~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 2 January 2014

Submitted by Eddie1177 on Thu, 01/02/2014 - 04:18

Kim Pazdur

Thu, 01/02/2014 - 06:43

Thank you Blossom! I feel that we will know when they feel WE are ready. They seem to humor u somewhat..and is a bit frustrating to say the least. I will continue to hold the light like the rest, in hopes that something spectacular is brought to the world in our skies. They say all souls will understand and we are to help those who don't...so I'm with you..let's get the show on the road! Love And Light


Thu, 01/02/2014 - 06:52

Hi Blossom

You are feeling the way you are because Humanity chose to hard long path to Ascension!!!!!   I have clear all the paths, open the paths portals, have done re-alignments as above as below so humanity could ascend with grace and ease with Gaia December 26-28, 2013!   December 28, 2013 Was Judgement Day for Humanity. - They did not make it for full Ascension!!!  I was woke up at 2:30 in morning to be told this information as I was holding the portal open.  I am sad, disappointed  -  That I know have to do work for humanity everyday to heal and help this for the next 6 months!!!   That is the next deadline for Humanity to get there act together - everyone must take action for themselves and do there part- That is why they chose to be here during this ascension process! 

I and my team have been work everyday for this day for the last 2 1/2 years for this to happen with a min 5 hours a day on top of my regular work, yes I am tiered, and sad -  to say the least - now I am channeling the information the night before so I will know what to do the next day for humanity to move them forward - I hope they get it soon.  I hope they stop living in ignorance and illusion.




Thu, 01/02/2014 - 07:50

Dear Blossom:

Thank you! Thank you!  You have spoken/written the very words that have been going thru my heart!  2013 has been a year of such hope...will it be today?  will the Event be two weeks from now?  I can wait two weeks....

We have turned the corner into the next year...We have been feasting on Hope, and it is turning into a less than platable dish.  I have written to my politicians, and I have met with people on the street to explain how the bankers have stolen Canada  (if you don't know...then google The Bank of Canada Act, 1974...and learn what happened).   I am tired too, and like Blossom, I will continue to work on being more clear in my loving and my understanding.

One source of comfort that I have found has been reading  the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series written by Vladimir Megre.  The books about the amazing insights of Anastasia, a Siberian recluse.  Her words have provided me with a vision of the future that is based on truth.  She has said that a lie is always limited, and the truth is limitless.  Our star family is offering us this too....While these books are lifting my spirit...please...a sign would be such a gift.

All the Beloveds who live in the realms around us, Blossom's words...are true for me too.

With gratitude for Blossom's courage.........Livinglitely




Thu, 01/02/2014 - 07:52

Dearest Blossom

This is the Golden Age of Gaia; an age in which the merkaba vehicle of the Earth herself is transformed into the light of G-d. Breathe deeply and know that you are loved. Look for beautiful synchronicities of time and place that land upon your heartspace in an instant of knowingness. Understand that birds and insects both time jump AND are useful as nano technology. What this means is that if you watch and pay attention...sometimes a bird just appears. The animal kingdom is working diligently to settle Gaia's new ley formations...she is a New Heaven, and as such, she requires gentle rocking. Within this transformation, Gaia's core has become a diamond. That is what carbon does under heat and pressure over time. There a book called Teosinte you might read.

Dearest Blossom, 

Love and light! Thank you for expressing what many do feel. It doesn't change what is but it does feel good to vent. Let them know there are ways they can help without the Event... Many light workers need more help in serving mankind. We need more assistance from our ET families. So many are suffering it's just not right. Our hearts get broken when we see children and animals suffer. Yet we try to smile and put our best foot forward. No we won't give up. We're asking for more assistance then what's been given. In love and light we thank you and our spirit and space family.


