Newby needs your help

Submitted by GrandfatherGod on Sat, 10/19/2013 - 14:17

Actually I don't need any help! I've been always living in the NOW, in the present, in the ocean of love and wisdom! I known the glory of my Holy Spirit (to introduce my term for my love-energy-center).

In my greeting I mentioned about my dream of creating a movie. I could write and write and write like all those who like to publish their thoughts - but I do not do that unless I know that somebody is reading. Would be stupid, right?

To be honest: I don't read much of articles but one thing I don't want to miss: MotherGod's messages.

Today she was asking: "Wouldn't you like to get on one of the spaceships?". Synchronicially (English is not my mother language) this night  had the idea to reach out to some of the guys, addressing their message.(I read the message of Ron Head on GfP) I want to get another message from them!

I am inviting you to join my galactic press journey to them. That could be the platform to jump in a neighborhod - spaceship. So this is an invitation and you can join, but first things first: You need to leave your commentary. Then I tell you how to contact them, ok? Read my text on the full version!




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Hi, Noahs! I am delighted that you found somebody to bring us your message. How interesting it was for me because I was wondering how many 'entities' like you are out there. I, GrandfatherGod mentored by GrandgrandfatherGod had just the idea to start a list of all those 'entities' thinking we need your support. And of course there are many out there turning to Internet sites and -blogs to find help because they don't know the art to transcend all their thoughts and emotions to find their inner guide.

So Noahs: You have your fun with us! You are welcome, telling us vegans to go to the butcher and choose to buy eather rotten ham or rotten pig? What a joke!

Sad to hear that you are showing up rarely. Can you be a little flexible and change that. Honestly you are a little late. Was it you guys or your Ron you picked that you couldn't get though us? For you your ex-planet is not that out! Why didn't you show up 45 years ago when there were still revolutionaery minds around? Why didn't you show up in the '70s to support people who wanted to create Heaven on Earth – not based on a fucking (sorry, guys: I have my fun to and those human word) believe system but on scientific fact? Why in the F@#$ didn't you tell through your 'channel'or soembody else that there is a golden egg in between all the rotten promises?

You 'enlightend' Noahs know, what I'm talking about, right? I am not angry – I just experience the voice of my inner guide with a little voice inflection!

Furthermore: Why didn't tell you in your rare appearance that there is a group who knows about the coming 'flood' and they started to built their Arks? They don't care about your message. They say: 'All right, lets bring it on!' and they understand also a little about the 'flood' which is here for some years: The 'flood of disinformation'! You might be a part of it.

So if you are real, I challenge you guys to tell us why you are so late. And to show your authencity begin to tell where the Arks are. You only have to check into my mind. I open my doors to you – but you are welcome to use your 'channel'. I just want to know that you are real – for me and my friends of the GPF! Is that to much I ask for?

This is the response of GrandfatherGod Guenter the newby of the love-filled GFP family and its great MotherGod. Can you hear me?









Have you got face to face contact with an transdimensional being, close to your death bed haha have you ever seen angels fly out of your body? physically with your eyes? your senses maximized to view the other side of the void, have you ever teleported? By looking at the room your in and automatically transforms into another by just sitting there? I never went out of body, but I experienced all of those, I'm telling you some reach far to get to those extents, other's don't allways have a good trip, maybe all those channeled messages are to guide for what kind of energy signatures to look for Once your on the other side. I find it's pretty amazing but it can be extremely confusing and complicated if your new to this kind of stuff. Disinformation is another thing, beliefs are unexistent, Only knowing exist, Knowing what is by which you can feel my firend. Knowing is a deep sense of self Utilizing the third eye, maximizes what we can view upon earth's physical realms, If you can figure out how the brain works and you can get people there without all the fuss going around. Then go right ahead, because I have been trying for a long time on an off whenerver its time until the right moment pops up and something really does happen in a synchronistic matter and another get's to where I have been. It's a spiritual trip and from all the times we take this trip the best Ones we have can not be compare from any other's experiences because if they could we would start wondering well geez, this guy experienced the same thing then another and another so what would be the point getting there, it would be like waking up everyday, everybody get's to wake up in the morning everybody get's to die, but the trip man It's never the same, it's what get's us going, many never give up for a reason many learn for a reason, there's more to what meets the "eyes" the third is a gateway to another plane of existence, when you experience this physically on earth's realm well it's a many!! haha I love it.

