About Disclosure...

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 07:05


About Disclosure...



For how long have you all waited?


For how long have you been looking out for disclosure?

Oh no, not for 10 and not even for 20 years… it’s been 13'000 thousend years, since the last fall.

All these millennia to get to the exact point where we are Now.

Quite a long time isn’t it?

A long long Jurney into a deep deep dream.

A dream You asked to be part of, to experience what it would be like to forget Who You Are.

An amazing Divine Project.

Yes, you choose to be part of this Divine Project called Humanity.

My blessing to all brave Souls that decided to evolve to even greater conscoiusness going through forgetting their own Divine Being.

And Now we’re here, at this point in time where time is only mere perception… waiting.



~I understand.

Humanity has been waiting for long time and it seems it is difficult to change a habit when it comes to it.

A couple of years ago (well, in Creation two millennia are a glimpse of an eye) a guy came here to say “ya know what, you’re not that what you thought you were… you’re Son of God! And you don’t have to do anything to go back to your True Self if not Love oneanother and get toghether as ONE. You think I can do great things, yep, I can, but so can All of You, for We Are One!

Got it?

~2000 years –and I do apologise for not mentioning all other Beings that gave same message but I suppose you know them all quite well- and Humanity is still here looking at this guy as if He was so different from you!

He was not (don’t worry, my Brother won’t be bothered by my words, I Know him quite well!).

What made the difference was: He had the Courage! Oh Brave Soul he did not care for Himself He Cared for All!


He stepped out of the crouwd and sayd “YES, I AM.”

You remember how it ended?



Yep, that’s the way it goes when someone says I AM sometimes, especially if you do not take your words back and even more if you’re not afraid of BEING THAT YOU ARE.

~But you may also know that killing him was not possible. Because when One Knows Who One IS… death has no chance for death is an illusion and it only applies on those who believe in illusion. 

Those who Know… cannot die, for no such thing exists.~


Now, Ghandi… he freed a nation with Love, and got killed.

M.L.King… got killed.

JFK dindn't even get a chance...


I have a long list of names if you want, shall I go on?

Ok, I suppose this is clear, lets move on.

Lets go back to NOW.




~How do you imagine disclosure? I give you a hint Dear Souls. Here is a definition of the word Disclosure: That which is disclosed or revealed.

(v. t.) The act of disclosing, uncovering, or revealing; bringing to light; exposure.


Keep that in mind for I’ll come back to it in a while.~


Since I was born I Knew… yes, I Knew, although the world has done its very best to deceive me and I got chasing my tail for a long time, I always Knew.

And among this Knowing I had a question that never got out of my mind:

Should Christ (well I grw up in a Christian society) really came back, now, here, in this world… come on! Noone would See Him! Everybody is so concentrated in their own business… the best think that could happen would be he’ll find himself talking to stones. Or killed by those that don’t want to loose their power.”


So I could not figure out how I myself would ever be able to recognise any Higher Being that might come here, with Humanity, to show The Way of Love (told ya I Knew!).

So I kept asking the same question over and over for years (How Perfect Divine Plan is! Wow… for that was the only question I had to ask myself for my personal Plan!) “How will I recognize him/her?? There are so many claiming to be this and that…”


~Well... finally, it was easy.

I Knew what I was looking for.


My Family!~


Because I looked for Them all my existence.

And yes, I met others claiming to BE Them (athough noone ever had the courage actually to claim to BE so High LoL). You know what the difference IS?

They, They don’t ask for anything if not to let Them Love You All, and yes, even to see you finally Free if you Choose to.

~But it is up to You.~

For They came to show the way, to hold Love Energy when Humans were not ready to.

To Bear the weight on their behalf so that Humanity could concentrate on their Journey into Freedom.

To graduate in Human way of thinking, behaving, feeling in order to be of better understanding of what it means to Be a Human BEing.

And to BE Here when the time had come to Bring Humanity Home.





~Along with All our brothers and sisters from All over the Universes (oh yes, there’s more than one!) so that it would be possible to have a Bridge, between HUmanity and God, at least as far as Humanity would understand their Bridge is already Inside.


