Decloaking Lucifer: A Holographic, Angry Child Throwing a Tantrum

Submitted by Silver on Sat, 02/08/2014 - 10:09


Sat, 02/08/2014 - 10:50


I have a feeling there may be somewhat of a mistake here - although it is possible my own interpretation is incorrect of course.

I feel he has confused Satan and Lucifer - Satan being the angry child throwing the tantrum.

Lucifer means "light bringer"... the two names have been confused by a short-story, a work of fiction that was taken as truth - or at least that is what I have learned.

I like the idea this entity/energy is a somewhat misbehaving child, it is a nicer spin on things and an idea I have been searching for myself... 

Thanks David for the insight. There may well be grain of truth here but I think it is sooo much more than a tantrum and too human an image.  What is known theologically as the mystery of evil is something indeed very deep - it is almost the key to the life process as we know it cos mysteriously here we are involved with 'evil' or quite extreme versions of negativity even by existing we may try to be good ourselves but our world is very much the realm of Lucifer Satan etc. Archons whatever because it is an experiement in separation, in breaking down and fragmenting the oneness so that It could have mutiple and multiple times multiple experiences and reflections of Itself - there is only one Person in the room however many bods there seem to be!  This very perception and in Jungian terms opportunity for individuation is the gift of Lucifer the first Angel who fell in the mythus, that is who volunteered to be the Opponent the Antithesis of Godhead so the multuplicity of manifest worlds sould exist and then following from Lucifer who wanted himself to be god independently and that very act is reproduced on earth as the teenager's f U dad (and poor old dad has to take it because he loves his son!) act of rebellion and self assertion that he has to make otherwise he is simply the product of his ma and pa.  It is or can be quite bloody and messy as in most families!  I remember I still have chills thinking about it screaming up the stairs once to my dad saying "I hate you"  ...I hope he realizes by now I didn;t mean it!   Years later my own son in his fits and angsts of self assertion walked out on me, and so the cycle repeats.  So I see Lucifer as seeding the separation that makes the world go round of duality - maybe he's going Home now the prodigal Son is as Theosophy teaches on the path of Return.  The Cabal worhsipping Lucifer is an image of extremely egotistical men and women - they worship Ego, theirs of course like most of our beloved 'leaders'  - they actually get to believe they are superior to the schmucks the common Man who must slave for them for a few crumbs that they are entitled to their BMWs Rolls' own airplanes red carpets palaces  etc.  and we allow them this status and bow down to them  - more fool us!!! 



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