Blossom Goodchild ~ Update from the Federation of Light

Submitted by OdiStar on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 04:36


Thu, 01/09/2014 - 07:32

I would like to thank Blossom for her courage to address our frustrations and impatience with the Federation. Yesterday, I celebrated a birthday of my eldest child and have been thinking about those early years of motherhood. Her initial newborn cries dumbfounded me as they sounded like a foreign language.Her inability to use words obviously left me with a communication disadvantage. With repeated interactions and exchanges, I began to better understand her body language, different cries, gurgles and grunts. The Federation is at a similar disadvantage since they have not experienced being a human and all it entails. When they use key words like "imminent,end in sight,and soon", it reminds me of myself when I heard my daughters newborn cries. Is she hungry? Is she in pain?What does she need from me? Maybe what is needed is not merely a continuation in communication with the Federation, but an increased frequency of it. I think it could result in bonding between us humans and the Federation and bring comfort as well.



Thu, 01/09/2014 - 10:11

I have a question maybe the ones who post here can ask the galfed or find an answer for.  I'm seeing multiple sources saying next week 13th to 15th for possible currency reset / new prosperity etc.  Now my question is this.  Actually I have two questions.  If everyone suddenly has 100,000 dollars, which isn't a very large sum, who would go out and work?  Also what would keep prices from just inflating to a new high?  If everyone suddenly had more monetary units prices would have to skyrocket due to there being more money in supply.  I see some holes in this whole idea of global prosperity funds.


Thu, 01/09/2014 - 11:11

Dear Blossom:

As the Federation acknowledged, your first message was a cry from the heart.  Your words struck so true for so many of us.  I continue to be grateful for all the work that you do.

Does the Federation know how polluted - increasingly filthy - stream of images are presented via TV and other media as acceptable consumption for the Children of Source Energy?  Truly, television has become unwatchable. Formerly intelligent magazines are shallow.  Even the cartoons in the New Yorker Magazine are lacking in humour and intelligence.

My angels and guides did give me an vision of the future, and it is beautiful...breath-takingly beautiful.  I just hope soon...becomes sooner...

Blessings for all you do, and gratitude for all who assist in the birth of this new earth........livinglitely



Thu, 01/09/2014 - 11:43

Thank you Blossom for saying how we all feel.  It gets so difficult to hold the feeling of a wonderful world while dealing with the everyday things we are still dealing with.  I keep telling people to have hope (those that do not know) and the world is going to be a better place soon, but still nothing happens in the physical, so I have stopped talking, as who can believe me?

The pain people have been going through just to keep a roof over their head and food in their stomachs.  I am thankful to have a roof over my head and to be able to buy food, although I have had to use too much credit to survive and now have to stop paying most of the monthly charges.  Many children go hungry right here in BC Canada.  I dream of a vacation; I dream of living in a place large enough I can fit an exercise machine.  When we go to visit someone with a regular sized house, we feel so comfortable to be in the spaciousness.  I dream of moving my mother into a healthier place to live. I dream of being free from the stupidity of this crazy 3-D world!


Thu, 01/09/2014 - 12:04

more false promises? Now they're defending what "soon" means to them. Soon could mean in 3 years for all we know. Just imagine the pollution and corrupt executive orders that'll be enacted if we let 3 years go by with more and more false gifts and broken promises...

Awakened Elohi…

Thu, 01/09/2014 - 16:43

Through the communications I have had with my own Higher Self, Soul Family and Guidance Team, I have also received the “soon” in many messages they have given me over the years. I have also inquired about why they like to use soon, when soon to us (in the physical realm) means as if it is about to happen such as anywhere from one second to maybe a week away tops. And the answer I was given is: from their position (as they do not live in a linear time base) they see all multi-dimensional aspects as being in the now. To them, they can see that it has already occurred as they can also see our planetary past as if it is also happening in the same moment… picture it like a big dial and everything in existence is happening all at the same time, and to see it more clearly you have to dial in to the frequency that we are currently living in to try to give a correct statement of facts, which is hard to do since we have a collective free will choice in the linear time space experience, and as our overall frequency changes, we can push things out or bring them closer to fruition depending on how the current collective consciousness is. I have been exactly where Blossom is, as well as many others… I too am also very tired and want to see the literal light switch change for all of us. That is why it is crucial that each person continues to work on connecting to their inner being, their divine state (higher self), the more love you can become, the higher your frequency will be and the faster you will affect others around you, we are in a dominoes effect right now and there is no stopping it. Continue to be love and send love out to all. I wanted to end this with saying, the night of Dec 29th during meditation as I was sending out my intentions to connect to all life in existence (both physical and divine) I heard a word very loudly with my own ears, just one word summed up my whole night! It wasn’t until the next morning that I looked up the meaning and felt a great sense of peace that we are all One and doing this together as a whole …the word was Continuity: The state or quality of being continuous. An uninterrupted succession or flow, a coherent whole. Logical sequence, cohesion, or connection, a continuous or connected whole.


Much love to all as we work towards remembering our truth (while still in embodiment), stay strong, we can and will do this together <3

David Porter

Thu, 01/09/2014 - 19:43

It is action we all need, can you not see this yet? Your action, if this includes no more than you sitting in a room alone each day and making clear in your minds eye what it is you would like to next experience. 3D Earth is making it's way out of the picture now, what I am suggesting to YOU is that you join this Loving Being in Her ascent.

Know that this nature of messaging to you all is just to let you know in such a gentle undertone, you must do this yourself.

Any "ones" that make any kind of promise that "things" are coming for the better are stalling YOU for one reason or another that is fitted to their agendas. Do you not get this yet?

It is time for YOU to Remember Who You Are, there is no Beings, entities or Gods "out there" my friends that can out power you, any ONE of YOU, as you are The Power. You cannot change another's world. Remind yourself  of Who YOU are and you, by your self will change the world (your world).


Fri, 01/10/2014 - 07:07

So we all have to do this "ourselves" huh? After reading these messages for two years now, my head just hurts. I can't stop the chemtrails "myself". Can't stop the IRS "myself, can't stop the president's executive orders "myself", can't stop the fracking and the mass media from spewing lies to the sheep. They promise help is on the way, yet nothing EVER changes. Where's the unity in doing everything "myself?" 

Are we going to meet our star family or not? Was that another broken promise??

Yes, it's on you until the real ones decide to make their landings. But what this is forcing some to do now is the ultimate test of Power, your power, The Power, The God I AM that You Are.

Go to YOUTUBE type in William Buhlman and do the OBEs the way he teaches them.


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