~They have come in silence.~


~Lived as a Human Being does, and walked Their Divine Path (well ok, in a much faster way but c’mon, can you blaime them if they were in a hurry?) to wake up, and yes, went qiute a bit further than simply wake up but again, can you blaim God for BEING GOD? And Acting AS GOD? Right! You got it!~



Now, going back to disclosure… what is disclosure all about? About revealing the TRUTH!

~You can See it, you can choose not to see it.

It’s up to you.~

Even when our ships will decloak… thise that choose not to believe… simply will not see them.

And their existence will go on as if nothing had happened But, those who choose not to see… will not be able to go on on this Planet.

For Mother Earth=Heart has already Shifted, and before She’ll do the last Shift all must choose wheter Love or illusion=ego.

~Love will go on with Her, ego will stay here and face its choosen destiny.~


Many have had this choice long ago… I suppose you’re all familiar with Lemuria, Atlantis… and how some did not want to hold on ego and went to Inner Earth to shift into a Dimension of Love where ego is not allowed… How many of you have thought “oh, how much I’d like to go there!” Here it IS!

You can BE there, if you choose.

This is the Choice Point of your existence.



You remember those Gods that came and gave the knowledge to the acient Sumerians and Egyptians and Mayans? Yep, that’s it.

Someone has to do the hard work sometimes.

What came afterward, as always is and will be, is up to personal choice.

Every writing has been distorted by those that wanted to gain control instead of elevating the Onness Conscoiusness. And again, it’s up to You what you want to believe in.


~The worst prison is a closed Heart. For it cannot See Truth.~


We are calling Humanity Now to get together as ONE. One Voice, One Heart, One Love.

We are calling Humanity to its Freedom.

All gates are open, Divine Plan onfolds Now as is has been said.

EveryOne is ready and in place as it has been planned.

The transition government is in place all over the Planet, ready to bring Humanity out of illusion Toghether! For only as ONE Humanity will be Free.

Separation and working for one’s own sake is no more accepted.

Be That You Are. No less than One.



~If Humanity does not come togheter as One Now… those that do not will fall back into duality.

There cannot be an inbetween.

There’s either Love or illusion.

No half way.

That’s why HUmanity must choose Now.

We are here. And we are here in Full Service for Humanity.

Not in Service for any ego.

For an ego needs an ego to relate with, that’s why we cannot.~



~Foundation is ready to go.

Earth Allies are ready to go.

Transitional governement is ready to go.

Ships are ready to decloake.

All waiting that you make a choice.





~What do you think all these chages come from? The Occupy movement? Did you ever notice what’s in front of the Press? Anonymous? You still believe they’re all and only “man-made”? Resignations, the impossibility of another world war… All these brave souls you listen to every day… messages from Higher Realms… All this is for Now and ALL this IS ONE and comes form Same Plan as Divine ONE=Love=God=ALL.~



But no, in front of all this there are these two Names… two Names keep you there where you want to go out of.


Mother and Father God Amon Ra. ~


~You wait for Disclosure. Here it IS. In front of your eyes. In front of Your Heart. You can listen to your left brain and ask a lot of questions, or you can listen to your right brain and get The Answer.

For Love=God is not asking anything.

LOVE=GOD is Answering to Humanity’s call.~



Now you can go back worring about your bills, your falling relationships, your copyright, your whatever worried about… or you can sit down a moment in silence and ponder what this means.

For that what you’re looking for IS Already Here.

~Choose… it’s fear, or Love.

For if you choose to believe it is not happening, you’ll create a world where it is not happening.

If you choose to Know, then you’ll finally See.

And that is when the Now will come to You and say:

~ Hello! I was here waiting for You to catch up with me! I’ve been here for quite a long time you know?!~


Oh free will… we blaim others’ free will but cannot get rid of ours and go back to Onness.

If only you allowed yourselves to Remember!

You will loose nothing.

