Do We Have Any First Wave Blue Ray Indigos Out There?

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Wed, 01/15/2014 - 15:45

This morning on my Facebook status I posted this question. 

Do we have any First Wave Blue Ray Indigos out there?

I don’t really know where it came from; it was just on my mind all of a sudden.

I have known for many years I AM a First Wave Blue Ray Indigo and know many of them personally now. I guess I was just feeling like connecting to more.

Anyway, it turned into a wonderful conversation and I simply wanted to share some very basic information about First Wave Blue Ray Indigos for those who aren’t familiar with this Spiritual Frequency Transition Generation.

I hope this information is of value to many; helping you better understand either who you are, or perhaps understanding your parents of grandparents better.

I am going to share it exactly as I shared it on Facebook.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


“Very quick and Very Basic: First Wave Blue Ray Indigos started coming in approx. around 1945 to 1949 through about 1969. That makes them between the ages of 45 to 70.

We began coming in en masse around 1955 or so, and the “Hippy Love and Peace Generation” was the very first sign of this New Frequency moving into physical reality; and it went a long way in breaking up the dense vibrational frequencies that needed to be raised.

In a nutshell, First Wave Blue Ray Indigos came here to start (re)raising the frequency so that when the time for the Indigo Frequency Generation to come in came, the frequency of the planet would be high enough for them to get here and exist here. The frequency that we came into was so dense Indigos and subsequent Frequency Ray Generations could not even get here.

Many First Wave Blue Ray Indigos had self-worth, self-esteem and low self-confidence problems, due to existing on a planet that felt very foreign and was not highly spiritually evolved. There was a strong sense of isolation because finding each other back then was difficult. First Wave Blue Ray Indigos instinctively knew they were different, and that things were not right on this planet, but had to conform anyway because the “accepted reality” at that time would not permit anything less.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos had a tendency to stay to themselves a lot, and needed lots of alone time so they could “be” in a place that allowed them to connect to the feelings of “home” within their minds. They were not likely to rock the boat or make waves, unless pushed to extremes; and this had to be an extreme, extreme!

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos instinctively knew they were here to do something big, yet had no idea what that was. This knowing created a strong desire and constant push to search for what this was they felt so strongly within themselves. This was actually the driving force that led to raising the vibrational frequency of Earth.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos are highly empathic and cannot, (to this day) understand the acts of cruelty toward each other, animals, the earth, or the corruption in political, religious, and economic systems. They come from a place of Love and Peace, (as do we all) and just want to connect with others and exist in a place that feels peaceful, loving and kind.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos are Healers, Teachers and Energy Workers. The Blue Ray is the Ray of Wisdom and Healing, and First Wave Blue Ray Indigos came here to assist with expanding the Heart Chakra of the Collective, and to this day many still wear their “Heart on their Sleeve”, as the saying goes.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos really finally began “coming out of the Spiritual Closet” en masse in 2008, the year of the “Great Coming Together”. By that time many had finally healed sufficiently to begin feeling it was safe enough to expose their self to the world.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos often have issues with escape tendencies, and feeling alone and different. They often suffer with addictive tendencies and personalities. Many suffer from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia from constantly transmuting energy for the planet and other people. They will often stay in dysfunctional relationships or situations because they “feel” like they need to heal the other person or persons involved; they have a very hard time telling other people no.

Indigos have many of the same qualities as Blue Ray Indigos except they cannot and will not conform to standards set by society that go against what they “know” to be their truth. They are the generation of “System Busters”. They came here to change the world, and they know it!

Like I stated, this is very basic information about First Wave Blue Ray Indigos.

I would love to hear your experiences with how this relates to your individual journey.



Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras”



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Rhiannon Yellow Star

Wed, 01/15/2014 - 17:09


You asked, and I am popping out of my closet.  I was born in the year of 1964 and all of the above applies to myself.  I may be contacted at

Essence Ka tha'ras

Wed, 01/15/2014 - 22:33

In reply to by Rhiannon Yellow Star

Greetings Rhiannon, 

So nice to meet you, another First Wave Blue Ray Indigo.

Going by your name I also assume you are a Yellow Star Seed.

I Am a Yellow Overtone Warrior - a Galactic Activation Portal.

If you wish to talk further you can contact me at

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share.

Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You... 

