How it happens.

Submitted by nathanlow89 on Fri, 01/31/2014 - 15:30

So ill start off by saying hello ^^

I don't post much but when i do it sure feels good, and i love the feedback.

We are all in the Process of reclaiming our power, releasing the ego and expanding our perceptions of the happenings around us and within us; energetically and otherwise. 

Otherwise known as living in the now.

I find it amazing how powerful this state of being is. There never truly is anything to fear anymore, because i know Im in the now, and i will remain in the now, from here on out. 

The longer one dwells on ones past or the past of another, especially so-called negative aspects of ones past (like for instance a wrong cut on a piece of lumber) the more the moment of the past is dragged out, covering up the moment of the present. making the present moment stagnate until the moment of the past is released. If the now moment in truly lived in, the mistakes of one or others are immediately a learning experience for a specific purpose, and the next moment is that learning put into practice. A good example would be what I've been experiencing with the people i interact with on a daily basis through the course of my work. 

So i will now go into  "story telling mode" because i love telling story’s. :D! 

Please don't read my story’s just through the glasses of my intro, instead try to read them as if you yourself where there, experience them for yourself, to see what YOU get from it.

Oh gosh. where do i start....

I was sitting up late (as i usually do) with my girlfriend. we where talking by the wood stove. it was late April 2013. Earlier that day i had heard on the phone from my mother that they where served an eviction notice from their home in Alberta (one province east) I told my mom over the phone that i would come to Alberta with my big pickup, help her pack up all her stuff and all of Jim’s stuff (Jim is my step-dad of 15 years)  and move them to the east shore of Kootanay lake, where i reside. she was quite excited to hear that, she always dreamed of moving out to BC and she had for the last 6 years moved around from place to place around Edmonton never really making ends meet, Jim could not keep up with the bills and my mom was in a chronic state of pain. 

I agreed to move them out here because i wanted to be closer to them so i could help them, as i felt at the time that it was my call to be with my family once again and "make things work"

I was already at a point where i was taking in a healthy dose of source energy, my girlfriend jade however, was not quite there yet. She was still struggling to love herself and she subsequently was addicted to the energy i had been willfully giving her earlier in our relationship. it was turning into a very one sided power struggle in her eye's. I perceived that i didn’t necessarily "need her" for my day to day functioning, for i felt quite right and secure within my own power. i was just getting into meditation,  Jade was trying but she felt a bit insecure when she tried, and many times got upset at me for meditating around her. i didn’t have this knowledge at the time. I was still pretty confused. I remember thinking that i felt like a kid again, no fear just love. When jade would get angry at me i would start to ignore her and be unaffected. Of course, this infuriated her. Now i wish not to paint such a "negative" picture of my ex- girlfriend. she is a magnificent being of love, and has now truly stepped into her own power since we broke up. She learned from me just as i learned from her. Without her, i would not have reached the understanding, and knowing, that i have today. 

And the reason for our breakup?

I decided myself and without any consultation with jade that i would go to Alberta, get my family, and bring them to my side of the woods. She took this as me not "wanting" her.  We broke up the day after i returned. I was devastated to say the least. i learned that i still was very connected to her energy, and when it was cut off it felt horrible. 

So, family in tow, me moved into an apartment right in Crawford bay. it only took a half hour to find a place to move in, we simply asked around town at the various inn's (there's 3) and on our third attempt the receptionist was happy to help, and she phoned the manager of a small vacation home property who was looking for renters for long term. Just across the street too. The meeting was great. her name is Marian. older woman, german accent, bubbly and polite. greets my mother like she was a sister, says that she would love to help us out, gives us a nicely done little rental with one bedroom, a loft, heated floors, custom woodwork and new appliances for $700 a month. not bad. 

Family is thrilled. they made it. got to BC without a plan but as it would seem the universe helped out. Im still a bit shook from just breaking up with jade, and so it was quite comforting to have found a little bit of peace. i should also mention that my brother, Matthew, is with us. he was already living with me and jade in BC and he watched the whole show go down. he came with me for the move. 

Fast forward a couple month's. 

Matthew, Jim and myself are working steady. I've gotten work at Crawford Bay Auto (CBA) doing Tire changes and oil changes. Jim and Matthew are working for Mark who is Marian's husband. Mark is a local contractor. he builds/renovates houses and pours concrete. We also had lots of posters up around the area advertising us and our skills as Handymen. through this avenue we got work too.

One of our jobs was to put a new steel roof on our local store manager's home. His name is Jamie. When Jamie first contacted me he was quite shy about it, and i was also sort of intimidated by him, he was smart.. very smart. but he knew next to nothing about building. That didn’t mean he didn’t learn, so i found myself in a situation where i had to be 100% honest about my level of knowledge. This spooked me because I've had a tendency to stretch the truth in that respect. I am by all means a very talented craftsman, but this was my first steel roof I've ever done, and although i had no doubts that i could do it without professional guidance, i still had to convey that to Jamie. In the past, when someone asked if i could do something, i would say yes(truth) then i would give some bogus story of how I've done it several times before(lie) to simply quicken up the process of getting to the task at hand without being impeded by "confidence issues" with my respective customer. Many tend to dwell on ones past when they want you to do something for them. they want to have some sort of "proof" that you can do it. the only proof i can truly offer is by doing it, because I've known for a long time that i can do ANYTHING so long as i put myself to the challenge.  However in many situations I've found getting to the Doing is hard in a culture very bent on ones past. So my technique for getting around it was to lie with confidence, sound like I've done this before, it wont be a problem. And up to this point worked like a charm. When i do something, anything i have interest in doing, i do it naturally, like I've done it before. when i use this gift around others, even if they are unaware, i notice it unlocks this in them too.  

