Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/12/2012 - 13:18





Since the beginning of 2012, we have been experiencing a whole new level of heightened Ho'o Pono Pono experiences of Making Things Right as we close the door to our old lives by bringing them to new levels. To help us do this, we are all being given exactly what we most need in order to be ready for our True Lives. Whatever we are experiencing is personally tailored to our deepest needs. This is true even when we don't like some of the situations and challenges we are experiencing.


Throughout this time, more of the Past and the Future are being rolled up into the present moment. Huge segments of our Past are dissolving, not just physically, but energetically. This helps us to become free of the Past so we can stop clinging onto our old behaviors. We are meeting the situations in our lives as True Ones and this changes everything. Elements from the past are either moving to a new level, dissolving or being released. Waves of the New and True are washing away our tired old Footprints in the Sand.

An important component of this time is for us all to stop seeing this as a hostile world. It really doesn't serve us to do this. True Ones do not live in hostile environments. They live in RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE. They are supported in everything they do. They don't fall into drama or take personally perceived slights. True Ones don't "build a case" or bottle up their emotions. As soon as something bothers them, they honestly communicate their feelings and take action to Make Things Right. Most importantly, True Ones do not live in a world of reaction, but in a world of clean, decisive action.

This is a month for planting seeds. So the big question is what kind of seeds are we going to plant? Are we going to keep putting the tired, old seeds that we've been planting for years into the ground, so the same old plants come up again and again? Or are we going to plant something new this time, the seeds of our True Lives? The seeds of our Wildest Dreams? Or perhaps some of the seeds from the Seed Melons that we've been receiving.


In late April, everything is going to start rapidly moving forward and our seeds are going to germinate quickly and spring into fresh new life. Are we going to be satisfied with the emergence of our same old, tired plants? Or are we ready to leap out of the known into something totally new? The choices that we make this month will have a strong effect on our future.


March is another serious month in a serious year. Much is still on the line. It's a month of Quantum Surf in which we will be taking a penetrating look at what we really want in our lives. Numerous revisions will be made as we refocus on our truest priorities. Once we see this clearly, we will realign ourselves to our true coordinates. Then we will leap onto our biggest surfboard (our Heart's Knowingness) and jump into action to manifest our Wildest Dreams.

There is a sense of freshness and excitement at the beginning of March, like facing a series of huge tsunamis of change about to come in. All month long, Melons will fall in our hands if we are ready to catch them. To be ready all we have to do is to be in a state of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE, with our hearts wide open. All of these melons give us something that we really need at this moment. Some of them are elements of our True Lives that might arrive unexpectedly or take totally new forms. When they come, we don't get any time to think about the consequences; we have to accept them immediately with our full being. Even one second of doubts and they're gone.


Many of us have to make important decisions with far reaching consequences in March and April. These life changing decisions are connected with our Wildest Dreams of living True Lives in our True Homes. When they occur, these decisions must be made quickly., without hesitation They are deep level choices. Not just "Do I do this or that?" But more of "What basis do I choose for my future life? Do I choose security as my main consideration?" Or is it more "I feel in my Heart's Knowingness that I want to do this and it's the right thing for me to do. I know that if I follow my Heart's Knowingness, that ALL WILL BE WELL."


Although these decisions are life changing, they don't throw us into a state of panic like they would have before. They are actually surprisingly easy to make. This is because we aren't diving into the old ways of doing things or looking at things with our old criteria. These major decisions are now being presented to us because we are finally ready for them. We can calmly watch what is happening without being overwhelmed or torn apart by it. Instead we watch it with interest and excitement.


Throughout March, there is much to do. This is the final month of Getting Ready. The intense process of Ho'o Pono Pono is finally nearing its completion. We are weeding our gardens and planting seeds of the New and True. There are numerous creative surges to help us do this. And the Wild Cards are coming in. We hold our future in our hands....


Solara's complete MARCH 2012 Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be!

grailheart magi

Mon, 03/12/2012 - 13:36

Means... Getting into the "boat", both literally and figuratively for Islanders.... getting into the boat of right living... and Ho-o PonoPono.... is a powerful healing method of "Making things Right"

through forgiveness and a number of other nesses easily and lovingly making a difference and clears all disharmony and creates new electrons!.


Forgive Me

I am Sorry

Thank you

I love you!!


We say this to another, but we are really forgiving ourselves... since mistakes aren't really real...



Honored to be of Service,


grailheart (star)

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