Hey, I'm Christopher Blair in Memphis, TN. Doing my part to groung the new energies in my area. We really need it. cblair333@gmail.com. Nice to meet you!
Hey, I'm Christopher Blair in Memphis, TN. Doing my part to groung the new energies in my area. We really need it. cblair333@gmail.com. Nice to meet you!
<p>Welcome to the Galactic Free Press blogs section! This is a place where anybody with <a href="/galacticfreepress/user/register">a free GFP account</a> can post information.</p>
Hi Christopher. I'm Mrs. Toot, or so a former lover nicknamed me. He named me that because I would get on my soap box and toot my horn, ranting and raving about the injustices of life. I don't do that so much any more. I am now more accepting and trusting of life and its lessons.