However with Jamie i felt something. he was looking for 100% honesty. i could feel it. so i leveled with him. i told him that i myself have never done a steel roof. i said that i have no doubts that i could do it, and do it well. Jim as well had never done a steel roof. he had done lots of tile roofs in his youth but never any since then. i gave Jamie our truth, that we can and we will. the open up i felt from him was amazing. he was thrilled to have us put his roof up, and we would use the job to help publicize our name and get us more work. i was beside myself. all this time giving half truths and thinking things where honky dory. Now i felt this wave of heaviness lift off of me. that was one of the easiest jobs I've ever taken on. it went great till just at the end and we had miscalculated how much ridge cap to buy and one extra sheet of steel for the flashing around the chimney.  However it was no big deal. Jamie was out of money to buy the rest of the pieces but he simply asked for me to plastic around the old chimney till he could afford the steel. so i did and it looked ugly, but no leaks. (it rains a lot here)

Since that job Jamie has been coming to me almost weekly asking for advice around his place, for all the projects hes started in and around his home. He decided to take the "i can do it" approach to a field of work hes never really explored. We have become good friends.  

I learned a valuable lesson. If i am always 100% honest, about what i know and what i can do, then the doors open up wide.

Sometimes I'm asked asked "how do you know all of this, did you go to school?" MY reply is this:

"no, i haven’t gone to school for any of this, I've seen it done lots and that’s how i learn, as soon as i do it you will see"

And that is 100% truth.

so they ask "Where did you see it done before?" and ill list off where i saw it done during one of my construction jobs or factory jobs, or that i saw it on TV or i watched a you-tube video. 

And their response more usually than not "so, your sure you can do it?" and i nod and smile. 

As i stay honest i get even more varied experience. more people want my help. and the more i do the more experience i have to back up my claims. however i don't document and record anything i do. i still don’t have a portfolio to show other people and give them "proof". My goal here isn’t to amass a large clientele and work nonstop as a handyman and make "good money". i simply just want to BE. to explore. to learn more things. I find that the simpler i conduct myself, the funner my adventures are. I use my presence and energy to show others that self doubt is illusion. When i see my affects in others it gives me satisfaction. I don't care to boast and brag about what i do. I am enjoying the honesty and heart connections i feel with others. My true goal is so show as many as possible that there is another way to conduct ourselves. and that way is NOW.

So. during this job at Jamie's, i meet Dustin. he lives across the street from Jamie’s. i took him on to help with the job. we became friends right away, hes a lot like me only older and really steeped in his ego. with i didn’t mind at all, because i knew how i was quite the same not all that long ago. When ever he perceived he was "hard done by" he would lash out in an "older and more experienced than thou" attitude. particularly at me. I usually giggled. we actually got along great at a deep level, but i can always sense a power struggle in him. he always needs to be right. even if he hadn’t done what he was right about before. such as putting a metal roof on a house. i showed through example that when a boo-boo was made, then the best course of action is to fix it, in the best possible manner, and carry on. if you don’t know what to do next. stop, ask, learn, continue. that’s how i conduct myself regularly. (Google is my friend). don't be embarrassed or ashamed if you don’t know in the first place. that’s the point of learning. He genuinely took my advice. hes still always right of course. but the anger that preceded goofing up has completely gone, and he has adopted a much lighter attitude towards doing "handy stuff" anything really . He has learned a set of skills that have enabled him to look after his family of 3 in these times in this place. now i live right next door to him. so now just for fun and to give you some visual context, this is where Jamie lives( place with the satellite dish right in the middle of the wall.. pre roof) if you pan around, the place with the big carport is Dustins place (my shop is the little building on the right of the tree).me and my family's place is the log building behind the bushes just to the right of Dustin’s.,-116.872671&spn=0.001574,0.004128&sll=48.893615,-110.280762&sspn=13.109393,33.815918&t=h&hnear=Kootenay+Bay,+Central+Kootenay,+British+Columbia&z=19&layer=c&cbll=49.677442,-116.872671&panoid=MHqBf2ROLbUP3pk0GJQZ0Q&cbp=12,19.53,,0,5.38

i suppose ill end it here, lets call that chapter 1.

if i  peaked your interest and you want to know more about specific details just say so in the comments ^^

Im kinda abstract when i write.

there will be more chapters. i could still write about lots but my memory is getting tired. it wants a break.

have fun everybody. be safe and trust yourselves. 



Fri, 01/31/2014 - 17:35

It is funny how Meditation Can Affect People Around You

Its like The Fear Of The Unkown For Most People I Feel.

When I was younger I was enthusiastic About it..

After I realized some people where just plan freaked out by it..

I learned to keep it more private...( I Once dated a guy...and lived with him..

and pretended I was watching t.v.) when I was meditating..cause he grew up in a church and was scared of it..)

I do not know...Life Is Pretty Funny when You look at it...

Tara Grace


Fri, 01/31/2014 - 17:40

I am not really practising meditation like I used to

But, I think the subject is an interesting one to look

at especially since...people have such funny

reactions to it sometimes...

Tara Grace


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