Sheldan Nidle ~ Update from the Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy

Submitted by OdiStar on Tue, 01/07/2014 - 13:34


Tue, 01/07/2014 - 13:41

Another carrot and stick??  It sounds fabulous.  It sounds like it's just around the corner.  Always just around the corner.  I've been reading Nidle since 2008 and even back in the 90s when he wrote a book about the Photon Belt.  That turned out to be bs and an obvious grab for money.  Well let's see you have until January 31st to make this message real.  It sure sounds like from the wording that it will be before that.  Of course not too long ago Sheldon was going on about a Thanksgiving surprise that never manifested.  Sorry just ever more skeptical here.


Tue, 01/07/2014 - 13:43

In fact if you go to the Paoweb website or just check archives for Galactic Federation messages you will see years of the same rhetoric about it being just around the corner.  Jan 31st, there is change or there is one less carbon avatar wasting away on this dirtball.


Tue, 01/07/2014 - 14:12

I don't know how much longer I can give any of these messages any special attention. Sheldan has been saying the same thing in essentially every message. I applaud the consistency, but every month that comes and goes with no outward changes, the more skeptical and untrusting we are. The discernment antennae are up. We definitely feel change in the air, but there have been no currency resets, no Nesara, no new governances, no announcements on TV, no landings, no nothing. I saw a UFO on NYE, but I think we are tired of getting mocked for sharing those experiences with ignorant, skeptical sheep. We need proof, we need outward action if we're to continue believing and sharing that belief in a new society with others. We are tired of hearing "soon"!


Tue, 01/07/2014 - 14:35


Love This Message..

Cannot Wait..

For The Landings To Happen

So excited...

Tara Grace..

Ramon H. Rodriguez

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 16:20

"How combated will be the first ones to manifest the awakening of the gifts of their spirit! But I will give them strength and patience to resist the criticism, the judgments and the mockery".


Here I am, let Your Will be done.



Tue, 01/07/2014 - 17:16

at 81 years of age my perspective of the physics of  time and relativity have perhaps matured.the EVENT will occur. it will occur in its on its own schedule. moving heaven and earth may seem the click of a of a computer wand.the moving of heaven and earth is no small potatoes. it definately is not a buck rogers comic script event. please do not shoot the messenger. love em

Rhiannon Yellow Star

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 17:31







Like the others, it sounds so wonderful and I look forward to the changes.  But like the others I am also bothered by others mocking us for what we believe.  We also need the financial reset to occur.  There are so many of us living in poverty and physically ill to the point we can't work for a living anymore.  Now the ObamaCare has kicked in and there are many of us whom had previous insurance who are in dire need of such, that are now without insurance.  I don't know how much more suffering we can take before it takes place.  I hope changes come fast and I sense by the message above that we are almost at the Eve of the changes. I hope it comes sooner than later before some of starve or die because of lack of medical care due to extreme illness.  Personally, I can't take much more pain and suffering while waiting for the manifestation of the above promises.  I hope this all takes place before I die..We all hear that there have been landings or ships being seen in the skies in other states or countries, but I have not seen any in Georgia to back any of it up.  I watch the skies and wait curiously and in anticipation of seeing and talking to our galactic brothers and sisters.  Sometimes I get so frustrated and start believing it is a bunch of science fiction bologna that may never take place.  I signed the petitions for disclosure and landing like many have.  We all wait in anticipation.  Please speed up the process so we will stop being mocked for our beliefs in you and our Galactic Brothers and Sisters.   I know the angels, Arch Angels and Ascended Masters are real.  We are just all anxious to meet and rejoice with them. Namaste from the State of Georgia, USA

David Porter

Tue, 01/07/2014 - 21:49

Your words are always so upbeat and positive, filled with anticipation and wonder and promises of all sorts. However after many years now to date every single one of them is a lie.

I will be debunking the most unauthentic of the alleged messengers and channels this year, all of this year. You have more false data from your years of history of false claims, predictions and forecast than many others all put together.

What is your purpose?

Who do you work for?

If you work for self, what is your agenda that my people are included in?

Dear GFP, why do you continue to post Sheldan Nidle? He has been lying, miss leading, miss representing to the people for more years now than any other in his category. Up to date for over 20 years now, he is 100% wrong in all he has brought to our tables.

People, now matter how much the cabals of this planet make you feel good about what's up ahead for you, don't be fooled by those bearing false gifts and promises that never deliver.

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES."."~Crop Circle 2002 Alien Face Formation. You have been warned.

Sheldan, I don't forget, I do forgive, I am here for my people, I'll be back.


There is a reason these messages are not sitting well with you. Carrot and stick is a good analogy. GFP may have the best intentions and wishes at heart, but they too have been distorted and misinformed by false teachings. 

Sheldan, whether he is aware of it or not, is a false prophet. In order to discredit the true light and legitimate channelers, agents of the dark have infiltrated and co-opted the 'New Age' movement. This is how they discredit the whole by distorting a tiny piece.  

For further reading and clarification, please see the following:…

Channelings such as this are outright deceptions intended to discourage you from your entire journey by feeding you 'feel good' messages and prediction that will never come by locking you in the concerns of 3D consciousness. They are leeching your energy every time you grant them an audience.

Do not lose heart, you were merely mistaken. Trust your own discernment, not outside sources.



Thu, 01/09/2014 - 21:28

You are so right with the stick and carrot.

In his case it's obvious that his messages are disinformation. But he's not the only one who's obsessed by 'fake-informants. Since I don't think that he is checking on GFP I send him this email:

(By the way months ago I asked the GFP stuff to forget about 'news' from Sheldon and they agreed!)

Dear Sheldon!
I've been watching your Inner Earth DVD. I liked it so much! I've been focusing on that holographic theater a lot. I found your explanation very inspiring, but now.....?
Below I send comments about you and your work from GFP. I agree with them and I ask you kindly: Check -if you can and be willing to do it- about your info-sources. Many good people are used to distribute disinformation without them even knowing it. That's a sad story!
The time we are living in is sad anyways: Everyone is brainwashed more or less. You know who is behind that. They -my guess- have also the technology to influence single people. People they think are influenceal like you are their targets too. (Many NewAgers like to believe in anything mystically)
Many are obsessed by ghosts sitting in their energy field. They know their host better than the host him/herself. They are smart. They can create exactly the voice the host will think that those are valuable entities from great civilizations ... but they are mean spirits.
I know your good intent and that this is the source of your living but please note that no shit is better than BS. Please have the courage to go beyond your voices and be honest to yourself.
Be the change


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