What To Expect In Behavior Of Those Close To You When Gaia Ascends

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Tue, 12/10/2013 - 23:23

This is an example for you to see the complex interaction of each person's response to The Light of the Ascension Process. For some, like myself, it is a much-awaited highlight and a sense of 'coming home' to my galactic and star family. But for others, even my own Twin Soul, this same energy makes them lash out, and become uncomfortable enough to hurt others. Please have all compassion for those who are having trouble adapting to the higher frequencies. Do not take unnecessary risks to yourself in helping them when they are agitated. Do however, hold back or 'keep from getting sucked in' to their negative reaction. Take full permission to do what is right for YOU at all times. And ENJOY it!!! More on this example for you to understand how this dynamic presents when both Twins are exposed to the same Light...http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/12/what-to-expect.html

Dear Reiki Doc,

I have a question to ask you.  My daughter came to visit me last week on December 5.  I sensed much going on in the atmosphere that night and my daughter's body was doing strange things and it reacted in a way for me to observe.  Out of the blue multiple times that night her body would just start jerking and arching and she was fully conscious.  She said it felt like a tickle going either up or down her spend.  Her arms, legs and back would suddenly start jerking.  One time she was standing in the door of my bedroom when one of these tickles went up her back and she arched and jerked backwards bumping her head on the wall (she didn't get injured).  I starred at her when it was happening and she asked me what was happening, but I was merely trying to figure it out.  I sense that it had something to do with the odd energies I sensed going on that day and night that actually lasted for a few days.  I feel it may have something to do with her advancing in consciousness as she is one of the younger indigo children and I have known she was since she was very small.  After a while of being amused at watching her do this, I told her to go and lay down.  I teased her and told her she needed to be in a padded room.  She kind of looked at me funny.  I laughed and told her if she were in a padded room with floors and walls padded she wouldn't hurt herself.  The next day the body arching ceased.

The same night, she and I were drawn outside to look at the sky.  In the sky directly above the house and earth there was this huge white light that was a bright as the moon and brighter than any star or planet I had ever seen.  I got the telescope and binoculars out and viewed it through them and it was actually pulsating.  It was very beautiful.  Late that night I received a phone call from my daughter that is in the Air Force in Hawaii and she told me that the power grid on the base that day had shut completely down and at the time they didn't know what caused it.  The next day she called and said that the internet was down and that the doctor's there in the clinic couldn't fill the patients prescriptions because the internet and computers were down.  Can you possibly give me any insight into what you may know that would or possibly would answer my questions?  Thank you for your time and all the Blessed writings you put on here.  I may be contacted at rheaven1964@yahoo.com.


Thank you,


Really? This guy that bashes your defenceless child can't help himself because of 'energies'? Wow, has he got your number or what. Stand up to him and stop making weak, passive excuses.

The questioned I asked above was not related to a young man within my home that was doing anything to her.  She was doing this spontaneously.  However, you may  have shed some light on that fact that the things a young man she is deathly attracted to is sick and needs serious help before he kills her or the other females he is doing this to at the same time and lying to each girl about the other.  There was no one present in my home but she and I when this was taking place.  So please don't be sarcastic and be real.  I need solid advice on what may have been happening because I am a very concerned and a loving mother with both of my daughters and I love them dearly and want only what is best for them.  I am not nor have ever been a mother that yells or beats on her children.  I have always treated them lovingly and that is why they are close to me and can talk to me.  I was merely asking what may have been going on causing her body to make these spontaneous movements because she was laughing about it when they happened and she claims they started 4 years ago and she never told me until now.


I have stood up to this young man before and yanked him by the belt loop of his breeches out of her bedroom closet once. But she did have 2 of her friends there and he had snuck in the house.   I scared him just by doing that.  I am not in communication with this young man anymore because he knows I am on to his number and what he is doing.  That was 4 years ago when that happened.  She is 19 and doesn't live with me anymore and does what she pleases and her father shows no concern.  I don't understand why she keeps going back and forth with him because she knows what he is like, hopping from one girl to another and is showing abusive behavior to these females.  The most recent female reported him a week ago for abusing her and my daughter has told me of the sick things that he does to her and what the other girl is saying he has done to her.  She admitted to me a week ago she had went to see him again and I became upset about it because he is so sick that he could actually be a serial killer if he isn't stopped.  He is into terrible kinky sex practices trying to choke the females into submission and leaving my daughter with bruises on her.  I have repeatedly instructed her that it would be in her best interest to rid herself permanently of him and each time she convinces me she has done this she turns around and goes back to this sick young man.  My daughter and the other girl has told his mother of what he is doing and she becomes angry and disbelieving as any mother would considering he is her only child.  My daughter admitted to me that she went back to visit him again and showed me the marks he left on her.  She told her mental health counselor of this and showed the marks to her as well.  The counselor told her to tell someone and she chose to tell me.  I instructed her that the counselor was trying to tell her that she needed to report it to the authorities and not just me.  She didn't want to believe this.  So when I was away from home one day last week while she was visiting, I contacted the local authorities to report this as well as other illegal practices of things he was doing in the community.  I also spoke with a police officer in my area about this and she advised me to report it to the authorities in the area in which they live.  I just told my daughter yesterday that she best stay away from this young man because the law enforcement agency will be watching him.  I fear for her life every time she tells me that she has seen in him.  I don't know what more I can do from that stand point.  I  will talk to her father and make him aware of this issue as I am sure he doesn't know because he is rarely at home because he works nights right now.  By the way, she is 19 and is physically strong because she is not a little female nor is she fat.  She is firm and healthy in her body structure.


