UFO PROTOCOL REPORT 10.3.12... ~ Been Hounded all Day ~ by GrailHeart Magi & Galactic Brothers & Sisters...

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Sat, 03/10/2012 - 09:22


for Andrea and Steve and All,



Whatever group is stationed overhead... of course they are loving, and THEY MOVE AROUND IN THEIR VEHICLE A LOT TODAY.... maybe somewhat anxious to get this response from me.... lol.


All day they "sweetly" bur urgently have asking me to PLEASE start a column offering UFO PROTOCOL.... not they wouldn't love us if we were in any way respectful... but learning a little bit of how the Galactic society honors one another would do 2 things:

1- we will actually be more receptive and cooperative because we won't be worried that we are doing anything inappropriate.... Right now they are telling me it is about appropriateness... so 2 - that things FLOW and can get accomplished smoothly and efficiently. 


Latching on to the ideas I bring forth, which are they are telling me mostly based on indigenous peoples because their societies work very much similar, blended with the information they give me directly, either telepathically or in person (I have had contact).

Nevertheless, as always, I will double and triple check I am getting and giving the information accurately. 


They are beginning to relax a little now.. and so am I... now that I am committed....


They are now asking me to ask you, also, what SPECIFIC things you are concerned about... they will be able to answer all your questions.


I feel this request is being asked of me because yesterday, after reading Greg Giles' article my friends above heard my commitment offering my assistance.


Now they are saying that what you will be given will be appropriate in the whole universe, that we don't have to learn different ways for different groups.


I will consult with them this evening and begin tomorrow....


grailheart as magister


(I am totally new to blogging... could someone send me a message on how to get this to Steve.... Mahalo, Mucho and much love, always!!!


AND, where is the best place for me to bring this forth?  the Forum?  Help!

AnaShyNa's picture

You are already on perfect spot... and You can find your comment on our GFP front page... 

Thank you for this courage to offer your services, and initiative bringing your experiences out in the open... 


You can actually start writing your telepathic comunication with our Brothers and Sisters by asking your questions first... and as soon You post your Galactic News Report, many will find enough courage to ask questions in open.. many will offer help to inform others, as You bravely did...

Simply do your post in blog under your account here on GFP, and we will forward it to the front, and to many other places on Internet... 


Simply let go of all 'protocols' that you think it would be 'wrong', Knowing there is no mistakes, only Creation... you never know what your posts will bring in other souls...


Thank you for all your courage dear GrailHearth... 


With all our Love and Blessings, GFP staff member Predrag/Saint Germain


dawn christine (not verified)

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 10:47

Dear Grailheart,


Re: response to UFO protocol - questions


If you feel these questions appropriate, I am wondering if our present visitors might address the following:


1. Is the light of one or two humans amidst a group, some of who are still in fear of some kind, enough ... or would you feel uncomfortable? 

2. When we see you in the skies, do you purposely shape-shift into images that we can relate to - such as cats, cows, bird people ..... or are your sky creations/cloakings more of a collective preference on your end? 

3. Do you mind us taking photographs? Or, are there times that you feel this act of photography itself distracts from a unified message being given/received?

4. There all kinds of discussion about chemtrails ... but sometimes I see a trail turn into an image of something beautiful. Is this you interacting with the trail? Is this light related to dark, transmuting it somehow? How can barium in the skies turn into an image that looks innocent? Or am I way off track?

5. Are you having fun?


With great love and light .... Thank you!


And what a bright Dawn you are!  Thank you for your requests... and good ones they are.We will be delighted to respond at this time. Also, today, there will be an Introduction of who we are and more general information.


But for now...


Question number 1 - Each human decides when and to where they want to go... for their own comfort and quickest growth. For those who may seem reluctant at first, our ability to "stream" love as grailheart can tell you... will completely resolve and dissolve any reluctance. A vibration of complete harmony will always be "in the air".  This harmony is a natural energy to us  We also know each one of you very well and can project from ourselves the peace one might need.  Collectively our energy is actually so "delightful" any fears are soon gone.  In no way, though, could or would we feel uncomfortable.


Question number 2 - Both. Our collective honors a "time" when one of us feels a specific alignment to one of you - it feels like a gentle nudge asking us to be available at a certain time or place. Usually there is no problem for an emissary to reach out as an eagle, butterfly, etc. When that team member comes back to our group, we share the new love which has been brought to us - it is a gift from Gaia life and feel blessed just as you do  when you are aware of our presence.   Also, we have an ability to send a "part" of ourselves to you at the same time remain in our craft. 


Question number 3 - We would like to see the photographs used in a productive way. Let's say in a professional manner.  This would be a very good thing. 


Question number 4 - The sky is like tabla raza... and been the background for many activities. It is the love in you, as you, which can see beauty in all things. Stay with that. The disharmonics in the skies of Gaia are presently being harmonized, you can be assured.


Question number 5 - Yes, aha.... well, on your planet having fun is usually related to an item, activity, experiencing pleasure from sense gratification... our experience of fun is a little more internal - an inner continual flow of irridescent brilliance - hues of light running through us, as us - even tickling us. We can enhance this with our minds also.  You will be transforming to a level of this continual bliss.... It is our experience of who we are... and we love to laugh! Laughter can release so many  painful memories from the experience of earth life.


We are so delighted for this new connection.  And thank you, Dawn, for stepping up to the plate....


We go....


Honored to be of Service, grailheart

dawn christine (not verified)

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 16:26

In reply to by SophiaLove

Thank you for honoring us with your answers ... there are indeed many times when I sense a delightful bounciness and laughter in your sky presentations. I posted an image this afternoon, not long after the invitation for protocol questions. I am curious if the orb ... was in fact of your team passing overhead. A question appends that photograph. Maybe it makes sense to you?  I send you so much love and light. Dawn.

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