Experience I hope encourages you

Submitted by mandy on Tue, 12/17/2013 - 14:19

Since August, I've had a lot of physical experiences - I don't channel yet, so I seem to have these experiences, but not know what they mean - then I read about similar experiences on this site - a real blessing as then I 'get it'.

I want to share last night's happening only in the hope it gives encouragement to some. I know some are finding the illusion pretty difficult at the moment with all the energy coming in and the world being in such a state (so to speak!). 

It lasted about an hour, before going to bed: In the kitchen, I was deep in my heart centre trying not to think at all, I began to FEEL, physically/mentally very very different. The best way to describe it is I FELT totally like pure energy. I wasn't my body - that felt only like a casing that housed me, I was just 'pure energy'. Not the old me. I looked outside for ages, and felt connected to everything in nature/sky etc. I couldn't see  differently, it was my 'state' that had changed. I felt my energy was connected to all the energy in my view - everything was energy, connected. The energies were pinging around from me to them, to another etc. I stress again, I did not see differently physically, but I was seeing, with my feeling/energy if that makes sense. 

It was so very very odd. But the most wonderful experience of my life. In August, I had a vaguely similar experience whereby I felt PART of the nature, integrated AS ONE. But last night wasn't about 'feeling as one'. It was about showing me I WAS ENERGY. THAT I WAS NOT MY BODY. Everything around me felt different, I was looking at things and thinking these aren't real". I was doing habits, like locking the door, checking plugs were off, thinking "Why am I doing this and that etc" and my only answers were, "habit". Even walking up the stairs, wondering "Why do I need to walk up the stairs?" and I told myself I had to, because my body was in 3D. "I'm supposed to do this". I hope this makes some sense as it is hard to describe. I wasn't my every day 3D body/mind. I was SOLEY/ONLY energy, but housed in a mechanical body. They felt like two separate things, working together in unity. I remember hoping I could stay in that state forever, but very quickly realised "This is just the beginning". By morning the feeling had gone

In the last year it seems I experience something once, and then it seems to slowly build. I remember once wishing I could feel/hear my heart, as I never had done. Then I did for the first time. A week later I did again, and gradually this increased in frequency until now I just 'intend it' and I am in my heart space. The same with my Soul - just intention. A few weeks ago I was getting really frustrated that I could be in my heart space at home, travelling but not 'at work' - always returning back to 3d there - always. But now, I am finding my soul is starting to. So I am trying to explain that things seem to be experienced GRADUALLY and build up.

I heard once that one can't go from 3d consciousness to awareness instantly. After last night, I can understand why. It is mind blowing. We would go nuts!! It's all introduced gradually, at our individual paces thank goodness, that we can each manage I guess.  We'd go nuts otherwise!

I just write all this to hopefully encourage, to say hang in there, keep the faith that it really is happening. Keep your will power. Also, I now we read so much about "going within, staying in the heart etc". BUT IT IS PHYSICALLY TRUE. Not just phrases that give the meaning. I am positive the only reason this is all happening, is because I am spending more and more time in my heart space. We are supposed to - it's the only way up/down/around/in/out. It's the only way. It truly is the key to it all. Get in there!

After that wonderful experience last night, One of my pets died today.Just shows you. Ouch.





Tue, 12/17/2013 - 15:15

I have been having similar experiences, but I had no idea how to describe them. I would have said "floaty", but that didn't exactly fit. But as she described it, I could feel my "frame", my skin and bones, as a structure to hold my energy, which was flowing throughout the structure like a river.

And yes, I find that the MINUTE I get into a meditative state, the energy is just flowing!!! 

I'm so glad to have come across this.....now I know I'm not the only one (though I know that more and more often these days)


Tue, 12/17/2013 - 15:26

Hi Mandy,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience!  I had something similar happen to me a couple of months ago, only less intense than yours.  I was standing on my balcony outside in the dark (I live on the third floor of a condo complex) and I was looking over the parking lot.  One of the pole lights was reflecting oddly I thought.  What I soon realized was that though I was looking out through my physical eyes, "I" was in the background of my vision, somewhere inside my head, looking at "me" looking out of my eyes.  I don't know quite how to explain it, but at that moment there was no doubt in my mind that we are energy/souls housed in a fleshy garage! I think maybe my soul was viewing my mind viewing the parking lot!    Woohooooo!  Kind of exciting, don't you think!  

All the best to you and yours this beautiful Christmas Season!  


Hello Mandy,

I am unable, in language, to describe what has been going on. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. Just knowing that others are experiencing the same sort of things is so encouraging. Somedays it is the only thing. Say it with me spiritual warriors, I am not alone, I am not alone, lol. Sending Love and Light to all of you.

In Love,



Wed, 12/18/2013 - 14:52

Many claims on GFOL's site about extraordinary experiences with "galactical energies" are meaningless; mostly they depict subjective experiences of individual/s that can originate inwardly with no external physical forces inducing them.

Nothing objectively appears to add up to our earthly frequency levels from without solar system; there is no evidence of any external frequencies improving anybodys BIO energy. This lack of evidence is AWESOME; actually it renders most claims addressing the issue as false, hoax or at its minimum a fairy tale.

When talking the "ascension", remaind yourself that unless the human body is moved out of harm way (i.e. travels to another planet), the ascension while living on Earth is impossible. Having the "astral body" while living on Earth doesn't guarantee freedom from harm. I object the idea of calling that "subjective semi-state of consciousness" (when somebody is free and is not free in the same time) - the ascension.







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