If you could offer some advice as to what you would do, I would appreciate it but please don't go blaming me for this when I have nothing to do with it.  I am not a bad person.

The questioned I asked above was not related to a young man within my home that was doing anything to her.  She was doing this spontaneously.  However, you may  have shed some light on that fact that the things a young man she is deathly attracted to is sick and needs serious help before he kills her or the other females he is doing this to at the same time and lying to each girl about the other.  There was no one present in my home but she and I when this was taking place.  So please don't be sarcastic and be real.  I need solid advice on what may have been happening because I am a very concerned and a loving mother with both of my daughters and I love them dearly and want only what is best for them.  I am not nor have ever been a mother that yells or beats on her children.  I have always treated them lovingly and that is why they are close to me and can talk to me.  I was merely asking what may have been going on causing her body to make these spontaneous movements because she was laughing about it when they happened and she claims they started 4 years ago and she never told me until now.


I have stood up to this young man before and yanked him by the belt loop of his breeches out of her bedroom closet once. But she did have 2 of her friends there and he had snuck in the house.   I scared him just by doing that.  I am not in communication with this young man anymore because he knows I am on to his number and what he is doing.  That was 4 years ago when that happened.  She is 19 and doesn't live with me anymore and does what she pleases and her father shows no concern.  I don't understand why she keeps going back and forth with him because she knows what he is like, hopping from one girl to another and is showing abusive behavior to these females.  The most recent female reported him a week ago for abusing her and my daughter has told me of the sick things that he does to her and what the other girl is saying he has done to her.  She admitted to me a week ago she had went to see him again and I became upset about it because he is so sick that he could actually be a serial killer if he isn't stopped.  He is into terrible kinky sex practices trying to choke the females into submission and leaving my daughter with bruises on her.  I have repeatedly instructed her that it would be in her best interest to rid herself permanently of him and each time she convinces me she has done this she turns around and goes back to this sick young man.  My daughter and the other girl has told his mother of what he is doing and she becomes angry and disbelieving as any mother would considering he is her only child.  My daughter admitted to me that she went back to visit him again and showed me the marks he left on her.  She told her mental health counselor of this and showed the marks to her as well.  The counselor told her to tell someone and she chose to tell me.  I instructed her that the counselor was trying to tell her that she needed to report it to the authorities and not just me.  She didn't want to believe this.  So when I was away from home one day last week while she was visiting, I contacted the local authorities to report this as well as other illegal practices of things he was doing in the community.  I also spoke with a police officer in my area about this and she advised me to report it to the authorities in the area in which they live.  I just told my daughter yesterday that she best stay away from this young man because the law enforcement agency will be watching him.  I fear for her life every time she tells me that she has seen in him.  I don't know what more I can do from that stand point.  I  will talk to her father and make him aware of this issue as I am sure he doesn't know because he is rarely at home because he works nights right now.  By the way, she is 19 and is physically strong because she is not a little female nor is she fat.  She is firm and healthy in her body structure.


If you could offer some advice as to what you would do, I would appreciate it but please don't go blaming me for this when I have nothing to do with it.  I am not a bad person.


Wed, 12/11/2013 - 19:17

I have also been seeing a very big bright light which looks like a planet. Bigger than Jupiter and it also seems to be pulsating. I have tried looking up what it is but haven't came across anything. I used an app on my phone called Google sky Map and it doesn't say it's anything. I live in NYC btw. Have you came across any answers as to what this is?







No, I haven't come across anything yet.  Maybe do you suppose it could be a light ship?  It very could well be and even if they knew, they might still be trying to hide this fact from us.  I just know I have been a sky watcher since I was a small girl and I have never seen anything so beautiful and this bright in the sky.  I just know that it gave me a very peaceful feeling and I was adoring it's beauty.  It was directly in the sky above my house as though it were at the absolute top of this beautiful earth of ours.  Perhaps MotherGod might know.  If you should speak with her, please ask her and let me know.  I just know it was absolutely amazing and I didn't want to go in the house but it was very late and I was tired since I am no longer a spring chicken...lol  Happy hunting to find out the Truth of what it is.

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