Cobra Update~ Event Situation Update

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/28/2013 - 13:53


I wanted to share some insights. I am able to feel when big shifts of awakening occur individually and collectively by my connection with the soul. Lately during the holidays after the portal for the 21 st an increase in psychic attacks , tension ,anxiety in the roadways , stores as we are all feeling the desire for change . For those unawakened the  noise is growing stronger , despair negative perception. This is an indication of a new octave of light being anchored within us that are able to remain calm ,centered  able to smile and say hello to a stanger aka  Yourself. Staying grounded , veiwing through the eyes from the center of the head ,  telling the grounding cord to turn on feeling  seeing  the  grounding cord  ,  a  rose  in front of you while being around others  ,  choosing too be  happy,,,alllowing  others  the room to be who  they  are,,from  neutrality,,,just observing,,,,from a place of happy  ,I  LIKE  ME  , grounded ,,able to smile     will exponitially  bring about the event,,,in a  flash  we  come to realize  we  are  creating our own world  by  the connection  with self,,,Validate yourself  often ,   learn to like  yourself.


Thanks to all that are inspired by the work of Cobra and the resistance.

Happy Holidays


love  n   light

David Porter

Sat, 12/28/2013 - 15:11

How much did that testimony from "Gene" above cost you?

"key members of the Cabal have insured themselves against their removal from the surface of the planet by putting special computer code"

If this is true then what happens when one of "them" takes sick and is hospitalized or dies? Bush senior has been there. This is beyond what to expect a 5th grader to believe my friend. 

You mention that many of "us" that know have resistance to "sign" petitions due to "them" getting our info, we know they have it. But the ones of us that do, you won't see many on that paper work for all the reasons above. So how on Earth can you or ETs go by that? And the ETs (allegedly ETs anyway) have repeated over and over to us, they see us and know us by our colors. So "who" is pulling your strings?

And if you know so much my friend why have you always "acted" like you are hiding your identity?

The ETs and their alleged "ground support teams" may wait until hell freezes over or burns us all up in nukes and radiation in our seas, but they will never have the majority of this population in line with any nature of "smooth" transition. Which leads us all to wonder, who you are, who sponsors you, what is your actual agenda, and why the continued justifications of stalling the promises of so called "events" for that last 20 years now. Many of us that used to keep up with this nature of "Intel" are now viewing it from the "OTHER- SIDE" that we came from.

If you wonder why I pick on Cobra so much, is because I don't like being lead down the wrong road by the wrong Intel until death do me part. And you folks?

Cobra, as I have suggested either get back to us with authentic and helpful to us Intel or wait until we have the true need to know what you say, that is AFTER the event has happened, K?







Sat, 12/28/2013 - 16:32


I do not find it hard to believe at All That the Cabal...

Have the infostructure set up like that...

It would actually give and answer to many prophecies...

(why these times will be challenging for some)

On an ascension Note I have seen some mind blowing changes..

In one person who is around me in the last couple..weeks..

Its like this person is really waking up do to the energies..

something I have been hoping for (for a while now)

Alot is happening...

Tara Grace..

Hi  Tara Grace


Same thing here.

Alot is Happening

I see it in proportion to the soul  guideing  Me  or  I should say my ability to choose to here the guidance of the Soul.


All answers  ,dreams   lie  within  the self.

This is the event  for me  and it has already occured,,Lightships visable apon desire,,angelics  visiting,,think it there it is

attacks from my shadow  less ,,time in lower 4 th dim,,,less

time in 5 dim and  higher    greater

sense of unity much more


love  n  light

My words are Only a reflection of Me. I do resonate with the energy of Cobra and the ability we have inherited with being awakened and able to co  create  a  world that is anchored in Love ,Unity consciousness.  My message revolves around empowerment  not so much so the cobra  intel.  I mention again n again   when we like ourselves and are able to smile  we  change the events , perceptions , reality around us from the place of I like  Me. I am speaking to you David  I have  viewed your comments a few times,,, a common  theme in this message as well....  to  How much did it cost  for Gene  to  write  that,,,You  funny  brother

You  are  hereby  changed

You live in your world  I in mine.


Good  luck


Sat, 12/28/2013 - 18:16

The "Event" is not something that can be triggered by anyone.  It is divinely influenced and will happen at a certain  point.  Read The Starseed Transmissions if you want to understand the true nature of the "Event".

