SaLuSa ~ January 10, 2014

Submitted by OdiStar on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 04:46

David Porter

Fri, 01/10/2014 - 21:37

The words of your post seem to lead us toward worthy goals and to be blessed with truth. We have been misrepresented by so many for so long that it is very difficult in our positions to asses what the truth is and "who" brings it? Please ask your "source" to help us understand why the one that you channel, "SaLuSa" if this was Him at that time, why He said these things as predictions that did not and have not taken place? Thank you for your support.

The following was brought to us by Phillip Schlienger on July, 23rd, 2013

SaLuSa thru Phillip S. (re-post) 7/9/13 "The evidence of Sierra Neblina and the crop circles is that August 4, 2012 is the divine deadline by which the free will of world leaders to delay and obstruct Disclosure of the galactic presence comes to an end."

Then by Madad same day;

SaLuSa thru Madad, 6/29/13 "Next week should bring even more for you to see and believe, that your time in darkness is soon to be over. G8 summit will prove that all the right people are on their places for financial system to be changed."

There are more promises alleged to have come from "The SaLuSa" Who ever that is?? but this should suffice for now. 

I will not be in charge of anyone being "offended" as that would interfere with my mission. I will be bringing disclosure to all false influences to my people this year. There are the ones that I like personally as I see them as honorable ones, but nonetheless, I will not favor any that I sense any foul play on their messages whether I think it to be intended or not.

People: Increase skepticism and fine-tune your discernment, you have entered the "END TIMES" Go within and do this daily at all outer cost. And there you will find how to Remember Who YOU Are. This is your cure for all of the outer world, and your only cure, trust this.


Fri, 01/10/2014 - 17:28

you put a lot of time, energy and consciousness into your comment. I want to let you know that I didn't read those writings of that 'Sulasa wonna be channeler' but yours.

I am quite sure that he -like Sheldon Nidle, to whom I send an email asking the same question like you do- will not read and asked his source about the truth of their messages. Your words are kind but those 'wonna be's' ... they created a wall around themselves. My opinion: First they got trapped by those voices, then they agreed with their brainwash, then they build a wall against all the critics and then they kept going: They are so many people who want to believe!

Where there is a demand there is a market. In this case: Many don't want or can create their own sense - so they consume -not TV, but- sweet words. And whenever this is the case: They might ask them selves: 'What's that: Discernment?' 

David, I checked the link of Azraiel and I like what Camaron Day is telling about the 'Spiritual (Lie)rarchy'

I encourage everyone to open it! And guess what: He got 659 comments! GFP would be happy to get that many in one year. They just copy and paste - that much (and I don't know why they flood us with all that disinformation) that they might not have time to use their discernment.


Sat, 01/11/2014 - 11:50

In reply to by BelindaLove

Thanks for the nice post reminding us that timelines can, and do change all the time.  But my question to you is, although I want nothing more than for this to be true as well, how do you KNOW that the Event is coming in our lifetime, and that it will be extremely positive?

How do you know this?  I would like to see your proof please.

David Porter

Sat, 01/11/2014 - 14:09

In reply to by BelindaLove

Cobra has emphasized now not to get hung up on dates only after he has spoken and written so many falsely given dates of things to come that never did.

The only ONE that I will be siding with in my quest this year is "The I AM That I AM" from within. No matter how badly the truth is taken by those who have the ones they favor, normally due to the "words of great wonder" to be, later, never now, maybe in Cobra's case, by next week as he has often claimed. Nevertheless, I will continue the assignment regardless of what this may bring me in my Earthly reputation.

I AM ONE with all that is "REAL" therefore eternal. I am not one with the archons and all their minions.

Remain alert~


Sat, 01/11/2014 - 16:16

Belinda, in my training I learned not to speak for others. How about: "I know the Event's coming in my lifetime, I know that the outcome is going to be extremely positive, and I'll know that I am an All Magnificent Beings of Love who are going to live Eternally in God's Joy and Love too". Isn't that better to say, or do you know them all?

I mention that because I don't think that no One will be left in any doubt whatsoever. Lots of, lots of will be left with their believe systems. We might have another opinion about that one or those one who will administer the 'Event' 

"Words of great wonder" are not enough to survive the 'Event'. One needs to do something to get out of the illusion.For me: It's not a global event - it's a personal Event. And -just my opinion- get out of a believe system. When there is the end of the old time you can't take your believe system with you. You will be pushed into NOTIME=eternal NOW. And if you cling to something you'll stay in 3D and go down with the rest who can't ley go!

As you David said:  'People: Increase scepticism and fine-tune your discernment Go within and do this daily at all outer cost.' Make yourself comfortable with the state of notime and nothoughts and nofeelings!

Paddie, you asked: ' I would like to see your proof please.' I am quite sure that he is not delivering the proof – you'll find proof in your discernment = you'll find the truth of his 'sweet words' which is just 'sweet words'=words of feeling good.

Do we want the truth or the 'feeling good'? If you listen to David Icke telling that we are all fucked up when we do not understand their matrix and how to get out of the (c)age of ignorance ... 'love beings' don't like to hear that, They want to feel good. I care for getting out of the trap into a state of truth = being real. I do not want to be ignorant, but feeling good! 'Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen'

Belinda:'What more do we really need to know other than that??' Speaking about myself: My whole life is about learning more and more and more … and next life I will continue.

I love truth, and as ELM Jago said: That "WE ARE CREATORS!"

MotherGod -I guess FatherGod too- is telling: 'We are divine' And GrandgrandfatherGod is teaching:' We are all Gods! The difference in between you and me is that I know it and act like a God but you are the sleeping Gods. Wake up!'

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