Thu, 01/02/2014 - 09:53

Wow that message had zero content or even a hint of a pending outcome.  In fact that was just a whole lot to do about nothing.  More carrot and stick really.  If things dont drastically change before Jan 31st I am giving up permanently on life on this dirtball.  I'm sick and tired of living among pod people and proles.  My mother yesterday said I'm the only one she knows that even talks like this about things.  I told her there are more of us on the internet but nobody nearby.  Thanks mom for making me feel even more alien.  Why the hell did I come to this miserable dirtball anyways.  Oh yeah I guess its because I cared about Humanity.  Well its really getting old.  Shit either happens or I am terminating my existence.  I'll reincarnate elsewhere outside of duality.

We have spoken before, I love your spunk, do go yet just yet, there is a list with you I know well in my work with the people, some of them set their deadline for Jan, 2nd, just after the last round of promises of "judgment day" 3D all gone bye bye, portal #999 to open, etc etc etc.

You just said the other day that you will give it the first quarter, at least to Easter may show some major results of what we've been awaiting. I am not trying to "save a life" I know what it's like on "the other side" that is what life is all about and we do so much better from that, our original setting. But then to return in nearly all cases involves what you just did to become adult, OMG, that was tough one.

This list has increased for what we call suicide dramatically, and this is actually the way in which we all leave, be it the slow one or the more abrupt. All what we call "death" is suicide, but nonetheless, we didn't come here just to return prematurely.

Join me on facebook under David Porter author of Remember Who You Are,,,will get you there. I will message Blossom now, tune in to it.


David Porter

Thu, 01/02/2014 - 14:17

I made a New Year kinda res myself, that was to debunk the phonies on all sites I find.

I now speak to the ETs, if that's who they are.

I was going to place on your next blog the message of "PUT UP OR SHUT UP" Words are no longer enough for the job at hand, time to walk your talk "Star Team," time to loose up on all those previous made promises, time to get in or get out, time for action is upon us at a daily increasing NEED.

Understand radiation sickness? Understand banksters taking the loot to the hilt? Understand HAARP wasting the planet away in storms, understand "just out back by the railroad track, FEMA camps equip with millions of coffins, and one each guillotine? Understand NWO and the reduction of personal for easy control and plenty for the rich?

"Beware of those with false promises that pledge to bring you gifts"

The ones that live in fear and "YOU" claimed Star Beings say you will scare them by your abrupt arrival, come on guys and gals, don't try to kid us with that BS, it will no longer work for us, maybe them. They will never in this life setting or the next or the next be ready for more Intel that the would is flat and you must be Satan in disguise, so what is behind all the deceit by you? Are you with the cabal?

Are you smoothing us over, a marinating for the camps?

It sure has caught many of my peoples attention now that there is an equal amount of soothing news as there is devastation happening Earth-wide by the cabal. And so many testimonies about how they are all being rounded up, BS!!! Why is this so "regulated?"

Last year at the inauguration YOU were all given the green light to intervene, more BS by ours truly, Hitlers cabals,,,,let's go "camping" my little sheeplyzzzzz. So you need not mention to my people again about "Divine Timing" as this has been grated to the "Real Ones" if the Ashtar command is in fact authentic?? But nearly all of the claimed "channels" have claimed the same what have now become over and over again,,,LIES.

All deadlines are up!

Our linear time is up to act. Decloak yourselves and come on down and have a "breathing "celebration with us complements of Sendai, Fukushima Daiichi 4/11 directed by the cabals.

Even with a "HUGE SIGN" how would we know "who's sign" it is? The good guys or the bad??? Even if you did land, how would we know you are of the Light? They say we will feel you Love vibrating across the fields?? Right now if Dracula's and his gooles landed many would clime aboard to get out a here!!! If this why you keep us going with your messages of hope and the dis-info?

The list of those leaving on their own recognizance (suicide) is growing, is this why you wait?

If you are in fact for real then either get your Angelic arsses down here with some real support or stay out of our way when we take command of your ships.






Thu, 01/02/2014 - 16:57


I would not give up now...