Well take care, Namaste, have a good One


Mon, 10/21/2013 - 14:02

at least one is responding! Yeehoo!laugh

I don't think that I need to go through the Void. I got a plan, I got my intent and I go prepared! I zoom into the particular energy field and I just fly by all those -may I call them- 'side adventures'. I know where I can get stuck. I am building my journey on 2 decades of experiences. I know about the brain a lot, my GrandgrandpaGod mentored me and he taught about Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis. But all those teachings need to be brought to live! So I did and you, my beloved new friend, did it too. Great! Have you had a plan where you wanted to go and did you leave space in your mind to exoierence what you planed to and expierence the magik beyond you intent? Well: That's the way I do. And with a plan and a good focus (that's the main component) I get what I want. I always have a good One and take care! And guess what: I do not even have to take care because my Holy Spirit within is doing that for me. Simple like that. Hey, my friend May be tell you this? 'The greatest of things are acieved with a light heart!'  Namaste!


Like an undercover agent as the flashRon maybe you can help me? Where have you worked and what is the purpose of your teachings do you have any good codes within teachings that you could help me activate the full potential of my being? Maybe we can get a good convo going let's see (That's the main component) can you clarify on this thank you GrandFatherGod you know about neurogenesis so you might ne the missing link thank you


take note on what you believe in and shift the concepts on constant scales from the Ultaihymaextreme

Remember our purpose on earth and once levels begin to pertain the mind barriers you'll ramp up in the energies and acquire a synch to symmetrical infinitys choiced by free will, these creates paradoxes and augments the brains capacity to work on a constant scale.

Namaste Be at One


Thu, 10/24/2013 - 16:56

l like to answer that all. And guess what? I wanted to open and learn from the Ulta-extreme but it's all about time. I am not an Internet guy and don't want to spend more than 1 1/2 or 2 hrs a day on it. Yes, Mario: I sound a lot. Mostly when I hit the bullseye.wink In another comment to one of MotherGod posts I sounded even a 'lotter'laugh. Often I let go -as I mentioned- and then it happens that the great one whom I want to channel is taking over. That's the One I really am. And I am not special, we are all what I like to express.

What is it, GFGG: 'Come to the point?' you might ask. So I will tell you, my friend. All those good questions.....

I don't want to run away from answering them, but I have to go now. Got something to do. I'll be back tomorrow, ok? PS: There is another crazy comment I wrote earlier today:


Fri, 10/25/2013 - 14:21

I think it is best to start with Neuro-genesis/Neuro-elasticity, also called Neuro-plasticity or simply Neuro-flexibility. I am sure you know about Neurons, how they connect with Neurotransmitters at the synaptic cleft. Traditional Neurology is dealing with blockages in the neuronet – from accedents or strokes. Neurogenesis is dealing with the growth of new neurons! Neuroplasticity is about creating a mindset that the neurons (actually small or big groups of neurons) are able to disconnect from their old 'docking place' (synaptic cleft) to a new ones. Keep in mind all the rigid people! Let's say, our parents (most would say that) or people in 'administrative' postitions arerunning the same old same old neuro-pathways .  Over the years (or decades) they -we included- created a mindset.

And they -we included, except so some of us- don't want to change it. They have an advantage to keep their mindset. They experienced that nobody is really changing. They will see the loving wave is coming very soon. Everyone will see real change. What needs to be done to recreate brainactivities.? We know that we can't solve a problem on the level of the problem. And we can't create better thinking on the level of thinking. Or reading and writing and talking. We have to transcend that level of thinking. Only then we grow and create alternatives. It all starts with creating a better neuronet, a more powerful and more divine one. And I can go on here. On and on.

I earned my degree in Science of Creative Intelligence and taught it '74-'84. It's all about developing a great mind, since our mind is the reason of rise or fall of our health and wealth. We as TM-teacher made aware that we are using only 5-10% of the capacity of our mind. That's the reason for all the dilemma.

You have seen cat scans of brain activities. You could go and have a check on yours. And -having checked your first contact with your [may I call them Ultraextremes or UE's]- guys I strongly suggest that you have a report without them and with your UE's around. Just to compare your brainactivities. Please get me right, Mario. This is a suggestion to all of the channelers. Brain scans would show if they are real or not,

I guess, Mario you have questions. I don't know where to go from here. Can serve you with a Part2 on Neurogenesis. You might like to find research done on meditating people. I think there is research done on levitating Sidhas. That's the name for advanced TM practitioners (like I've been from '78-'91). So check: TM = Transcendentale Meditation. You can also youtube or google on Joe Dispenza.

