Three Unexplained Scientific Concepts That Can Make Us More Spiritual

Submitted by Isis Ra on Tue, 02/25/2014 - 10:56

Even with the Infinite mind aware, there is always more, you just find the next level of something that is not available to the infinite mind, by flipping stuff around, those big concepts something unimaginable happens and get's either created with that wave or is already there but hidden, so where ever the end is, is probably wherever the highest consciousness in the universe ever got to and maybe once another catches up to this infinite consciousness, another bang will happen, something exuberating beyond these universes and existence itself, but this has to be some form of consciousness, if you look at the universe the way it is build in big picture, its a system of its own maybe even a lot of step ups from what consciousness is who knows, force's are at work and conscious force is expansive so creative there might be something to it.

It would need to be in everything, thus it would be within us and all around what's existing and not existent for us, and probably learning to read its language would give us this extreme knowledge and could perform miracles and such, you would evolve even further the more you would search and learn to use it as it is us and everything so you would be on this universal language and be One with everything cause it is within us and everything around so you do the math you become everything around you and just be sitting there in this one place expanding in infinite ways and become extremely spiritual or something completely different than what we know as being... But its how to get there and solve this sort of flipping of large concepts and... well some E.Ts I am sure already learned part of it and can go in some different dimensions already.... It's like a gigantic math puzzle or problem and it get's a tenfold more complicated every time you learn a step up or a level of its existence within us so... So everything is possible so to figure out a way to use this would be to think a step up further for each visual mental and conceptual grand realizations that happens within and all around awakenings to the next level of existence and do it faster and faster till you get to this other dimension and keep on going for as long as you can till even when out of body and beyond time would not exist anymore you'd go trough this incredible trip with this pin point awareness on these realizations that could take a million years, or billions, trillions and if ever let's say it was possible just for thought when you would go back down and begin to get aware of the lower levels it would of felt like 10mins but actually trillion of years would of passed. So whomever or how ever this thing or entity or soul, or everything in existence that it would be, as the universe could be something that happened similar to that, it would of happened in something that was always there... let's say nothing was in existence before because you need consciousness to have an existence without consciousness it's impossible so how ever conscious comes into play must of been how many things started right? Anyhow...


Tue, 02/25/2014 - 13:08

In reply to by Mario

The faster and faster and faster things get the higher the frequency the higher the vibration the higher the exuberating force thus something like the big bang for example happens, and the Large hadron collider get's particles to do exactly that and they have many of these things on other planets and moons so maybe we are actually the microcosm of something that is infinite unless we could get extremely big and it would create this other picture, as looking in the particles going smaller it's a completely different universe all together, there's technology somewhere if not in this dimension in others that might be able to look down on us as we look down on particles like subatomic and even deeper, but this would be another existence all together since getting bigger would only get us bigger not put us somewhere else as looking at particles so instead of getting bigger you would go up in dimensions and probably there is a dimension that is above all others and might be re-creating itself over and over till something else get's to be... man there is so much we can think about its amazing


Tue, 02/25/2014 - 13:16

In reply to by Mario

As particles when we look into something as a microscope we might as well say its another form of dimension and to go up in dimension your form would need to evolve completely a new set of code all together for each and every dimension that you would go up in, it can't be linear because in this dimension we can go up to 4d, 5d ,6d so this would be something attached to but different as dying we would go in another sort of being with a new set of code so different dimension, that would have levels to it to until you reach another form of being and keep on getting into the highest vibrations, but when we die we go to this source where is extremely loving and super high frequency already there's got to be something more since infinite comes to mind right? So there is a reason scientist are looking up into how the universe works and they are just taking it step by step to get everything right but it takes so much time hahaha.


Tue, 02/25/2014 - 13:34

In reply to by Mario

As the frequency rises as sacred geometric designs or sand on a speaker with frequencies playing out the design gets more and more complex as we go up in frequency, so as I was saying up above a being going up in frequency will be able to process much larger amounts of information on an infinite basis, and dimensions will keep existing as long as we go up in this evolution even after death, but the complexity gets more and more intense thus as we reincarnate some believe there might be a reason, or something put out by beings that already figured out the higher dimensions and are keeping us from getting in higher or we just need to learn the most that we can even if it takes a quadrillion years of experience and living in all these places to get to be this complexity and either match it or go above it after knowing how... so there would be different categories of complexity and we would need a complete balance in all states an equal amount of complexity in all sides to get to the next level?? If complexity=rise in frequency and if these higher frequencies already exist and are infinite, then we would need to match it to go beyond. Stars and supernovas are expansive, the core has a frequency signature (the core of a galaxy) thus all together the core of the universe must exist or rather be a higher dimension, and there are opposing forces at work for sure... I wonder how this all works


Tue, 02/25/2014 - 13:40

In reply to by Mario

The more complex things get as higher beings must not interfere in life's basis is a good reason that explains there complexity and ability to know what there next step is, as to interfere from a higher frequency we would go lower in frequency to match the complexity and interfere or adhere to helping or interacting with lower frequency beings, so in all what we see when we die the loving source must be something put in place to help us keep learning and not interfere with whomever is above in complexity and frequency an Infinite source put in place for us could it be? It's been a long time since I ever though of these things sorry for the post's after post's

There has to be something, it can not end, the never ending want's to break the cycle so it never comes back, but wakes up in the end again... Meaning there is a cycle, everything is in a cycle and cycle repeats itself to break the cycle you would go beyond and have another one of these cycles thus wakes up in the end again. So 55 you turn it upside down its 55 again but if you do something more complex like reflecting it in a mirror it would make this completely different symbol... 22 and then you would flip this one upside down and it would be 22, I don't know where I'm going with this but I never understood what I was seeing when I wrote down 55 doubles the trend to shift the unseen, I do not see what 55 was at that time what it represented, I knew in that time it got me to where I had gotten to, and I can't figure it out again... I had visions for every phrase that I wrote into grind and every time I would re-read it, I would be going faster and faster while the complexity of the phrase's was being changed by what I was viewing at each interval, by the end after about 8hours I was not where I was when I started, my frequency had rose by so much... All these visions, where interacting with me, trying to get me somewhere and it did, it felt alien, it was not normal at all... I even got to view other beings with my physical eyes, I just don't understand how...  All I know is there was a lot of different thought processes going on at the same time, and they where not normal they would go in a completely different space different... I don't know how to explain it, basically its what I called the unexplainable I was able to understand the unexplainable, I had no way to explain it, it was understood with different means in the experience of it. Well that's enough for today when I get into these things time fly's I haven't even ate anything yet.

Namaste, Be at One

When I finally came to understand Quantum Mechanics, I stopped having scientific arguments with others. There was no point. Quantum Mechanics defies science at its most basic level: The Scientific Method. Which is the practice of accepting as fact, any analysis and discoveries which can be replicated exactly by anyone else, anywhere else in the world. However Quantum Mechanics demonstrates that at the sub-atomic level the very act of observing an experiment alters the outcome of it. As well as the dynamic process that we call ''reality.''


''Modern science is based upon the principle, ''Give us one free miracle and we'll explain all the rest.'' ~Terrence McKenna

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