepped my question. I asked you for clarification on the following sentence: 

"Correlates with it, dependencys shift to Higher states if One questions the Universe. Its Fascinating haha :P"

Should be simple for you to explain its meaning, right? Also, since your most recent comment which was supposed to be the answer to my request for clarity, state the following:

if One side is contemplating an average decibel, the other whence it creates in correlations, confronts a set of interpretations in simultaneous conjunctions to higher aspects intervening the previous correlations. The knowing constantly evolves to further complexity in reorganizing an infinite pathway.

Besides having this sentence be impossible for me to understand, do you know what a decibel is? Do you realize that having been unaware of what a decibel is and using it in a most nonsensical manner the jig is up?

I use decibels all the time in my work as an electronic tech. They are a measurement of sound pressure or voltage into a 600 ohm load, whereby 1 volt @ 1,000 HZ = 0 decibels. The scale is read logarithmically forward and backward from a baseline of zero. The term decibel was created in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. There is no other use for the word decibel in the English language.

Let me be up front here. I realize that it is fun to generate impressive assemblages of cerebral prose, however, when one extrapolates your pontifications, all that is yielded is confusion and dis-information. If you are considering making a career of it, you might consider keeping your day job. Realize that only the ego is put off by these kind of situations and it is the ego that brought this situation into being in the first place.

Blessings on your path


I'm sorry bud, I have been looking for some intense answers to many of my experiences, and from the June 23rd experiences that I had gotten, and once you jumped-in interests in what I was trying to figure out (universal law) I automatically stood and eye out, I had an intention you had something to do with nsa looking for answers to what was going on, since many are trying to find out or achieve something (nasa or "mad scientists") that myself yet don't fully understand. And since many of my messages within, (telepathic or emf or wtv hell goes on in there when I get "downloads") If I am not at my core signature vibration, it takes over. The deeper I go the more sensitive the energies everything is Maximized or Magnified in intent and what some may notice as jokes or anything going on in convos and if I stumble on it and 'am in the deeper configurations it affects me on a wide scale the "destabilized" intents and "they" take over in other words. It's very complex I am not sure whom the "they" are but Nasa has A LOT to do with many things as DARPA as the Aliens, the reptoids the "projects" many many things, "the parasites or the race "Maitre" which I had for a while belief from Saturn, since their is a war up there and begining to be very sure of it That was the email to the white house in december I was something like "I know about the wars in the sky, and then from beliefs "fear is the place to live" and many other codes or so ever such things It got picked up by CIA for sure, Beings Aliens they worked with can have "Knowings or searching for answers to something".

What my answer drawed to from your question is actually a "program" in itself to stop the "parasites" psychological attacks and such It did work, There is 4 sites related to... something Im not sure anymore I should of kept them in mind but the Oracle reports are one of them semed like the humans side working for greater understanding 4 different reports places "oracle" I think Sheldon Niddle and I cant remember the other 2. Anyhow I am glad you kept on my side asking these questions and such, because they relate to how the psychological effects or program that I dwelve in to, to be able to understand further. The experiences are just phenomenal and the story behind my eyes are just unbelievable in many ways and theres just no limits you know, we keep going till everything is as it should be, its arranging Dystopia to greatness while others create Utopia, the behind the scenes can be pretty intense, (most of my parallels and such are answers of Quantum Doing from technologies not sure if nasa is the ones trying to perfect something aslong its not for a takeover of more manipulation. Many transmissions I get "many things posted on this sites guides me to a procession for an answer once I jump-in" Like you notice all the post comming in haha and its all about the same thing almost but some are about like food and stuff like that the sacred geometry channelings are captured by many the same message* that which I dont fully understand yet? anyhow thanks man I have to sleep a bit, I viewed a ufo in the skys about 1hr or so I see some a lot plus meteors to.

Namaste my friend be at one

Be at One and hopefully things will keep for the best, keep in mind when you question me, no matter my answer is allways given in a neutral respect, sometimes it may not resonate but it all has a purpose if not for you it is for me or for us as all the same is to evolve further to our true selves.



Wed, 07/31/2013 - 06:45

In reply to by Mario

No matter what, you are my brother. We are One, always know that. Thank you for sharing your insightful experiences with us in these comments postings, Mario. Please also know that as a member of YOUR Family of Light, you are never alone.

Love and Blessings

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