Essence Ka tha'ras

Wed, 01/15/2014 - 22:38

In reply to by lightsinger

Greetings Lightsinger, 

So nice to meet you too, another First Wave Blue Ray Indigo.

Like I told Rhiannon, If you wish to talk further you can contact me at

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share.

Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You... 

Hello Kim, so nice to meet!

You are very welcome for the information. I am glad it was of some assistance to you.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You...... 

Essence Ka tha'ras


Thu, 01/16/2014 - 10:32

Thanks for the succinct list.  March 1, 1958 puts me squarely in that category.  I would add that many of our generation brought in a whole lot of karma from the first half of the twentieth century to transmute.  Two world wars, the holocaust, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, etc, etc - many of us were involved in (and responsible for) those events.  A lot of healing needed to be done before the New Age could start and we were essential in that.


Greetings Lillian,

Yes, I would have to agree about all the Karma that had to be transmuted. That is why we chose to come, even though we knew we would have a very hard time finding each other in the beginning. Sort of like looking for each other through extremely dense fog! 


Thank you for all Your Service to the ONE Heart and Mind.

May we continue to travel this path home in Love, Light and Conscious Recognition of each other.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You.....

Essence Ka tha'ras


Thu, 01/16/2014 - 12:02

I have ALWAYS felt alone and adrift...until I learned the truth about who I AM! Nothing, and no one, could make me feel complete until I learned that I AM complete all by myself as a part of ALL THERE IS. Thank you for this confimation...pretty neat!

Love and Light...Cindyloucbp


Greetings Cindy Lou, (I love your name. Makes me think of "Little Cindy Lou-hoo" on "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".... Probably my favorite Christmas show.... I know, I know... not what most would call their favorite Christmas show, but then again... WE have always been different......LOL

You are so right. We each have to learn we hold within us All We Are and All We Need to be Complete, YET... as Sparks of ONE Divine and Sacred Mind and Heart, We desire and need connection with each other also. An Amazing dance of Love, is it not?


Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You....

Essence Ka tha'ras

Monica Jackson

Thu, 01/16/2014 - 14:48

9/19/62 found this info or directed to it a couple of years ago…The time for us to come forward is now although it is very difficult…It will be nice to meet others though…its been a long time.

Peace and Light, mj

Greetings Monica,

Yes, you are correct. It is time for us to come forward, and most of us do still struggle with this daily. I guess it is true, "Old habits are hard to break". 

Finding others such as we are is one of the greatest gifts from Spirit we are being given at this time. This shows us, and reminds us just exactly how much we really are interconnected and really need each other.

So glad to meet you. 

If you desire to talk more, you may contact me at, or you can find me on FB as Essence Ka tha'ras, and my FB page Shambahalla - New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You Sweet Sister of Blue Ray Light..... 

Essence Ka tha'ras

Greetings  All


Happy thursday .Eugene here. Thanks Essence Ka tha'ras for creating sacred space for those of us re remembering our divine mission of allowing the blue and white light emenations of Oneness to to be grounded and dispersed ,,demonstrated through the  Blue Ray  Peoples.

My life path from age five has resounded with the support and awareness from our loving friends in the spiritual realms. I am honored to demonstrate the Law of One. My awarenss of this is unfolding in majikal ways ,,to be able to choose loving kindness, joy, I like Me,,my neighbor is Me ,,,,sure validates  what  we  think  about  we  bring  about.

Dream Big  Friends.

I am in east coast fl  Melb  bch   7 /  18  /   67   swm  cancer  47,,can cook and  clean, too ,,,  multidimensional  travel ,,healer ,,wizard ,lic  massage therapist,,surfer,,,Her who walks in her power is a Blue Ray toooo   and knows it and is living it,,,lol

looking  for  others that reside with the inner majikal child  where  what  you imagine with the heart  becomes Reality.



love   n   light

Greetings Eugene, and so nice to meet you!

Thank you so much for sharing your energy of light and love here with us all.

It is a joy to feel!


Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You..... 

Essence Ka tha'rs


Thu, 01/16/2014 - 23:19

Yup. Me too.

Born 1965, I am an energy worker/healer.

I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which has mainly buggered off! LOL
I had a solitary childhood, writing poetry/prose since 7 years old. Designed my own underground home at age 8 or so, just so I could get away.
I suffer from empathic overloads and have experienced multiple relationships based on my desire to address others' needs.