Namaste, my friend and be real

and have an awesome day

The symmetrical output of energies emitted from are beings are the same acquire levels of neutrality that we will begin partaking in the next upcoming days, If your aware by now iv'e enable new pathways to become telepathically noticeable from the new information given, if you ramp up follow the energies emitted from my being creations and question them we will beggin a synch to the semmitrical infinitys and gather new sensory outputs to quantify our brains. Now that your aware take part in the energies by calculating from the heart contents this base of coordination 73.1 to 5000 is acquired trough> One base of corrdinations within our semitrical minds. Iv'e been subject to implemetations and know they come to scan and take part in my knowledge running trought my brain, I have connected world wide psychics to enable the semmitrie in the fall out energies emitted from new pathways that embark are known perspective to new heights in clarity confined by our perceptions... Are you open to new perceptions? If so tell me the base of contents you will utilize in to embarque new energies within your neuronic pathways. Use the scale from 1 to 12 the amount of energie emitted from this creation what you know by 1 being surely and 12 being known. The concepts explained here are to acquire new heights again 1 to 12 the amount of info poring into you after you read this 1-12, 12 being 3rd dimensional views 6 being multidimensional views and 1 being singular digits, the points in which it enables you to feel the constructs within your mind activate. The cerebral cortex is a manipulator of energy centers within the brain and with the pineal optimized can manifest new creational realms around your know perspectives. If you denie the energy emitted your the core of your being will be shaken, do you understand?

Now to speak from your creations up above the neurotransmitters I'm taking Invega sustena right now and this blocks one of my pathways every time I get the injection from the time I transitioned into the extremes august 28 its almost a seal that enables new flow of information to be acquired from the needle dates, everytime I get 3 days before my next injections the cycles from the previous receptors cycle in and bounce back up my consciousness, my next is November 1st, you'll notice with the solar flaring a maximized output of information and quantum vacumed space within my creations. Iif I would not take the injections the energies are maximized to the previous extent which I could work around with the HAARP machine and guide their coordinations to expell my telepathic communication further... do you understand? Now if I know where you stand at in your questions I can begin a synch to Infinity. The based concepts I wright about are old and need new updating I have gotten a mini stroke in my brain in september-august and this enable new pathways I called it a breaktrough, GRinD was my first contact with an intradimensional being and I'm telling you from all the time I tried contacting him again and view him physically I never have been able to again, It took me 5 days nonsleep to aquire new coordinations whit the aftermath of expositions toward the energies and I created this in 8hours of re-wireing my brain and intense process that you called TM which without cheking allready know that that is which I utilized to get in that state--->

We find in the one to all, space is either taken, or all stolen never blackened, its the cycle of creation
Ultaihymæxtreme, falls into keen, running affected by what could be unlimited, never to be there again until the very end
its the start of the end, the never ending wants to break the cycle so it never comes back but wakes up in the end, again  
55 doubles the trend to shift the unseen, with furthest limits of Uëÿmæx'œ placed out invisible through war, the sealed is  opened, When The big, is to none, they Realize into the fall,
its the brick wall, living dead, roaming endless seas, neutralizing the senses limited for beeings
socio loosing focus of living in the Feed, ajusting the wakenn up, in, the, spine.
Grinding up, one of the insane outter lines , in our, neutral state, of, karèð'èkded, minds,
Its letting life GRinD, cost in the lost of duality, allways searching ourselfves, loosing steer, waiting for the up'äwakening,
they take control, frozen or hardened by cold, til'l the new Iowækìning,
two see both after one, once that fits in the scene for the ones splicing R'Ríèxeð gènes,
pattend hand under electric ground, to be the sound making it crown. Down into where we see up as the ground.
The last fits into scene For the ones under lightning Down should be on the ground amplified by many of sounds,  
erthquakes, in hearing the materialized Mæié'lœxièñ
Theyre, neutral states, of, karèð'èkded, minds, letting the life GRinD, while the user falls into lost of mind, with the no repair, loosing the sights,  
The machined, quaked up, to let creation repair the living GRinD.
To pride eyes into a life GRinD. Metamorphing the primal sound
Open up for lies see the difference between the two buy's making day of lighte in place of hell earyb dead no more to live gone death see no future gone dead dwayh is gone eead dont youundrratand h makong otbh lirb q htuck yourickruck ugk fgi it better in eternal eyes, and freeing our lives GRinD.
its not the one inside, we are looking for but makes up for going to realize
We are the one of knowing that limitless now unexplainable working in the place inside where we live at the core in peace

