Aisha North ~ A History of Creation – part 1

Submitted by Silver on Tue, 10/08/2013 - 05:19

That was a cool reading :), I just got up after waking up at 5 am with rain and storm like weather and now its all sunny again, much a beautiful day, I wish you a good one.

I was wondering if those intermingling (matter, energy within space) I was wondering if those could make up a new kind of energy, because if there is limitless possibilities, energy could be though of as consciousness also right? So a new form of consciousness where could we get that? I'm wondering.

Namaste, Be at One

If I think about it it leads me to right something non existent that would be related to the illusion, if we are in the illusion then how can one particle behave around such a big amount of space? If space is small, ahh it kind of makes sense if space is small, the bigger energy get's if matter is energy then, what is space? I wonder again haha

Namaste, Got to go eat something,

If I would not of said "Got to go eat something" I would not of written this part, so if I imagine my hole day with these seconds more or less passed then my choice that I would have made this would create thoughts that would intermingle the hole concept back to new heights in consciousness Off course or Of Course One little F changes everything again.... that's how it makes itself apparent to the universe, but why this way? what is IT consciousness? I wonder what controls IT, IT starts from an idea which is part of IT and then creates more IT hahaha a cycle but this cycle is? ratter unexpected and never ending why does it create itself, more or less in a this particular way, The core could be known as zero point concepts the Main contraptions holding the whole illusion together, by which is created from energy, when the consciousness riSes then what is part of this magnafold and why do we choose these words to put in our concepts, Time=Energy consciousness leveled by space=awareness One knows All would have quite a big awareness and since our unconscious is quite big to Flip em inside out or meld them together we get? a New consciousness every time, Think about the string theory where different sets of info from different string combinations from far back, these may be just what I need to understand how we create within space, I get it creation's augment to core, now I need to read-re-read to "level out" and then I get a new awareness? It's already created Once let's see, Nope nothing, I got nothing I re-red it all and it crashed on itself, it's boring meaning (Old energy) nothing new, nothing to work on

Well Namaste I still wonder how those points meld together

I get It now, I just intrasynched it within a space, Creation is Limitless thus what is meant to be will show itself on a smaller scale then usual, meaning the bigger matter gets the more we create to unlimited perspectives, something like that I got to go eat now, this One has an "I" infront of it it's an awareness the I creates an awareness as those as everything we right creates an awareness but our awareness is so small that is why our senses are needed to manipulate energy in a focal matter "way to space time continuum" something again within time what is Time, Visualize or conceptualize time another One of those rimes, I think time is equal space, That's what makes the more sense to me right now, without time no space would be only super high energy makes sense doesent it?


It's contracting, The less we are aware of time it's because the more energy we build up to the more we understand or do what we like, never get bored, Time and space is One Wow I just relized what Albert did hahaha

the more expanded your consciousness is the less aware you'll be because it will be all over the place, if your consciousness contracts itself or the opposit of expand it will fixate itself on a single point that which we could call Singularity of ?? and then all that was created in an expansion would be One making the Whole or Unity based concepts

Bu now I really got to go eat :)


It's like a magnet or something that keeps on reforming the information given out to the masses, It creates something to expand with just enough so when it contracts back if it's not pulling me back to this place it's because to much energy was moved if that makes any sense, the contraction would then extract and while it does it makes?? A wave of new energy consciousness to work around with in my entire day, so that is why creation's augment to core haha

Namaste Be at One I was wondering if I was going to right 13 of these but then I realized something and have just forgotten it man.... that would be old, would it not actually yes now I am slowing down, I ate chocolate hahahaha it grounds

Peace and Light

I'm done here haha 

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