Message from the Galactic Federation of Light-March 12th 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 03/13/2012 - 06:48


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light-March 12th 2012

by Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles
  You have the strength to persevere and it is faith that you must seek to maintain now. Hold fast to your convictions, do not allow yourself to be moved from your current course as it will take you beyond the limitations that bind you today. Your journey has been a long one and many times you veered from the path, but you always found your way back to center and to the path that would bring you up and out into the light. Continue to strive for this path and it will take you where it is you want to go. There are many obstacles and many people who have placed them before you. It is your job to see these obstacles and find a way to move over them without being knocked too far off course.
  Today, many obstacles still stand in your path on your way to ascension, and even though your path is now a short one, there are still many challenges that will present themselves in this short period of time. Some of these challenges will be your greatest challenges throughout this and even all of your previous incarnations. We know you can make it through these challenges, and together we will do just that as we will be here to assist you in every way we can. That is why we are here, and not for any other reason.
  One of the challenges for many of you at this time is to find a way to understand this, and find a way to overcome the fear that you are experiencing about us and our reasons for being here. Much depends on our working relationship together, and it is dependent upon you to move past fear, to move past doubt and distrust and see us not as an invading force, but as your family, for indeed that is who we are.
  We have many tasks that we must accomplish together. We do see many of you willing to accept us who have reached the understanding of who we are, and we are heart warmed and encouraged by this. We ask those who have been able to reach this understanding to help others see what our true intentions are and our reasons for being here. Help them see that in this universe all beings come to the aid of others. The separation and detachment that humanity has experienced throughout much of their history and continues to experience today is merely an illusion of your 3rd dimensional journey that has no basis in reality.
  As we have said, your collective reality is about to receive a great
transformation and most of what you have come to understand as the norm will dissolve and make way for your new reality. This will be a great challenge for many of you, and as we have also said, this is just one challenge of many. Overcoming this challenge will help you overcome many others as we are here to assist you in the many tasks you need to accomplish, but we cannot assist you in this way until you find a way to overcome the challenge of fear.
  We have talked a great deal about fear with you and how detrimental it can be to you as an individual and to you as a collective society, and it should be clear to many of you at this time just how fear is playing a pivotal role in your affairs at this time. For it was not for fear of us causing you to distrust us so much, we would already be among you working together towards the completion of the many important tasks that we have spoken of. Time is ticking away and we must get underway. It is up to you as a collective to find it in your hearts to trust us and trust that the universe has much to offer you.
We never said this was going to be easy. We see this as a great challenge for your society and we see this as a great challenge for our Lightworkers who are there on the front lines doing what they can to lay these unfounded fears to rest.
  At this time we ask you, our Lightworkers, to continue to persevere and push forward spreading your truth and spreading your light. You are making great progress, and we do see a day when we will be able to work safely among you. Many of you at this time are ready to accept us and begin our many projects together, and this is just what we intend to do. If you could see how far you have come since you have begun this task of informing your brothers and sisters of our presence and peaceful intentions, you would be greatly encouraged just as we are and know that the end of this part of your mission is clearly in sight, for indeed it is. Continue on in your efforts knowing this, and allow it to give you strength of conviction to knock down walls and any barriers that present themselves to you. We have nothing but faith in you, as we always have and always will.
  Once we are confident that there is a solid base of understanding throughout your world of us and our reasons for being here, we will move ahead with our disclosure plans, and this will bring us to the point where we will begin to personally interact and work with many selected individuals to begin the undertaking of the many tasks essential to a smooth transition throughout your ascension. We see that many of you are ready and quite eager to begin working with us, and we are very pleased to see this.
  Continue to show this confidence in us and it will spread to your brothers and sisters who may, without your example, fear us and our intentions. Allow them to see that we are no strangers to you and that there is no reason to fear us. Once we are able to begin working relationships with some of you, the others, through certain of your media outlets, will be able to see evidence of this working relationship and we see this as having a profound effect on the mass consciousness of your world. This is the plan, and we ask you to continue to lay the groundwork so we may reach this important next stage.
  We wish to begin the initial stages of this part of the operation soon after the media coverage begins of the many arrests of your criminal Cabal. That is our time frame, so we ask you to stay prepared for the coverage of these arrests and remain vigilant for the next phase of our operation. Details of this will be made clear to you at the proper time through our channels and, in time, through some of your media outlets. Please continue to share our messages and the news of these events, and we thank you for your tremendous efforts in this regard. Your work is making a great difference, and we say to you that you have almost reached the end of this phase of the overall operation and we see many of you really enjoying the next phase of your assignments that await you just up ahead. 
  Your world will certainly become greener once we are able to begin our many projects together. We have much to offer you, and we look forward to assisting you in this way. This is the way it is in this universe, where beings and worlds from all across the cosmos come to the aid of others and help them in their times of need. This is your time of need, and we believe you will agree that our help can be very beneficial to all of you. In the days ahead, it will become clear to all who wish to see in just what ways we can assist you, and we feel at that time we will be warmly welcomed by a majority of your people. Let us focus on the tasks at hand, and we will discuss more of what this entails at a later date, but again, time is running short and we must press to remain on schedule.
  Looking beyond the challenges that await you up ahead, we see reward for all your efforts here in the way of a beautiful new Earth to call your home. Strengthened by the great wisdom you have acquired throughout many incarnations, you will be able to apply all that you have learned to your new lives and your new world and keep it safe from the mistakes that you have together made here in the past. That is what all your experiences have been about; to learn through experience and sometimes harsh lessons, all in the name of creation. You are now about to receive the reward that you have all earned as a beautiful part of this never ending process, and you will have a new home, pristine and new in every way, to continue on and begin new adventures and new lessons in your never-ending journey.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


Guest (not verified)

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 07:47

one does not move past fear, one loves their emotional body until they are whole,  and having discernment when meting new people is not the same as fear. Humanity has a right to question new beings coming to our planet, after all how many times have people been fooled by religion or governments because we did ask questions and use our intuition to guide us.

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