13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence
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I appreciate what you have accomplished Aidan
Reading this little story about you sent my neurons in a tissy. I have always thought the flat panels were a square peg in a round hole. I also believe that a spherical solar collector may be ineffecient too. But, your "leaves" could be concave even just slightly may achive more collection from each "leaf". Then came to mind, placing your tree in a highly reflective parabalic dish...then 2face each leaf. The tree gives a great base for creative thought. Few people look at a tree and see a kitchen table either. Hardly any will see stacks of paper or cardboard boxes. This trend of not seeing potential in all things really needs to come to an end. It is more than appropriate that one of the leaders in thinking outside of the box is a 13 year old. His environment clearly encourgages him with materials and tools. There used to be a group in Minnesota called the Minnesota Inventors Congress. They would have a showing of new ideas and practical applications - inventions every year. They also assisted in the patent process. It takes a village.