Cobra does not resonate with me.  In fact I think Cobra is disinfo, complete garbage and a waste of time.  What entity inspired by the light chooses a dark reptillian name?

You speak your truth as do the Hopi. I used to live and drum with them in Sedona, AZ. The very reason and the ones that went into the "FEMA camps" of Hitlers' design is due to what they at the time thought to be "trust of him" from within in many cases I am confident. I don't have conscious recall of the gas chambers then, but we all have something to do with that timeline if we are in physicality today with rare exceptions.

I can understand that it's possible that the camps now may be used for temp stay for the displaced families of the bad guys. But do the ones that have the ego guiding of their "Lightworker" selves comprehend the near likely possibilities of these camps with guillotines and tens of millions of four-piece body containers, may also fill the original purpose of the cabals.

One last thought, Do you know how much "belief systems" you can stimulate into a populous when you already own or control all the planetary media and have 90% of the funds of said planet in you deep underground purses???

PS: So you know. I collect my feeling data from within on average of 4 hours daily in about half silent meditations and have for many years. I read everything, I open to it all and release what does not "resonate." I am fully aware that by our own thoughts, words, feelings and action that we create our own reality and have written books on it. And that what we focus on comes to us. This is why I override so much of what I put out there to the people in states of stillness. And  I will NOT keep my mouth shut,,,,THIS TIME!

If you heard me just say that I know it all, your interpretation and my intended meaning are not a vibrational match. I LOVE YOU~Even the Cob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I just want the truth, just like "some" of you.



Sat, 12/28/2013 - 21:39

Mr David Porter,

I would like to say that you are bringing up the issue of trust

Trust is an interesting topic

David, Have you Noticed That While Meditating In silence..

Trust seems to be the object of game...

It is only trust that allows you to meet yourself David,

It is Trust that allows a meet each layer that needs to be met...

I would almost say "trust" in a benevolent nature of the universe is "key "

David, would you not agree david..

allowing what comes up to come up...

this is how we open david

This is how we unify with our true nature

which is silence david

Tara Grace..

Beautiful voice  n  song  woweee,,she s  timeless

I agree its a benevolent  ,  loving universe

Feeling sources love for us ,Heavenly Hosts love for us  the personality merging with the soul as One  with no egoic dualistic perceptional issues when one has sufficiently managed to know the shadow within,,love and forgive the self  and feel the radiance of the Soul,,,We  then create heaven on earth.  By  demonstating .


love n  light   Tara  Grace


Dear All,

    Great conversation - really interesting.  All I can say is I don't know I don't know.  CA said recently (Cosmic Awareness) take nothing as 100% correct, or 100% incorrect!!! So that is my only answer to this argument.  On the one hand I certainly hope and believe there is something like Cobra and the Resistance and the GF, Masters etc. working to help liberate us, for we can't do it on our own, I mean both individually and collectively, AND also one has to be very aware of the infiltration of dark ones pretending to be the light and giving out false hopes and misinfo so that more and more as so many 'promises' of change are broken more and more will despair and throw the babe out with bathwater, as in the boy who cried wolf too many times.  

    This is a major problem of these times and situation we just don't know who is who we mostly communicate over vast distances over tech which is itself probably reptilian in origin!   and rarely meet face to face as in the good old days, when folk achieved things by walking and working together in flesh and blood and had real leaders - though many times they were also cut down by the dragoons or whatever, as in the many peasants' and workers' revolts and artistic and spiritual movements throughout history.  The Anabaptists in Germany and the Diggers in England at the time of the English Civil War spring to mind often these days. This in a sense is nothing new, humankind's struggle for liberation from tyrannies and brutal imposed serfdoms; but I do feel this time is momentous a window rare of opportunity because we stand on the threshold of a whole new paradigm and the end of one Platonic year and the beginning of another, so the heavens are with us as it were more than ever.  I can feel it.  But it is all highly chaotic and a mess really, we lack leadership also except for a few brave souls like David Icke and David Wilcock but we need people with real clout and 'power' in the world that would use it wisely seem few and far between, like a new age Nelson Mandela! to mobilize and help activate the large numbers of people who would act more it they knew how and were helped and guided to come together in unity.  Everyone's just doing their own thing! and most of us just trying to survive the system that still controls us in many ways as we have mortgages and family and so forth and have to put food on the table. I feel something big is so close yet I still feel trapped in a cage pacing up and down like a poor old lion in the zoo! Yes, I hope Cobra is for real but would not be surprised if this is not what it seems - either way I have no way of knowing for sure.  At the moment quite literally I can only pray and get in touch with my own I Am presence as much as I can and maybe chippin away somewhere down the road not too far ahead I may see and help to create real changes in this sorry tired old world.

