Ashtar Speaks: "Update on your Current Timeline" – July 31, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Thu, 08/01/2013 - 12:38


Ashtar Speaks: "Update on your Current Timeline" – July 31, 2013


The timeline communicated to you in earlier messages comprises of three trimesters from December 2012 until September 2013. You are now in the third – or last – trimester which has in store for you the most intense and extensive changes.

We have previously informed you that the prerequisite for our widespread appearance on your world would especially be the transformation of your financial systems. Furthermore, we have told you that the uplift experienced as a result of these transformations would increasingly enhance your ability to absorb the news about your Star Family. We will use this uplift to introduce ourselves to you, our brothers and sisters incarnated on the surface of dear Gaia.

Many of you are of the opinion that the developments are not going forward as planned and as communicated by us. Many are in doubt about our messages, since they could not see the changes in the outside world which would act as proof for the validation of our communications. Consequently, their focus is upon that what is not instead of that what is.

Please understand that you are creating your reality in every second of your life through your focus and intent. Why do we regularly place our focus on your heart? Because everything begins in your heart – it is your heart that creates your desired reality. 

Returning now to the timeline which is the reason for transmitting this message. We have been telling you through different sources that God's plan for you dear souls has been altered after December 21, 2012. We intentionally avoid using the word changed since God's plan to bring you back to full consciousness has not been changed. Instead, you collectively asked for an extension period – which was granted.

If you look around you, you will undoubtedly notice all that you have successfully achieved so far. But you will find the most astonishing changes are within your Being. Use a quiet moment to go into your heart space and reflect on all that you have personally achieved up to now. Compare where you are now with where you were at the end of last year.

How do you deal with unpleasant situations today? Don't you notice that you are far more relaxed and not as quick to go into “panic mode” as you used to be? Don't you see that you are able to shift your focus much more rapidly from unpleasant situations to uplifting ones? You have truly achieved magnificent progress. We ask you therefore to honor yourselves for this achievement and not to hide your Light under a bushel. 

This NOW moment is truly an intensive time period. There are many things in store for you which will bring you the confirmations you desire. The currency revaluation – as well as the transformation of your financial systems – are but two important things to come very shortly. To use one of your expressions, we would tell you "All systems are GO!" The necessary preparatory work has been completed and we are awaiting the right moment for implementation – and this moment is imminent. 

The changes will gather speed in earnest and you will pleasantly be surprised at what will come to you blow by blow. All is going as planned and as communicated by us.

The veil at the end of this trimester will not suddenly lift – your return back home to full consciousness is a process. But there shall come a point in your journey where you will take a big step forward to enable you to build upon this step, to integrate all that you have achieved so far in every cell of your Being, and to allow you to go ahead with your journey back home to where you belong. And the moment for you to take this step is just around the corner. You will make great progress and be pleasantly surprised with your achievements. 

Truly, you have so much to look forward to. Please remember that joy is a very powerful companion, and therefore we encourage you to place your focus in your daily lives on all those things which bring you joy and happiness. Try to find as much joy as possible. Be happy and be thankful for being incarnated at this time on beautiful and dear Gaia.

We love you so dearly!

Your brother



 Channeller: Philipp

Available in 21 languages

The earth is ready to die.  There are tons of scientific data done by non-Cabal creeps but by honest scientists who are worried sick about the life on earth.  You can forget about ascension, raising conciousness and vibrational increases.  Now the ozone is practically gone which will kill all of us.  If they stopped geo-engineering today it will do nothing.  The damage has been done and the buildup of these chemicals in the body will start an expotential death rate.  We'll all be dead before ascension can begin.  When bark is being burned right off of trees because of no ozone, then humans won't survive much longer.  The last time I wrote about this some smart ass ascended master said it's a hoax.  Well open your fucking eyes and mind, if you have one,  and look at the fuck what's happening. I believe you mother-fuckers are collaborating with the cabal to kill all of us.

sounds like somebody is not happy with their life? your outer world is a reflection of inner. I am living a joyous and healthy life, my air is fresh and so is the water i drink.

can someone please ban this fool?

