The True Story Of Atlantis
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So many scenarios about Atlantis
This one is cute and may be part of one or more of the many versions we have heard. Maybe soon we will call Gaia, "Earthlantis."
The True Story of Atlantis
Interesting! If you look at what is happening around the globe, it seems all too familiar. There seems to be an unprecedented grab for gold going on right now, with Canada being in the forefront. Gold is disappearing at a rapid rate from countries which hoard it. (Perhaps thanks to our galactic brethren). Wars can no longer be financed with it because it has taken a powder. Even the Germans couldn't be shown their gold reserves. So, Eastern countries and S.American countries are being economically invaded by the Canadians, to tear up those said countries for gold. It is a most curious metal that holds sway over mankind. Hearing the story about Atlantis makes a lot of sense, all of a sudden.
The Violet Flame
Thats A Wild Story
The Priest ...Evapourated Everything
The Violet flame..Very Interesting...
It Reminds Me ...Of When People talk about
Those Places With Endless Crystal Waters..
When They Have Near Physical Death
Tara Grace..