Listen to the rain :) Listen to the rain as it dances across the sky Comes down and hits the ground Can you hear the sound? Like drums beating on the ground If you listen and open your eyes nature can be found Mother Nature is speaking She has been weeping So many people are sleeping They need to awake From the illusion that man has created Kept the sleeping sheep deactivated Open your eyes to the bigger picture The sheep need to wake up quicker Mother Nature sends us signs The light is on the rise We are angels of the divine We cannot be confined We are the keepers of the gate Love and light is the fate of the new world The darkness cannot escape A new world of love and light is taking shape Mother earth will have her rebirth We are awake you are on our turf The light will shine for mother earth Step away from the ego and embrace your true self This life isn’t about money or wealth The darkness moves in stealth Controls the weather change and wealth The light is taking over and the darkness is becoming unwell The will soon fall to a world of love and light Mother earth will shine her light so bright Day and night though the sky She will be happy and become more alive Mother earth cleanses and cries Soon everything will settle and we will rise in love and light The darkness will losesthe fight All of the awakened angels rise and take flight To ignite the flames of those not within the light For them to awake and excel the change Mother nature is not a game
Listen to the rain :)
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