David Porter

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 16:25

In reply to by Patel

Unhappy with the life he could of had if the cabal didn't take it already, and that my friend, as he just stated is the truth, they have poisoned you so bad already that the only hope that we do have is healing chambers of those whom have promised this to us for years as we die off. So this "pissed-off sounding" one is on to something tangible that we can all see if we do open our eyes, minds, brains, third eye. hearts and what ever else will open to logic. What else can you think of feel of to do?

The promises of "hope" that are keeping many in their daily rut positions financing the cabal that have taken over what we thought to be "our" offices of their assignment have gone on for too many years without results what-so-ever and the wise question to ask is WHY?


Thu, 08/01/2013 - 18:01

The comment by liad10 inspired me to respond in those of you who are unsure of what to believe, based upon the positive messages this website provides and what the comment before this one says. I have no desire to tell you what to believe, but I will share with you what I've seen and researched and the conclusion I've come to. 

I have looked up current ozone levels on Earth and there appears to be nothing to worry about. Scientists do, however, have valid reason to be concerned about the future based upon what will happen IF we don't change what we do NOW. 

First of all, time travel is real and there have been people who have come out to share experiences of what civilization looks like in future centuries. In outer space or outside Earth, there is no time. Past, present, and future is all now essentially. All of which can be modified. We can literally modify the future of what is planned or "contracted" for humanity to happen based upon our divine plans. 

The cabal have had horrific and extremely destructive plans for humanity for many decades. We were supposed to be at war with Iran last year, but that hasn't happened yet. WW3 is supposed to start soon, but for some reason, it hasn't yet. People were supposed to stay enslaved mentally and believe everything in the news, but more knowledge of conspiracy theories and illuminati stories continue to be released leaving people feeling disgusted with our government. Whistleblowers have revealed crazy truths about what has been happening for years (ex. NSA - Snowden) and now we see the begging of government leaders asking us to still believe what they tell us, but the approval ratings of our President continue to drop. 

If you look at some stories in various religious books, there is supposed to be "devilish" activity after 12/21/2012 and the angels claiming to save us will really be Satan and all "hell" will break loose. Maybe that has some people skeptical of what the positive messages on this website, for example, say. It has to be the false angels and now the world will come to an end, right? Wrong.

LISTEN and READ what the messages are. I'm putting my faith in that messages of encouraging self-love and positive thinking, and loving of others is not part of the secret devil plan, I'm guessing. The message is clear by our true space brothers and sisters - 

WE MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR ACTIONS, AND IT STARTS WITH US INDIVIDUALLY. Nobody is going to save us except us. We are being lifted by the web of lies from the old 3D way of thinking, and being brought into the beautiful higher dimensions of thought and enlightenment. We are changing our future of what is planned to happen. Those who still believe in doom and gloom are stuck in 3D thinking and have not been fully awakened yet. 

The world is headed for beauty. Look at the news - protests by the millions by humanity against the slavery-inducing governments. As a result - rules are changing, policies are changing, the government is slowly losing power, and humanity is winning! We are winning!

If you watch CNN or Fox News or any of the 95% owned media that provides whatever information the cabal instructs them, you will be depressed, angry, bitter, and mislead. They also produce much of the online media sites too. Stay cautious for ANYTHING that is reported, which suggests negative stories. Even scientific stories of doom and gloom. 

Wake up and smell the roses of nature and witness the love that is spreading worldwide. It's out there for those who choose to want to find it, and those who are ready for ascension. Yes, beautiful ascension is happening on a global scale whether anything decides they want to believe it or not. 

The Earth World Order is underway and we are all on the path to taking humanity to a level that time travel hasn't yet seen. Smile, love yourself and be gentle with everyone around you, including yourself. I'm talking to everybody reading this. 


Much love,




David Porter

Thu, 08/01/2013 - 18:39

I can understand why iliad10 has commented on Your message "Ashtar" through Phillip AGAIN. If you are The Ashtar or One of a more advanced race than we "down here" then we are in for a rough ride as to your motives, and or potentials and timing capabilities have been way off.