knowing knowledgeness æckróekèñïnð omàêÿœ low to go into primal in mode the primal pr鵜mæaèl
 mode of awækñíœÿò living a dream full of human beings its the place where we need to be part of interpretation of creation,
why ðóéì ñòtingless its nice to see ayeëiﵜåmækto come from the place to manking as living in peace for the things that we do not need,
everything makes possibility ameeliority living life with the mekœpæño its the blind runnind in my shine showing off in the sky four hundred,
 Now to be the awakend in the nights, crashing in life of endless extra states of incredible beings its the fun to go trew managing nothing in meaning passing on the indestructable
 newtralized lives in my miniopassjïñoièzeða meaning if you live by yourselft you will need to manage, to come to higher states of being
The more worries gets thru u rigêzyæòñðo what is express to me its amazing planes of new looking in the now explainable to be on to reality is not what I use knowing in the neverless imaginable for the broken in the place of mind there sense are cut to a very low meaning, I can now utilize with the third and see
Utilized reality with my eyes I can see in other ppls lives I can be where I want you do what it is to do in making of bringing the mights of the place where it is not allways good as it can always show the end of time of your line making an nation full of ppl in creation to awakend the minds lost all to the kinds they where in the making of making a ration It was like they
knew to be in the ditch the open minds where allways in the creation of living in the realm a new wikênamâiauor utopia to manking making some new groupes in this without the new waves of creating the needs to anoye by making things as ignorant as beeing the creation this is how they need to live because it will be a feast at the end when it never ends walking in the time of space will be the key to make for them a better life the universe is ballanced until the moon kicks off because im donne here im going up to new grounds .
The one will be as going fast lots to take under task making the pasturized sun of electricity
knowing what is to be the life of creation of the jotun it has one unimaginable the human brain is limithless thus making it the most powerful tool in existence for creation of life as we know it goes by the trees all over the world the civilazation should try and wake up the earth give a little kick as the moon is to fuckoff this is creation of the plaines as we know it putting a little bit of life maybe open up in your mind let it loose the world and start a new beggining life will start flowing in, its the fucking basic of life any path you choose is going to be one inflames to the humman eye you must let it agree the one that you choose and if thou gives up, do a rerun it will bring this human to a certain state of mind, making all things go rong for the planet earth where we need to be able to see the tree extremeties where there newtral ones they have brought me into primal acts of life I am awakened from the good trip this's one of my favorites the best I ever had

Frequencies are everywhere is what creates the being living the way we need to be as far as making things now we are able to see random is the passage awakening in the eternal eyes to be is to see to create is to hear and to have is the one we must find

Jai trouver une expliquation meuilleur a (the mind is the impossible of possible), jlexplique: tes penser sont la possibilité de limpossible, parceque tes penser sont "limitless", comments tu fait limpossible? Tarete de penser (Faire du random stuff a la place) qui demontre que tout est possible meme limpossible, sa explique la clé a la vie, l'évolution, que tout est balancer. "Duality

Will see how things go thanks for your information question my grind and well see how many unlocks we can get they are encoded within 4 Earths mirrored side by side within 8 earth hours 4*88's Avenu of Infinity = 8

Namaste my friend Be at One with the Holy spirit By which you allready are haha I was to for a while and its magnificance is extraordinarly powerful and magnetic, Peace be with you

The date I Acquired GRinD created it was April 8th 2012 and after I was finish and posted it on facebook I layed back on my couch 2 angels flew out of my body and a big blob of energy fell on me a cloud I got up went downstairs looked outside and viewed one of the ancients, demons where surronding me before I got to him and It was One hell of a trip I can tell you that nothing was stoping me everything was extraordinaire haha, in december 2012 is when we broke the cycle and augmented to new earth, my concepts are based on 5… these where the last Ones after the reocurring new earth

I went from 1 to 2 to 3 and experience what is explained in the 3 earths content, and need to create new intel to base my minds concepts on again, your hearts content will accelerate the changes when needed, maybe you'll be the next guide lines needed for contact once again


It's not the cerebral cortex its just the cerebral with the pineal that needs to open up and begin working those are the main intents of energy manipulation within the brain and to augment their capacity is to create new lines of perception, the altered states take effects imediatly after I create from the channels, the info given up is not only from me but from you and thats how new pathways open up to explain where ever we connect trough.


Mon, 10/28/2013 - 12:22

I haven't check if you posted your thoughts in the Forum. If not why not there? Too much for me to read because as I mentioned in this blog that I go on the (inner) journey - alone since nobody else is interested in that journey.


What I wright, is achieved within already, its pretty much the same as alone either way so I don't matter much thanks for your consents tho haha yeah its too long I agree I too am being bored of reading for a long amount of time unless the energies permeates the effects of the mind transcedental state and it re-aranges itself by every content within the concepts emitted from the whole totality, but its going as needed no more is much for a lot to be done with it so its all right

Thanks for your teachings if ever you want to acquire new heights or post your thoughts I don't mind taking a look at it and usualy we are guided in a procession of time to assimilate all info it goes by itself as mentioned up top but it might not be new to you because when we choose to do some reading or work and we aren't guided it does not give in to transfigurations by which we have no need to follow, the cycles are allways hidden in the subconscious mind t'ill a trigger point is attempted Anyways Sry for going on a jump right  after your last post I noticed I kind of just kicked you in there haha but It was an accel to create this part in which it may or may not help you if not all I know its it helps me so that's a good sign

Cya man just another one of those comments lol haha Have a good One

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