by Mitch Battros~ Earth Changes Media September 30th, 2013
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I gave
I gave my paper's to my doctor today and I felt Uploads when he was reading part's of it, plus the sky's changed became new and full of colors, I even saw codings with amazing shapes and designs, everybody seemed to just light up right after I gave them my paper's I was so glad, he even let me out early and back home for longer periods of time. And my paper's go along just great with what contact I had and what is coming out is all related plus the shut down, and haarp the researches being made around the world they notice many things and it keeps on rolling. The machines or how - ever it does work with the sun's energies and there is many things we can utilize within those energies, plus the earthquakes relates to a LOT of the Uploads and energies that I feel, I don't know if its the same for you guy's but when the sun emits certain frequencies we augment in new extrapolairities an outer connection to something many can utilize and create within, it amazes me and keeps many going.
Namaste hope things keep up with grace, Be One