Saint Germain ~ It’s working time! ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont
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This really resonated with me big time.
We have talked and talked and talked. Enough. It is time to Act. Reset the Global Economy. Disclose. De-Cloak. Initiate First Contact. Release Free Energy. Organize Healing and Recovery Projects for Humanity and for Gaia. Enough of Energies and Solar Adjustments and Love Love Thoughts and Positive Visualizations. Enough talking. It is time to ACT.
What say 'Ye? Good. Show Me.
Your words are my conception LuzNJoe
"We have talked and talked and talked. Enough. It is time to Act. Reset the Global Economy. Disclose. De-Cloak. Initiate First Contact. Release Free Energy. "
So I borrow them, thank you...and raise you one
It's like I want to say let us now scare the fear out of the fearful!!! Once we do the thing, the fear will have no more a place to hide as it will be illuminated to the holder.
One last but should be first thing, LET US LOCK DOWN THE CABAL ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME!!! The ETs know good and well this is not something that we by ourselves can do now matter how much time we take to try. The more time we give it the more power and control they will gain over us. WE NEED THIS ONE SEGMENT COMPETED BY THIS WEEKEND, BY NOON TOMORROW, BY NOW, BY GOD AND CREATORS ASSISTANTS TEAM.
I can see it happening, can you?
''...evoking intense
''...evoking intense experiences such as shifts, high pitched tones in the ears, nauseousness, the floating between two realities and an intense urge to go into nature.''
And thank you......