Here again, and this time I will hi-lite the emphasis on your previous messages to us and I will for now not go to last year or the one's before, although then you gave near duplicates of what you have given this year AGAIN??

Phillip if I may be so bold as to suggest that you might surround yourself with "The Great White Light of Christ before ever again preforming a channeling.

Here you said:

Ashtar thru Phillip 6/16/13

"You were told, that the transformation of your financial system is a done deal and only waiting for implementation. As well you were told, that the dark ones have no more power to delay or to prevent this any more. This we can confirm and you will also see, why this is so important. In the next days and weeks you will learn more about it and even better, you will experience it. We are looking forward to see, how you rub your eyes in disbelief, asking yourself: "Is this really there? Am I dreaming?" After this short phase you will overflow with happiness and will be totally excited. This on itself lifts you up a great deal and your vibrations raise to higher power. And why do I, Ashtar, tell you this? Because this joy that you will experience with the introduction of the new financial system is absolutely critical and the basis, that disclosure can take place."

No inner or out signs of this???

Let's go back another increment in our linear timelines, you said:

Ashtar thru Phillip S. 3/1/13

"Our Creator is full of joy, happiness and love for you and is so proud of your development. His project "Playfield Earth" is coming to a successful close. This grace period until September 2013 was not easy to provide you with. Please don't forget that although you put your focus on your Ascension and that of Gaia, the last which has already taking place. Rest assured that we are well prepared and that we know very well what our job is and what we have to do and when. The timing is perfect and no delays will be allowed. The outside events which we have referred to and which show humanity that Disclosure is here are on your door step and will happen very shortly. And by this, we mean “soon” in your language."

You were very specific here, do you know what you are talking about??? And to bring today's lesson to completion let's go back one more, you said:

Ashtar thru Phillip Schlienger by Steve Beckow (re-post from earlier date)  2/14/13

“And from your point of view the most wonderful thing is, probably, that we are talking about weeks and not years until this fundamental transformation of your economic system gathers speed and becomes apparent to everyone. And if this stone is rolling, you can also be assured that Disclosure will not be long in coming.”

Now, Phillip and or Ashtar, in the unlikely case that the real Ashtar is whom I am addressing, and if so, as I expressed we are in for more surprises than what we could know!!! And they should not be pleasant ones. Please place self in that of the regular spiritual minded human shoes that would be reading this nature of information and read your today's post first, then return to the "days" and "weeks" and now "months" of long ago and read what you said to us the people then.

Now go back to 2012, 2111, 2010 and further if you like, as all your previous messages sound as if the major events WILL HAPPEN just about a week or so from when you posted your what now has become null and void of any kind of authenticity what-so-ever.

If you are not the cabal or under employment by them or in collusion with them, then you best make Your-Selves known to us in an unmistakable way. Or we will have to assume that on this now dieing planet where we have all consumed enough of the cabals poisons to eliminate 90% of the population, leaving only the strongest worker bees for their agendas. Oh do allow me to calculate this figure so as to be accurate with you, do you know of that term?

Planetary genocide more at 92.86%, leaving 7.14% which equals 500,000,000, is that about what you get?

Do you realize that your messages become less and less real to us as you continue to repeat all these wonderful things that are just about happen over the days, weeks, months, and now, how many years, that NOT ONE of which has yet to surface in front or behind the scenes??? And don't you know we realize that when everything is "behind the scenes" that this red flags us to think of, Area 51, 9/11, Watergate etc? And who orchestrated all that?

You are the cable marinating us for the kill, are you not? Is this not why all guns and ammo on planet are in the most major shortage in our history? We feel it coming, and that "soon" we can take to the bank or FEMA camp if we run out of ammo.

This in our vernacular is referred to as lies. We are all quite fed up with all the non authentic one's that are in this "channeling" messages for their own agendas, or set up by the cabal or to earn money off the more accessible spiritual minded people feeding off of their hope.

Your false promises and gifts are invalidated to date, and we are hereby led to "BEWARE" of you.

