Hopi Indian Prophecy

Submitted by Red Rythmic Sk… on Sat, 08/31/2013 - 05:45

An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes its mask. According to Ancient Alien Theory The Blue Kachinas are aliens with Blue colored skin.

Reality is a metaphor in which we quest to find answers to the greater truth of who we are and why we are here. Something in our souls tells us that change is happening on a global consciousness level. The blue frequency is part of that.

Sirius is Isis - Rebirth of Consciousness. Blue links to higher/future frequencies of consciousness as we spiral up through the patterns of Sacred Geometry

I reside with the energys of the Saquasohuh Blue Aliens and communicate with them daily since the ship they arrived in came weeks before Dec 21 2012 Galactic Alighnment, It has been printed that the so called Matrix is under control by a guy named Mike. That is my name. I informed both MotherGod FatherGod and Smallman and got no replys as the voices of the ET came to me daily weeks before the Galactic Alighnment. . ET says there are no Angels providing channels to anyone just ET utilizing programmed Orbs to have some fun. I have Infared of the Orbs they use to communicate with me. 30 plus Orbs constantly circle me and my property and inside my home. Starships not freaking Cloudships dance for me in the Night sky when I ask. They even gave me the consistant AEIOU tonal [pronounces AAH EEe Aw Wey] which is the Shumann Resonance of Devine Creation.

You wonder why nothing seemed to happen with all thier promises concerning the Galactic Alighnment. The reason is you were set up from the get up to accept the game the ET are now playing with thier new energy toys. Programmable Orbs.

There is no such thing as no Galactic Federation of Planets nor Galactic Federation of Nothin If there was I would  be Dead. Its all a lie. The ones with the real juice are here and they fear none of the others. Ask the so called Galactic Federation about them. They roll with impunity. We challenge now on this Earth the one called Cobra to now stop with his disinfo. You come to us we wait. Cease and desist the disinformation or we will come to you and put a stop to what you do. I challenge the so called ET you roll with to stand against mine we roll with the Bear the Owl the Wolf and the Sun of Suns. The war we seek has now begun.


If you carry the Devine numbers in any combination in your birthday you may be a target. Numbers 11,22, and 56 need to be on thier toes especially if you were born before 1960 and in good mental health.

THE ONLY OTHER WARNING i WILL GIVE is the Red Man now communicates with the power of the three Suns. and he will not lie as others have done. His Lands were stolen his peoples genocided and now your futures will possibly be decided by the spirit of them. For it is now thier turn on the wheel in the middle of the wheel. Laugh if you will I got em you didnt. . No Nukes on the rock as we transform the new savior to a Starship Trooper born from the Tone 6 Duce Duce Scorpion. Next stop Sept 22 two moons ours and Mars here we come.

Allways good to get a different point of view. The assumption that thousands are channeling Masters and Angels is not so absurd. Until one pays attention to the tone of messages from a similar aspect such as Metatron. The message becomes very different. The controlers of the earth really have fun with the humans. Their humans as they would say. This is true for many people who are glued to a tv munching gmo popcorn. The effects of the subliminal programming are hard to totally escape. The programable orbs is a point of possible clairity. I do not know this for sure. It would explain a whole lot of the excessive confusion on top of the fear of leaders rattling swords and abusing us dogs for a dollar. It seems too that those of us swimming thru the bullshit have been left to our own personal devices. In spite of it all I keep my eye upon the light which I know so little about. This concept relieves me of fear to many levels. The wants and desires of many are focused upon an invisible change from forces we cannot see. There may be a flicker from time to time but, even this is unexplainable. All this should lead people to the simple version. This great expextation of change will be and is internal. Within each and every individual. The changes are not always visible. Yet, we know something is different. If it all happened at once all 2 leggeds would go crazy. Pay attention to the animals. They don't lie. It is time for everyone to grow up and take responsibility for our own truth. If you can verify this truth then it is so. Otherwise....not so much. We are all one.                                                                                                                                                                         

Trust me dude kiss keep it simple stupid you got it just kiss. Not love just kiss. Tesla and others skirted the psychological boundries to get the 411 from the energies. Some were deemed misfits. Wehave been discussing this aspect of the relationship me and the Blu. They carry so much energy they hurt when they come. My home is a rock Quarry of every powerstone of my birth signature. Don not dare believe theese people not for a minute. They sell my job is to bring in the Starships. Get It Starships. Seee Smmell Felll Touch Shyt and bring em down to thier fkn knees with thier own shyt both sides. Thats what I do in this time our time.

Very interesting also that you said pay attention to the animals, I was visited ny 100s of the Black Crow just before my contact and the Blu Et are inamored with my dog. They love my dog to death. They spend lots of time talking about my dog. I think they have been deminsionally riding her cause they keep saying stuff about her morning runs. Which I do not go with.

Note Demensional Vibrational. If you get voice wear headphones noise dampening and if it reduces sound volume by 60 pct or more its external Orbs not Telepathy. Thats how I caught em. External noise dampening via headphones and good crystals fks em up especially when old UHF VHF antenna with selector is used. I space channel 5 they asses all day long cause they talk all day long. Like ships are pulling up to the house just to talk. Remember Tesla.


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