    Happy New Year and God Bless All,



Well said you are good with words and right on target with topic. If we did have a "savior" of popularity stand up for us the people that made an impression as did JFK, MLK, Tesla, etc etc, he/she too would be in the same place they now rest, don't you TRULY agree?

The cabal let ones go just so far before the call in the "hit" and we that are awake enough for the and have an "eye" to see, know it.

I live in joy, happiness and contentment in my days, but I also keep up with the frauds that are under cabal influence or out to make a buck off the sheeple. I realized that we are in fact all one, but I don't want to see the "good" side of humans be miss directed by the "other" ones. This not directed to your articulated words of such constructive nature, but to allow the "listening" audience to "be aware" of the BIG BAD WOLF in disguise.


Love to all, Cobra enough! It is whatever we make it. No more petitions. The Event is a divine decision. Since God knows what is in our mind and hearts he will decide. Love to you and your followers. Too many excuses justifies this response. For those who want the truth go within. There are some dark entities here who want to lead us astray go inward and connect then you will know. Blessings to all. Namaste!

Dear David,

   Thank you for your kind response.  I understand but also my example was Nelson mandela and he lived to a ripe old age,  Dave Ickie still alive and kickin and apparently doing better than ever - I saw a documentary yes on mainstream Brit tv the other day about him! Remember the energies are with us very strong right now, very soon what was never possible will be possible but it will take courage from all of us to step into new directions and maybe like that old joke about the guy hanging on a branch over a cliff and losing his grip and he shouts is any body up there please help me!  He hears a voice saying let go my son and I will catch you - he says is there anyone else up there?!!!  But I feel my fingers are loosening on my branch - heeeelp!




Mon, 12/30/2013 - 14:05


Just For Curiosity Sake

Who Is The Big Bad Wolf...

Is The Big Bad Wolf...Something To Fear

Or Just Smoke In Mirrors..

Tara Grace...

The big bad wolf is FEAR and all of its relatives, you know them they've been at our emotional throats for our entire visit "down here." No worries though, as if the wolf got the best of us, we would not likely be communicating in such amenable ways.

Stay tuned, we are to re-surf the new waves of can be titled "title-waves" very soon now, do you feeeeeeeeeeeel it?


Mon, 12/30/2013 - 14:13

Where Are We Looking From

When We See A Big Bad Wolf...

Are We Really Seeing?

How Do We Know We Are Seeing Past The Maya?

If We Are Really All One..

Where Are We Handing Are Energies Over To Illusion?

And Where Are We Handing Over Our Energies Over To Reality?

Can The Heart Sing..?

Tara Grace..


Wed, 01/01/2014 - 06:25


The Wolf In Sheeps Story Sounds Familiar..

I Prefer The Lion Lays Down With The Lamb Story..

The Golden Age Story..

Does Anyone Feel That The Benevolent, Plaiedians..And The Bevolent Adromadens..

Are The Wolves In Sheeps Clothing..

Cause I Do Not Feel That...

And As Well, With Cobra..

I do not feel he is A Bad Guy...

Tara Grace..



Thu, 01/02/2014 - 14:50

Just Saying,

I am aware of those lizard men who before the year 2000

Way down in the astral realms..and they had human beings in cages..

A friend of mine told me about it before the year 2000,

when she saw them..she did not get out of bed for three days..

this was before (it was all the talk on the internet.).

I am not afraid of them..they cannot go where we are going..

Tara Grace..


Thu, 01/02/2014 - 15:00

Yes ,

Jago, I understand

The thing is we are all light beings and as well star beings..

Sure there are beings on different levels of conciousness..not heirachies..

yet, different levels I am sure...

Yet, from my understanding most are good..natured

just like most people on earth are good..and a few  trouble makes..really compared to the rest of us..

My Intuition Tells me ...that the reptilians have just been dominating for so long..for whatever reason..

and now its time for some others to come in and assist in to a different way of living...

One that includes real peace on earth...

well, what you say about our leaders on this earth right now is correct no doubt..

I wish you well in you recovery of your broken rib

Jago....Peace Tara

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