Class dismissed


Thu, 08/01/2013 - 19:44

I pray for anyone who has not noticed the beautiful world changes yet. I too used to be worried and skeptical about the world until my awakening happened. 

OPEN YOUR EYES and notice the changes around you. They are EVERYWHERE. Full disclosure will happen soon enough. There are plans in the works already by the government to announce extra-terrestrial existence and/or communication. 

Will we watch a football game and see spaceships land on the field while Obama is present to watch in the stands on NBC? I doubt it but keep your eyes peeled for new developments coming soon ;)


Much love,



Rene Duran

Thu, 08/01/2013 - 20:46

It is an honor for those who channel this great Light Being.
He does not need defenders.
Our heart it's the only way to find the Truth in any given message.
Excellent message.

This has gone from Ridiculous to full-on Stupid.  At this point, unless evidence is presented to the contrary, all channeled messages are to be assumed to be created by and for the Cabal.  All channeled sites are to be assumed as run by and for the Cabal.  The only logical exception is to assume that some percentage of the channelers are sweet decent people who have somehow lost touch with reality - through drugs, programming, mental instability or (most probably) self hypnosis\self delusion in a desperate attempt to envision a world with hope.  The smart thing to do is, in fact, to walk away and allow New Age to fade into the past like the 8-Track Tape player.  In all likelihood, Death is the only Escape.

On the other hand, all the Great and Mighty Galactic Federation or the Heavenly Host has to do is honor their word.  Appear.  Manifest Change.  Show Up ... for the Love of God.  That doesn't seem too much to ask an Arch Angel.  No more tricks(Cabal), Mind Games (Cabal), Special Clauses and Contract Renegotiations (Cabal), Extensions and Delay Tactics (Cabal).  Just Show Up and Liberate a Dying Planet with 7 Billion Souls (25,000 of which starve to death every day).  It seems like a decent and civilized thing to do.  Unless of course, this is all a Fairy Tale.  In that case, you don't exist.

So, in short, Put Up or Shut Up - Enough is Enough.

God Bless Us and Keep Us.  With Love, Fed Up.  Love and Light to All (even the Liars).



Thu, 08/01/2013 - 21:05

Good stuff Jason

I too can see, but more importantly feel the changes. Delving into conspiracy and speculating on what can/will happen is a dangerous game. It can send the mind on a treacherous journey of finding truth, in place where there currently seems to be many 'truths' (sources of information) and discernment for the mind is next to impossible. 

That is why I believe the mind is a tool for problem solving and working things out, not the core of who you are. True love and joy come from the heart, which is where I believe we all need to be.


Thu, 08/01/2013 - 21:14

You can't generalise and dump all 'channels' into the same group. Just as you can't stero-type people.

Some channels may have whole truths, some half and some no truth. There is no right or wrong, just what appeals to you.

Appologies.  Let's say them the ones who  have been consistently wrong for a decade and yet tell the same story over and over again must all go over and stand in that corner until we decide what to do with them.


Much Love,


If many would be able to speak telepathically as Blossoms form of "channeling" Looks a lot less of a Hypnotic state or "take over" by the channels. I know that when you can raise your conscious high enough A LOT of channeled messages trowed me off either for better or worst, Being manipulation both ways, plus I kept in a neutral zone when you reach higher awareness, codes are written all over the channels I'm not going to say from where it comes from or what purpose, but all I know Is when we reach extreme highs in clarity many of those "entities" gets you hooked in there sub-aspects of mind games, (gets you from ballance and clarity to ohh lets make sure he dont wake up further** thats what I Realized yesterday from all the times it did happend to me, yesterday was different, was like a break thru). What I seen when many channels come out with the same messages at the same time. Its like an AI reptoid or wvt hell agenda man, I just nah... I dont want anything to do with these anymore. I had gotten an attack in sept 2012 and it really messed me up. I did not even want to come back on here today and end up stumbling on messages it litterally something triggers in your head, its not fun when you catch in a message that just I dont know. I just hope ppl start stepping in their power, and once they rise as one we dont get catch off guard by the many channels that randomly appear.

Take care, from Mario

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