Irma K Sawyer ~ Commentary On New Age & Light Worker Deceptions ~ 26 August 2013

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 08:24


Mon, 08/26/2013 - 08:32

I saw that peace saying that like workers were deceivers, & not to trust? Please..truth prevailed   we create a new reality now, where anything negative is NOT a part of it.  SIMPLE, EASY PEASY...Love creates


Mon, 08/26/2013 - 10:08

I recently read an article on why the term "Lightworker" was outmoded too -- the point that I got was that the term was often rendered within a "dualistic stance" i.e. good v evil whereas the author offered a non-dualistic point of view to move past those limitations.

All the same I have been on this "path" for many decades and I, along others, have found the Archons to be a major issue in the change before us -- I have been under "dark attack for many years" and, to date, not one "healer" was able to clear the this issue; its quire possible that this represents a big clue on how much infiltration/distortion there is .... 

My background is as a professional recording artist and patent holder, I was awake at a very early age with a "while light" heart opening in 8th grade, for example .... when I was having extreme "ascension" symptoms back in the mid-90's, I started to work with a shaman healer who channeled ArchAngel Michael and Sananda primarily -- AAM came to us and asked for our cooperation in clearing the planet and he asked us four times over several years to state our intended dreams, at least twice challenging us to trust him -- he said he checked with Source and could on their authority relay that our requests would be honored.  

My dream was to get rid of the "dark attacks" whilst dealing with my own sh*t, etc. to help out in my chosen field -- like many others I have spoken to, those promises were latter denied, despite there being an accurate reference in the Akashic Records" to the contrary -- this is betrayal ... in sum, no matter what way you review these contacts over several years, despite the possibility that my high/god-self could be blocking, the conclusion is sadly the same ... I conclude they are fronts for the Archons, at beast, a mixed energy, "political" movers and shakers in the local hierarchies with their own agendas,  etc. .. if you have not seen the same from those who manage the ascension/who put out the "Call", a great deal is "political" and controlling the "money", i.e. "vitality" is defining the "transition" -- in this only lifetime here on planet Earth, I came here as a volunteer in answer to that call from the higher planes (with no karma) to help and have only been treated poorly by those who asked me to come -- I believe duality, including the local archangels, are not honorable sincere beings .... and that Lightworkers who prefer to stay in a battle/deception are not such a good representation for the term I once felt good about too.

On the other hand, because there is so much deception, there could be a plan-within-a-plan going on, and probably is -- where that is and what its nature is, is a whole other ball game; and to the extent that this is true, that "intentional" deception by the Light has has not been revealed for obvious reasons....

None the less, there are piles and piles of channeled posts over the past 20 years in this field that do not stand the test of time -- and are poorly defended by the concept of changing timelines, changes in the plan, blah blah blah, etc., etc. this kind of stuff always goes viral -- the track record of the major writer/figureheads of the ascension on what was about to happen and what it meant to us has been very very inaccurate.  

A primary ascended state would include full consciousness, complete recall of soul history, etc. -- no one to date, that I am aware of, has achieved that -- not just some feeling that we are all one, and evermore conscious of our actions, etc., purportedly to make better (peaceful) choices -- and yet many of thiese channels and figure heads were saying that post-2012, we are "ascended" -- its such non-sense.

Reliance on "discernment" has not left a great track record, imho, ymmv, etc. -- "trust" has a better outcome.

More will be revealed.


The belief system of the Lightworker community became another religion..... and as it did many took on that I'm right all else wrong and this will prevail as the ideal =singularity... Failing to heed their own one expands consciousness of realizing there are no rights no wrongs only beings experiencing "for/as" the All that it can know all it can be...This is a reality of Polarity in which Lightworkers more or less took to believing all must be  Light failing to recognize that would be a reality to End the World if both polarities do not exist..They are now coming to see how their one sided creation  must be Balanced. To do so we are experiencing the chaos of the opposition pulling the polarity into balance. Like the swing of a pendulum the energy must find balance of center point and as we ascend in vibrational frequency this means  the pendulum will eventually not swing the extremes but find a center point of harmonic  in likeness and all will be Lighter moving up in octave, but still consist of a polarity only one of less density and more light at both extremes.   As designed we all perceive from our own inner vibrational belief creating what we experience as the outer world of's all only played out in our divine consciousness at all levels of awareness it is individual unity of the Oneness we are...

Monica Jackson

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 15:32

It is going to take courage to let go of it all without judgement and breathe and begin. Words can be platforms upon which we begin to build Anew...then once foundation is firm we can get rid of old language, old words, old ideas....I understand better how titles can be a detriment because it keeps us locked into whatever....I don't "feel a title any longer just the desire for no more war and a chance to gain prosperity once and for all. I am glad we are discussing this. I feel like we are awakening within the Awakening...and it is tough but I feel for me personal it was the hardest bandaid to tear off....White Lies are still Lies. In my center the center of my soul is where this put me, this discussion, and there is where I drink from my Blue, my True Blue Fountain.....thanks for this discussion and allowing me to share my thought. Namaste and may we all attain Truth.



Mon, 08/26/2013 - 18:31

Well without reading all the above comments I would like to say to Irmas three point argument or dialogue of the term Light Worker is right on. I have been dedicating my life to heath education and welfare to improve the human "condition" on earth since I was 12 years old in 1972. I am a credentialed Health Scientist and Philosopher. and there is a lot of banter even before the internet about what that is all about. I don't have an answer. Irma's diatribe with the 123 bullet ideas obviously touched a nerve and sparked a good conversation. Not sure I have the energy to engage in that con but I am in solidarity with the points she made. 

Thanks Ms Irma.



Mon, 08/26/2013 - 19:30

Sort of like St. Germain and St Michael.  and I thank them again for successfully passing 

the amazing Baton ! 



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