Most Important Message So Far + 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius. Sirius~Gatekeepers Activated.

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 08/20/2013 - 15:55


Tue, 08/20/2013 - 20:46

My Beautiful Sister of Light...."The Sirians come in a bust the shit up"....Im just lovn that line....but so damn true.  Initially I began my ET awareness with the Plieadians (read everything regarding them, channels, books, YouTube, etc.)....all lovey dovey...buuuuuttt.....recently been tapn into that real Sirian energy (including light-code transmissions from my Austrailian/Bali LightSis Kyrona.....any day now......Love




Wed, 08/21/2013 - 06:39


Greetings by Brother of Light-"Real Sirian Energy" is referring direct receiving individual, blueprint-specific light activation codes (in the form of audible tones/vibrations) that are channelled via "Kyrona" throught the Celestial Light Temple.

Listen:  I was a huge skeptic regarding all this channelling, ET, vibratory frequency "Mumbo-Jumbo" was only after I began to explore/experiment with these topics (and many other related) did I began to have PROFOUND spirtual experience....My life has completed did a 360 as my level of awareness exponentially magnified on a daily basis....NO Bullshit.

I cannot tell you what your Soul will resonate with....but if you study up on the Sirian Energies, and what they are here to may be able (most likely if your "heartmind" is open & your intentions are clean) began to understand the issues being discussed here....NO SPOONFEEDING OF KNOWLEDGE here my brother-you must seek for yourself, knock on the door...and it will be open!

"Any Day Now";  A small group & myself have been diligently tracking the chronological process of "The Shift" will not be long (days-few weeks) until we NESARA will be put into effect-here is a link that provides you a completed rundown on the NESARA program...if you don't know about this, you need to read up

Then the announcements regarding monetary distribution, the truth about the Cabal's destructive activities, then the full disclosure of the ET presence, the First Contact....etc etc...I would advise you to READ, Discuss, Get into the GFP chat room to connect with other Lightworkers, etc etc..

I hope this helped you in anyway (even if you vibe with 1 single thing) to spark you to SEEK OUT TRUTH....

Peace, Love, Light-We are ONE....I AM U/U R ME,



That was a test question... The content of your original post caught my eye and my curiosity and anyway thank you for your openness and welcome to your Family of Light my brother. Yes we are fast approaching a trigger point that could bring about "The Event" and yes I have awareness of the enormity of what is about to unfold in our collective experience. My soul group energy resonates with the Pleiadians yet I don't feel that connection has much significance while in the moment on Earth. There is a very interesting site based on The Event and service to HUmanity called Prepare for Change  that you may want to check out.

Blessings on your path


Wed, 08/21/2013 - 11:38

Thank You BrotherTFR,

OOOHHH, so you were testing me, huh?  It's all good, The "I AM"  (apart from the ego/conditioned self) is vastly confident in its Truth/Knowledge.  I greatly appreciate your response and look forward to further interactions with YOU and all of my Star Brothers & Sisters.

Don't get it twisted...I LOVE me some Pleidians-as I indicated earlier, it was that Group that set me on my path/quest to my True Origin of Incarnation....they have a Beautiful, Warm, Highly Evolved Consciousness - I feel connected to them as well (We are all on the same team anyway/all the same/unity/oness)- to clarify the point...the Sirian energy, from my perspective, takes on a more no B.S. - "screw the cooperative attitude if your not on the Love Team" type of approach to moving the agenda forward.  "Either get on the Love Train" or get yo ass run over by it cuz it aint stoppin........

I will check out the suggested site for I realize that what comes into my reality is to be noticed, observed...absorbed or let it pass on by my energy field.


Your Good Dude Spreading the Light

SoulBro1111 aka Spiritbro1111




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