I cry at cartoons, cruelty, bullying, trees being cut down and neglected toys. Sometimes I feel so fragile I will just melt. Push me, corner me or force me to stop you hurting something/someone and I am stronger than an outgoing tide.

 I talk to stones, animals, clouds, spiders, random inanimate objects. I like being me and I love my human experience. I am finally stepping into myself and it is great.

~ Rachel

Greetings Rachel and thank you for sharing so much of your self and your story with us!

I love your energy. I have a very dear friend you remind me of. She too makes me laugh and giggle.

I am so glad to hear you are finally stepping into being your true self. It does feel good, does it not?

Blessings from All Realms of Creation to You



Happy tuesday Pamela.  My names Gene I am looking for others to re remember . I am passionite about loving the many different kingdoms that help co create with us here on the wonderful majikal mother earth alongside great white sonlight. What fun to feel  a hello and smile back from mother earth. Saying hello to the life I have created  is  bestest  fun  evaaghh .

I am also inspired by shifting the dormant dna back into the original divine blue print  going  from  carbon to silican cellular  structure. I believe  I can  fly,,,,lol




If ya care to chat


Be in well being.




Thu, 02/20/2014 - 17:34

Hi. 7\24\1965. Yep, I am So like this. I am currently suffering from burnout, and so am resting in bed reading all past articles related to this topic, & came across this one. Ever since I was a small child I Knew I was different. Nothing has ever felt normal in my life. I remember feeling quite uncomfortable with this reality when I was born, that it was a huge adjustment for me, I felt the weight and the denseness of this reality in my whole being, and quite frankly this was really hard for me to choose to even be here. I was born 3 months premature, and nearly died many times. I have not felt right in this world ever since. I did not even feel normal in this body until I was 30 years old, and pregnant. I have never understood the reasoning behind violence or abuse, never understood why people choose to be cruel to,each other, when all they have to do is just look with their Hearts. I have always seen myself as a Being of Peace. When I was a small child I loved using colours and creating pictures, and I also adore music. Apparently, from all the other comments on this article, I am not alone!! I am amazed at how many people have responded to this one, and very glad to have found this article.
Thank You so much to the person who wrote this, for bringing like minded people together in this way...

Hello! Empath here, wondering a little about myself. I was born December 21, 1991. My 21st birthday was 12/21/12 which was said to be "the day" the earth shifts from the old age to the new age, the golden Era. These are all things I've heard. I've always had a crazy intuitive ability that unfortunately I have encountered most if not all of the problems in the school systems that i have read about developing indigo children.

Most of us are "placed" into abusive childhoods, and I definitely did not get to be a child. My father is a very strong psychic vampire, in fact I believe I am the only woman he has encountered in his life that upon her blossoming and pubescence he was not able to control. I suffered from low self-esteem at an incredibly young age, likewise coming out of that "phase" at another incredibly young age, and it is something that I've never had to experience again which I am extremely thankful for. I dealt with rage, and boredom due to the educational systems outdated criteria. I am now extremely thankful to be awakened to my abilities at such a young age, in this time. Now I need to know what to do with them and how to cope with the negative energies trying to invade me and use my power for THEIR advancement. I've spent too much of my consciousness here allowing others to take my power or helping others that were not appreciative of me. I want to empower myself and I feel this happening as I type.


So, if the first wavers were born approximately around 1945, my mother being born in 47, would that mean that she is a first waver indigo? That is what I am led to believe, and it makes sense knowing my mother and her strengths.

Now my next question is, what does that make me? I have always been aware that I am different. Adolescence was quite the bumpy experience for me to say the least, and now in my early adult-hood I'm becoming aware to all sorts of information that I have been aware of my entire life, that was actively diminished in me through my abusive childhood. Since my awakening I have been recovering all of my lost energies, and let me tell you it has been a lot! Some helpful advice, or thoughts on this would be appreciated. My friends have recently shown their true colors, leaving me high and dry in this moment. Ever since my boyfriend and I got together my friends disappeared, as they were the only ones I've ever met who understood the things I speak of spiritually, its a safe bet to know that I have essentially no more "spiritual peer group" if you will. Thank you so much, and since I have recently learned the true meaning of Namaste, now I can finally say it to all :}

I can be contacted at

(please excuse the crude email address, I made the account when I was 14. I'm 22 now :P)

Namaste my loves! <3

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