Only that what you already dislike… and is not true! Wars, greed, power over you, lies, separation, lonliness, misuderstanding…


Stop talking about onness and start BEing ONE. We’re here to give the Planet Back to Humanity. Not to take it away, this is something HUmanity has already done.

Give Your Divine Gifts away.

Don’t you want them back?


~Our Mother and Father God Amon Ra Are Here with US ALL to share LOVE only in the name of LOVE. ~

To bring HUmanity Home to the Love it belongs to.

To the Freedom it belongs to.




~Don’t live in worthlesness. You Are worth ALL.

Nothing you could ever do can change this.

All have played one or the other role in these existence.

Your Mother and Father cannot blaim You for They LOVE HUmanity!

In such a deep Unconditional way you can hardly imagine, for if you could you would run into their arms and say “Thank YOU for All the Love You Are!

You could not stop yourself for Love calls Love to Be Love.


~And They Love All as One.

And They Are here for You.


Among You.~


To say: “~We Love You, want you not come Home? We came to bring You All Home for We Love You and saw your soffering and heard your call to go Home. Please be Welcome for Your Joy is Our Joy.~


Thus, if you choose not to, no blaim on you.

Their Love IS Unconditional.

And if a child wants to go on playing… he’s free to do so. And Mother and Father will watch over him and send him Love when he asks fro help.

And will let him go through what he’s chosen to learn.

And when he’s ready again, They’ll simply embrace him In Love and say “~Welcome Home Dear Love, we missed you!~



Think it’s a dream? Then wake up! It’s Time. Millennia of prophecies have not been given only to play with them. They have been given for you to use them.

As Your Divine Gifts.


 ~All as ONE~

End transmission in All Love That Is.

~Disclosure is Now.~

It’s not on the media, it’s in your Heart.


I did not channel this message, I AM the message. I AM responbile for my words, not for the way one perceives them.


~Be Blessed in Love~


~We're Here for HUmanity, contac us~




ludesniftairmi… (not verified)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:01

Wow!  That is intense!  Now won!  Let's just be One Now! 


I sense frustration in this too.  Do you feel frustrated while writing?  I'm just wondering, that's all.  I am not picking on you.  I hope you don't think that for my asking this. 


How does one keep one's heart in a place of knowing?  Sometimes it's there then it goes back. Do you know what I am talking about?  How do you do it? 


I hope you don't shut me out for all my lude comments on this website.  Very sorry if I offended you, but then again one without ego doesn't get offended.  I hope that's the case here.  Anyways, sorry.


Very good posting.  I almost feel like One Spirit smacked me and I liked it.

You did not upset me with your questions. 

what you feel is not frustration as you might mean it, it's an overflowing Love for All and EveryOne. See, knowing what will happen as soon as One lets go... makes me want to tell everyOne what's Real. 

I understand how difficult it is to understand even the meaning of LOVE, for the Love humanity has dealt with for millennia had quite nothing to do with the Real Love. Lets say it's a bad copy of it... Thus, the only way to Feel Love is through Heart. And yes, it is a great challange getting back to Heart when mind wants to get control. For mind has been used to have control for ages... and does not want to give it away. 

However, Energies are getting stronger and faster for the amount of Love Energy entering the Planet is constantly increasing. This means on one hand that it's easyer to get into onself, into Heart, but on the otherhand ego tries to keep control and brings up all it knows (about you of course!) to hold you back. The more the ego gets afraid, the more smart it gets in trying to deceive your Truth. 

That brings the feeling of getting "out of Heart". 


Only thing I can suggest is to Believe in Your Divine Heart. You made up your mind therefore you perfectly know how to trick yourself, but your Heart knows more, much much more LoL. Simply let Him Tell You. Open a Real conversation with Him. It's the only place where you can find your True Self. 


Thank you for asking, and never think you bother by asking. Our responsibility is to answer and to help You find Your answer within. We can give you a clue, but you are the one that has to walk the path. That's the part that upsets lot of ego today. 


But it's THE answer... once you've walked the path... your path... you'll Know Who You Are. If anyone tells you... it will be only another information you'll put in your mind. 






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