How Much Do You Think Your Birth Certificate Is Worth?

Submitted by Ra-Raela on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 15:51

There is some very enlightening information in this article and video. Well worth checking out, if it is just to educate yourself.

Its in the wording of the document. Does it sound Legal-esey enough? Would the IRS write it that way? Seems to carry a point, though,,, ALL CAPS.

I posted this article with a dual purpose in mind. The first one was to stimulate people into researching the subject for themselves.

The second reason was, to give thought to the actual title. The Birth Certificate is a statement by the government that you exist. Obviously, you are worth something to that institution. But how much are you worth to yourself? How much is your "Self" worth to you?

Have you actually taken the time to think about it?

Would love to get some insight from others on this.  My husband has been experiencing out of body moments during his most wide awake hours - at work, while sitting in his office! 

He describes it as going about normal activities (say typing an email) and is aware of these 'moments' when he feels a pulling like he's being brought back into his body.  His physical self is still doing whatever the activity is, but his awareness and consciousness seems to be going someplace else. 

He says sometimes he feels disoriented, but it passes quickly. 

My son has also experienced similar symptoms but his was very visual, visceral and auditory where he would experience being and doing 'in someone else's shoes' -- feeling everything they feel like an empath.

We're familiar with ringing, tones, and buzzing in the ears and 'in the head' from the pineal gland, OBE's and astral travel, and more recently have experienced dramatic time shifts, so are these just one more ascension system, like feeling the disconnect with all material things in the void between dimensions?? 

These "shifts" in consciousness are being experienced by multitudes of people at this point in time and is world-wide. Please allow me to suggest posting this either to your personal blog or as a topic for discussion in one of the forums under Public Discussion as here it will receive very limited exposure.

Yes, I can personally attest to sharing your experiences and know that this is to be expected as the acceleration to Oneness continues to increase

Blessings on your path


Tue, 08/06/2013 - 16:36

The birth certificate trading on Wall Street is a product of our collective exploitation of the privatization by the incorporation of the republic, thereby making natural human beings into "corporate fictions". This is just another way of enslavement by way of financial manipulation.

"All in all it's just another brick in the wall" - lyrics from the album The Wall by Pink Floyd.

More food for thought for those interested in the matrix. I, for one, choose to BE free.

Blessings, All for All are One.


Those are some good questions to ask!

It isn't the first time I've heard this rumor, for lack of a better word. I think I too will look into this and see what I can come up with.

I will say this, if each person of the United States, which according to some information, is a corporation ,be a member of such corporation, and wouldn't that make them worth some money, just by existing as a shareholder, so to speak? I think this needs to be further looked into from that angle. All corporations, are now considered fictitious persons. Wouldn't a real person be worth a lot more to the artificial system?

This may have been posted here previously but for those who haven't seen it here's a KISS explanation of what is called 'strawman accounts'.

And FWIW, my first knowledge of 'strawman accounts' was from an attorney who is in active litigation against banks for all kinds of fraud, most especially against homeowners.

Something that always made me wonder here in America, is why our ID's, voter cards, bank statements, etc... or any bill that requires you provide identifying information for a credit check when you establish the account (mobile phone service, some utilities, etc..) has our name in ALL CAPS, vs. just capitalizing the first letter of your first and last names. 

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