Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 04/21/2014 - 19:11

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey 

www.facebook.com/AstroEyesEvolutionaryAstrology     AstroEyes@aol.com

This 5th out of 7 exact Cardinal Square’s is thought to be the most powerful one of the 7, as it is actually is a part of a powerful Cardinal Grand Cross!  All month long and through May, these powerful and intense energies of this Cardinal Exact Square/Cardinal Grand Cross will be in effect. Pluto and Uranus will be squaring each other (although not always exact but extremely powerful anyway) through 2015. The Cardinal Grand Cross will be effective throughout May, but is the most powerful and intense April 21st – 24th. Remember also that many things will be triggered during this time period, on many levels. Watch for powerful things happening all over the world, and also in your own personal world, but this doesn’t mean, however, that everything will happen in these few days……and if you make it through these days…whew….you are out of the woods!!! I wish I could say that was true, but it isn’t. What it means is that seeds are being planted…..in ourselves (our own consciousness and sub conscious), humanity, the world and the Earth itself. Seeds of transformation, change, and the “New” …….that will sprout and grow and surface to be seen in the open, over the next few years.

This is a powerful and very intense period that can easily be accelerated during this very energetic time. There is a lot out there about the “dangers” of this energy etc. The reason is because on the gray side (and there are many that are still focused on the gray side….including leaders of country’s) of the planets in this Cardinal exact Square/Grand Cross are: Pluto refereed to often as the Lord of the Underworld, or the God of Hell, is squaring (stress and friction energy) off with Uranus, the Lord of Earthquakes and Lightning Bolts, and then you have Mars, the God of War, action and ego, who is opposing Uranus and Squaring Pluto….whew….., and then there is Jupiter who is thought of as benefic planet….more optimism and joy….however, even he will have to work really hard in this configuration…. when he is up against the other 3. Because of all this energy that can be used on the grayer side, it is so very important to send out positive intentions. To mediate on the energies of this powerful Cardinal Grand Cross and shift it to the high Spiritual energies of this aspect.. Manifest and co-create a peaceful world, a world that has left the gray energies behind and is totally focused on the powerful high spiritual energies that this Cardinal Grand Cross is giving us! 

This energy is very powerful, chaotic, intense etc. With powerful aspects like this….things seem to come to a head. It is time to be extremely careful and cautious….watch the weather…..watch each other. Relationships are at the forefront during this time, so be extra cautious in how you act and communicate in all relationships…..family, work, friends, and love relationships! Also just plan be careful/cautious when driving, walking, traveling, and socializing. This is a time of break downs or break through’s……lets manifest the later in positive wonderful ways….

We must use this energy that the Universe is giving us now, to create the “new world”, to create our own reality and our personnel World. It is as if the Universe is taping us on the shoulder saying…Do you get it yet? The future is not fixed, and because of this we cannot totally predict how things will actually play out. However we can create and we are currently co-creating the “new world” and our own reality, with the energies being given to us, and the avenues in which we put them out there to flourish. The thoughts that we think, and the actions we take, along with the feelings we put with them, create the world around us and our own reality. This energy….these activation's and downloads are not only being given to us to help us raise our vibration, but the energy is being given to the whole world….the collective!! Raising the vibration of the collective and the Earth, is a major corner stone of this powerful time period in history!! For the survival of the Earth and Humanity, we must come into balance with all things, come from the Heart, and raise the vibration of the planet and our selves. It is time, with the energies given to us from the Universe, to consciously make intentions for creating a peaceful, loving, kind world that is focused on community, all humanity, love, peace and the Earth. We are all one……creating a world that lives in Joy!!!!

At the end of this article is a description of what a CARDINAL SQUARE, and CARDINAL T-SQUARE, and a CARDINAL GRAND CROSS mean. Please read this whenever one of these aspects is mentioned in a posting, so you can better understand the energies. I also hope you can keep it for future reference. 

revolutionary (Uranus) and evolutionary (Pluto), effecting our own lives and also mass consciousness...the collective! This is one constant continues flow of energy between these 2 planets, without a relief valve. This energy is very stressful with a lot of friction, but it pushes us to grow. What no longer serves us for the highest good of all, what has outlived its usefulness; we will be asked to distance ourselves from…in the nicest way possible. There will be releasing of truths, deep in our Souls, that we can no longer ignore, bringing with it the compulsion to heal. It may not always feel comfortable, as change and transformation usually doesn’t. Things are being put right in our faces (and the faces of the government and the world) so that we can’t miss them…..but at the same time, the Universe is giving us all that we need to make the changes. 

URANUS IN ARIES, being squared by Pluto. In their exactitude they will be at 13 degrees and 34 minutes each. Uranus (is the constant of change, thinking outside the box and into the future with a focus on your tribe, your community, and humanity), it is in Aries (the warrior, the initiator, the pioneer, ego, and passion). So Uranus is in Aries and is about urgent change. It is saying that we need to change and think outside the box and into the future. We need to look at the big picture with a focus on our tribes our community and all humanity….. as we move from the “Me” (I will destroy you to be the top winner) to the “We” (I will be the best I can be for the good of the community). It is about becoming your best individual self, while honoring and living within community. We are all one, no one is better than anyone else. We are moving into the Oneness! Uranus is also the God ruler of Aries…indicating that the Universe is making a big statement here! The Pioneers survived through Community……envision the wagons all circled together as the pioneer warriors protected their tribe, their community and families. They blazed “new” trails, where no one had been before….so the community could grow and prosper. Just as they did back then…… we are being asked to do it again. We are being asked to blaze new trails and become the Spiritual warriors for the community and for the “New”……. with the strength of community….it becomes a whole new frontier! 

