~Birthing DREAMS into the New Earth~
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Incredible - Thank You
This really is incredible. Truth. Only last night I realised I felt like I have one foot in a one new world, and the other foot on the old. It was the only way I could describe it to myself last night. Although an understanding arose, the question then arose"how do I move the other foot out of the 3d perception. I couldn't find an answer but this explains the answer beautifully. Thank You so much. I also realised yesterday that there is still a tiny part of me that 'questions' my daily, higher experiences. And I admitted, truthfully to God, that I realised it was solely because a part of me, still, does not feel worthy/good enough, to receive all this. Karen mentions this too and I guess many of us may still feel unworthy. Hard to believe I am after a lifetime of thinking I am the least/last worthy person in the world. Last in the queue of worthiness was my place. So thank you so so much and I hope others find this channelling as open and honest as I. It really helps show the way.
Blessings to all.
Birthing Reality
I agree with what this article is saying, however am not always able to put it into action. Currently I volunteer with a horse rescue and 6 months ago met a mare who is the reincarnation of the gelding who is a soul mate. Of the 8 horses I lost 18 years ago he was the only one I never got past losing. Now that same energy in the physical form of Majik is in my life and we are deeply connected. My situation is that while I can pay her adoption fee, I have been unable to manifest proof of financial means to keep her; pay her board, farrier, vet bills etc., I feel, see,and think of her as my partner and I am the one who is responsible for her care where she is fostered out. I have been given a very limited amount of time; perhaps to the end of January to find the money for her or she will go up for public adoption since the rescue can no longer afford to wait on me, although they want me to have her. How do I work with the 3d attitudes while I work with the universe to manifest this? There is very high risk of me plunging into a great depression and yes, my fear is high, that she will go to someone else. She does want to be in my life and I will be letting her down as well as myself and Majik has been through enough abuse and heartbreak. She was starved nearly to death and I have worked with the farrier and vet to get her health back and hopefully some day she will be ridable; if not, she will be a wonderful companion. Everything I`ve attempted in the last 6 months to bring about her adoption has brought no results...whether looking for work or getting my business going...I am a Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner and animal communicator and focus my work on horses...people in this area are literally giving their horses away or sending them to slaughter because of the economy and downturn of the horse industry; they are not willing to pay for my services. I would like to load up Majik and move west to a better economy. The pressure has made me ill. Any suggestions for me would be greatly appreciated,..the people I'm involved with are using logic, not magic (no pun intended) so have run out of time to let me get it together.
I apologize ahead of time for my camera woman time I will ask for silence lol
yon me she ha he me she she
Namaste Starwoman
Tips :
see a rose in front of you , command it to collect u up where ever you have left yourself everyday, explode the rose commanding it to return your energy back to you in neutral,,see fireworks with it exploding,,best before bed time
use as well in past traumas where you left yourself as a kid ,,ect ect...
command the rose to collect up other peoples energy that is in your space explode rose giving back thier energy in neutral
tell your grounding cord to turn on see feet pulling energy up to tail bone ,,,tube decends to earth core line comes back up into feet complete circle wrap a wire around tube ,coil,,thoughts are electric feelings are magnetic,,tell it to turn on
wherever you go rose is in front of you,,this is all the time see grounding ,, rose.... viewing out your eyes as windows clear center of head with rose be all here now
choose to be happy ,remember happy, use a three word triade of positive feeling like I like me,,,capable certain ,, this creates a platform,,to experience your reality key here is I LIKE ME validate yourself every chance important
when you observe a disparity whilst grounded in vibrations of I like me happy capable things will change just by observing them from this higher energy feelings
also ho o ponopono
I am sorry I forgive you, I love you,,Thank you to self
free tools at masteringalchemy .com very powerful healing tools free
In a blink you can be in the center of your head all here now grounded happy creating the reality you dream of dream big
Thank you Gene