~GOT IT~Ignorance no longer exists and your Freedom is imminent

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 09/22/2013 - 21:51

Whipsey Woo

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 07:29

Well -Why don't we get that spaceship landed on the white house?  Last time I did it, I had a terrible negative being opposite me, and I ended up at the white house, with my light, alas it was the Popes residence.

Whipsey is not happy today, so let us use this energy later to project onto this man, that appears to be responsible for many, and is doing a crap job! 

The mother divine, aka Whipsey, is a beautiful being, her counterpart is the above, one fucked off being, so whilst I am feeling fucked off, I may as well this energy well hey! 


WHAT kind of leader, allows poverty, sickness, and promotes "middle class"...er hum, lets tell not only the homeless in India or Africa, let us look on his own doorstep...Is he blind?  Oh no sorry we are blind aren't we?!!! 


p.s if you want all of them out, I can do that.  If you want Ron Paul, I can do that. I have thIs button that I press, it's called "delete"....and poof - they are NO MORE!


You see - they all forget who is the real deal here, dont they?  They are all forgetting , they do not have the power of God, only God has that.! 


Never argue with a woman scorned they speak,! 


Yes . I could even create huge havoc if I so desired and print the real truth of what really is going on, I had desired a peaceful switch as the Divine Feminine Creator has that ability, to make all things new.  But you see, I am having a problem anchoring that energy, it is blocked, so tell me, all, who is the major culprit blocking me now.  ?


Would you like me to jam up the ATM's and stop the world banking, cos I quite like that idea right this minute also.


Stop the world,! Before it stops me in my Godliness.


Now who shall I be harming and who shall I be helping, if I stop this world?  


Indeed, those that have no home, no health, no food, and no water...........are rescued!  And those that could have provided that and SHARED their money, and time, and love.........well that is what is called the FLIP of the 180 of the Sun.


Winter is upon us, and I do not even have a pair of winter shoes.  Two weeks ago I did not have any food, I can't pay any bills, and my teeth and health, are in tatters. Is that justice>  What is my work, I work for God, and I get paid in Love.


I made a deal with God in 2008 NOT TO SUPPORT the financial system, and shortly I SHALL be forced to end that deal, as it is truly impossible to live here without MONEY.  I did my best God.......


Or I could, keep my deal with God, and just shut the whole fucking system down, before it shuts me down.


We know from yesterday, the light has won, it is sitting there...waiting, the veil comes and goes............so now I decree we need a nice bit of inertia to rid ourselves of this veil permanently. I had wished to avoid this action, but it is deemed necessary,


So FatherGod, I decree, help your missus down here, and do what NEEDS TO BE DONE and must be DONE,


Take them out.!  I give you the energy to do this, as I sit in the cesspit of lies, deception, corruption and dictatorship.


Metatron, we spoke with love, the poorly ones, would rehab, and we spoke that the ones that have no love - therefore we cannot forgive that which knows not gods grace, simply become obsolete, not even uncreated at source, as there is no source ..............pure evil.  Far worse than Ego.  No remorse, no nothing.

Whipsey Woo

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 07:46

So the truth, that they do not want you to know.


Get your bills, and rip them up, put them in the bin and believe that you have cancelled them . Credit cards, mortgages, bank loans, stay with it and believe.  Speak a mantra and command God and self to cancel this debt for the highest good of all. 


They are illusion. Try it - believe it, it is only fear that is allowing you to think this is REAL it is not , this is fear and it is illusion.

Fuck the system up - that fucked you up.  How can any of us that lost our homes in the 2008 financial crisis ever have paid anything............as the interest rates made this impossible. Who benefitted from this.  Shall we flip them into poverty, that they STILL could not share their money hey?


The haves and the have nots. Do you think God wants this??  How do you think God feels watching this happening to his children? Crying at night.  Frightened to death of the mail.....not being able to afford basic healthcare .




They made mother EArth sick.............it is one and the same.


Who are they?  Well I think let us look to the Leaders of each nation shall we.


What is Obama Healthcare - crock of sheeite if you ask me, I nearly swolled my tonsils if I had any, reading the Middle Class section.! Er hum " and the meek shall inherit the earth"


If I am so pissed off today, as the energies have deflected upon me, why so?  well - energy converges with energy, let me whipsey on off, and find out ................


So expect a bolt of lightning out the sky, Angels and Legions of light, your light was beautiful yesterday, today we fight for freedom............


We have to stoop to their stupid level to eradicate it, otherwise, we are going to have a lot of weather problems, why should the innocent suffer, from this energy.  Let us redirect this energy to its "source"


I am having a clearout in my home, 


As below - so above.

Whipsey Woo

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 07:53

Dear all Stupid Ones, (aka blind sheep)


Please now arrest Obama for sanctioning this death.  He was responsible for the 9/11 - he is now out of office. Arrange the arrest, show the paperwork now..............No more beating up my Middle East.!  (maitreya)


All documents shall now be revealed, my angels now step into your roles, and expedite this next stage as the Mother Divine decreed, that all truth shall be know, this will create confusion. 


The truth shall set us free.


You shall be going between 3rd 4th and 5th Dimension knowingly shortly, and you are all going to feel so confused, do not worry.  Stay at home!  The final overlap is shortly to occur. This is the freedom call.


The system is going down now.  Food will be provided. Those that lost all in the financial crisis shall have it all returned


ON AN ORDINARY DAY...................did you all read that..............the world will NEVER BE THE SAME.


p.s Energy - no one ever appears to mention the cost of light heating and power.  God is light,


God never charges a dime for anything.......so energy is added to the list of an ordinary day.........PUT YOUR HEATING ON , Put your lights on.........be Happy!


Internet. that is having a grand clearout now also. Do you like the pop ups of porn?  and get rich quick....?


God does not.  So that will have to be cleared out.....also.......


Get your homes in order - all is well. 


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