We Have Come So Far...

And We Are Shifting...

2015 is the beginning of 5d Reality on Planet Earth..

I would not miss it for the world..

Tara Grace..

Please, 5D has been in promise to us for how many years now??? And we are not going right into 5D, we will be generations in 4D and it's 7 levels before we "vib" at 5D.

Please Whitewolfe do not loose your hope, I think Blossom has been communicating with dark because they are liars. I have been in their den to uncover their  tricks and they deceived anybody claiming that they are light and in a dime they switch on you to feed from your fears and despairs and David is Right  this is  Parasitic entity that communicate with Blossom to create hopelessness things are coming soon just get your vibration higher to disconnect from their parasitic band.

Just get in a state of happiness and think that you are harmony and love that is what we are!! that will disconnect  you from their from their parasitic grab. and read more in David Ike.  


Thu, 01/02/2014 - 18:40

I hear what you all are saying.  I lost my marriage and have now been single for 2 years.  I have not been able to really make a successful go at life.  I have no career job and currently live with my parents in their basement.  I'm pushing 40 years old and have been looking for these changes all my life.  Back in 2004 I believed Planet X was gonna wipe us all out.  Around 2008 I stumbled onto Galactic Free Press.  I've been resonating with the galactic federation messages since then.  I even know Sheldon Nidle from a book he wrote in the 90s called the Photon Belt.  I'm getting real used to having my hopes shattered.  I was on Facebook last year saying all this stuff was going to happen and it cost me credibility with family and friends.  I'm just so sick and tired of trying to play this game.  I did my research I know how the game is played, how its rigged etc.  I took the blue pill.  I'm a fully awake conscious soul who just wants life to be joyful and not a hassle.  I'm still waiting for The Event.  Read the starseed transmissons for the goods on this Event.  It sounds great and so does disclosure.  I've seen a Galactic Federation ship.  I know what I saw and it was on 11/11/11.  The channeled messages on this site even said that they would reveal themselves to some people who still had doubts.  I saw a football stadium sized UFO that flashed a strobe like message straight to me.  It was like a camera flash going off.  I will never forget this and no one can tell me that this floating city was a terrestrial object.  If I'm here incarnating from elsewhere etc I would just like to get disclosure done and get this reality transformed.  I'm so tired of waiting.


May God Bless You.  I don't read your posts anymore because every time I got into an argument with the entities you channel.  This is not a good sign.  I feel that you are channeling Archons, pretending to be the GFL.  I would focus on a new entity for a time and leave these for another day. I, and many others, get a negative reaction from these entities.  I feel you are a good person, getting bad information.  So again, May God Bless You and Keep You.

As for the Galatics ... it is time to be here now or shut up and leave us alone.  Enough of the empty promises and cheerleading from the rafters.  Either get in the game or go play amongst yourselves.  You are no longer credible.  I could go on, but what is the point?

Best Wishes and God Speed to All!



Fully Awake

Fri, 01/03/2014 - 00:02

...Then emotionally regroup. Change your state of mind if possible (we know it's possible) bcuz we need to keep as many of our team members as possible! I think I should take my own advice as well, so I don't fall back into a funk either. It's so easy to do if we're not careful! XoXo's


Fri, 01/03/2014 - 21:08

Blue Star Kachina...This wave is TITANIC!

I think that many of Blossom’s followers resonate with her writing because she is colloquial in her speech and a bit flippant, and as such, they can relate to her and feel a closer connection to something which is rather ethereal. However, though she puts out the message that she just “says things as they are”, she lied to both the Federation and her readers. She said her words did not come from a place of anger, and yet they clearly did. I think some readers are just as angry at her as at the Federation, which is a blessing to the Federation for they are able to feel the anger of the readership.  Anger exists and people need to acknowledge it and look at it in order to soothe it. And to soothe does not mean to placate. Of course people are angry-- they are weary. …group hug... including Blossom.


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