Laura Bruno ~ James Gilliland ~New Age Denial And Death Sentence ~ 22 December 2013

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/22/2013 - 10:40

Great clarion call James thanks you but easier said than done!  I could write reams in response but will desist.  I find it very difficult sometimes like doing the splits!  to hold two very different worlds and balance them - old 3D which still seems the dominant by far 'reality' okay real illusion or i prefer the term movie! in which I have no choice but to assume a role and participate even if part of me would rather not, and the other light world I know is there but mostly within me and my imagination unmanifest.  Have compassion on all of our stumblings and imbalances and delusions cos it ain't easy being a 'light worker' on a very dark planet where you are a tiny tiny minority.  There is such pain and confusion I am not surprised at all many are near the end of their rope and want out of 3D.  Maybe we have to go through calamitous times the destruction of the old before the new can really take hold rather than this awful neither one thing nor the other, neither fully old Earth nor the New! And not all of us are activists or Nelson Mandelas good on on those who have that ability.  I am more a thinker a writer that is my service and this is what I try to do. Resist not evil is J said is fair enough and very wise - it is the highest way of dealing with evil it doesn't mean you deny it but you forgive it ultimately because what else can one do, be consumed by rage make an armed revolution?  This has been the dilemma of resistors throughout all time in corrupt dark societies where they were oft and still are slaughtered and persecuted at times!

    So thanks James but also judge ye not we are all struggling here in this mighty mystery and this drama that could go either way!



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