~2014 WILL BE A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER by Patricia Cota-Robles

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/21/2014 - 16:11


Tue, 01/21/2014 - 17:16

~~Great Message!

I have a few questions though............

what about people who haven't seemed to age for about 10 years ?

I am 31 and a half and I could be 16 to 18 people say....I look really young.... like I haven't really aged....


Does that mean I wont age?  that is fine except that I am female...

does that mean I will have to have my female cycle till the end of forever?  if I do not age any more?

and will women who reverse age back to say 40 or 30 or younger will the Creator make us go through the Insanity

of having their cycle all over again?  till the end of Forever?!? 


  cuz I thought when we get to 5th dimension there is no pain.. hmmm

so that you would think would count that part out .......

that we have bodies that are evolved to have children differently,

to not have to "rely" on the cycle just to have them...

to connect energetically more rather than physically...

to eliminate the contamination to earth, the pollution....

to end all suffering to All Beings........

Such a good message and so easy to understand!  I've been following all the action of the events and understood the best I could but this puts it all together for me!!


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