PLUTO IN CAPRICORN is being squared by Uranus. Pluto (planet of transform, Only caring about the transformation of your Soul, the Soul of humanity and the Soul of the Earth. Pluto does not care about Ego, what kind of car you drive, how much money you make or where you live, etc., it only cares about your Soul. Pluto says no lies, no secrets, no judgment, no manipulation, and no out of bounds ego! It demands integrity and respect for all. Pluto is in Capricorn (which rules Corporate America, the Government, the Banks, the Military, and the wisdom’s of the Elders etc.). You can see this configuration playing out on the news all most nightly. Just in the last several weeks, leading up to this Cardinal Square/Cardinal Grand Cross, with the added energy of the Libra Eclipse on April 15th, we have seen many accusations, lies and secrets, in the government that have been brought to the surface (no longer hidden) bringing the secrets out in the open. What really is happening in the Ukraine, and what is our nation’s role? What exactly happened to the missing Plane?? What went wrong with the ferry in Korea? And on and on…. Pluto also rules sex……and lies and secrets about sexual miss conducts, human trafficking, and the degrading of woman in foreign countries, and in the US, is also being brought out. Pluto again is saying…no lies, no secrets, integrity and respect for all! These lies and secrets involving all the areas that Pluto rules, needs to come up to the surface…… so we can release them before they can be healed Some things that need healed within yourself, may also be coming up to the surface of your consciousness, so that you can look at them and heal them. Where Pluto is involved…..the things coming up may not be comfortable to look at, but it is time to really see them and look at them, so that you can begin to heal them. By healing them and letting them go…..you can move forward into the higher vibrations…..and into your high Soul work!

NOW THE CARDINAL GRAND CROSS FORMS with Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra along with Pluto and Uranus, all 4 become exact by degree (13 degrees) the following day as they form an intense and powerful Cardinal Grand Cross

JUPITER IN CANCER: Jupiter is the planet of higher learning, religions and philosophies, questing for knowledge, the masters, master teachers, published authors, travel, fun, optimism, JOY. JOY being the ultimate goal of this shift……living in Joy! Jupiter also represents the Truth Seeker! It is about justice and speaking the truth! Speaking our truth…walking our talk. That alone is an energy that we need today in the World. Jupiter in this Cardinal Grand Cross wants us to listen to and study the Wisdom of the Elders from our families, the community, the world, the Ancient Star Systems and the Galaxies....and then to share that knowledge through teaching, writing, speaking the truth and sharing with everyone……so that we can easily obtain the ultimate goal of optimism and JOY!

MARS IN LIBRA: Mars is the focal point of this Cardinal Grand Cross through May. Mars is the warrior energy, the crusader, the pioneer, courage and passion. When you bring in the Warrior energy and put it in strong aspect to Pluto (transformation) and Uranus (constant change) in a Cardinal Grand Cross, the energy can be present for anger, arguments, war, fights, aggression, accidents, accidents with metal, violence etc.. Mars adds a volatile energy to this Cardinal Grand Cross. We need to be aware of this….watch where you walk, where you drive and how others are driving. It is not a good time to have surgeries if you can wait, schedule it when Mars isn’t in as close aspect to this Cardinal Grand Cross. Watch what you say and how you say it. Treat others with respect. Etc. etc. Channel this very intense energy by exercising, starting a new project, focusing your passion in an area that serves your highest Soul work, keeping yourself busy and walking away from confrontations. Mars is in Libra which is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and creativity. Libra is about relationships….all relationships. Family, work and love relationships and much of the energy of Mars in Libra in the Cardinal Grand Cross……will play out in relationships. Try to look at the big picture down the road, when it comes to relationships…..try and detach (while being there for them)….as to not get caught up in the drama of the 3D, and envision how this situation might be the best thing that could happen for the other person’s Soul growth…..or for you own Soul growth. Libra is also about balance, equal give and take…and the law. With the Universe placing Mars (male) in Libra (female) at this time, shows that the Universe is speaking loudly about Balance! Balance between the Sacred Male and Sacred Feminine energy, about balance in all relationships…. The Universe is saying “Make love not War”…..recognize that phrase? Remember we are in the ‘60’s part 2…..and the Universe is speaking Loudly!!!! 

All 4 of these planets in this Cardinal Grand Cross are not getting along very well! There is a lot of friction and stress around them as they try to come into balance and transform areas that are no longer working in the higher energies. They also are sitting in Cardinal energy, which is the energy of Change, Urgency, and Birthing of New. This Cardinal Grand Cross is giving us the push we need, and the energy we need, to make the changes that we need to make, as we co-create the “New World” and the “New You”. It is saying that within ourselves and all humanity, we have to get into the higher energies and let them embody us. We need to Move away from people, places, and things that are no longer serving you on your Souls path…. that are no longer vibrating where you are, and to do it in the most compassionate way, so that the New energy can rise. This Cardinal Grand Cross is asking that there be some major changes in these areas….some advancements. It is time to get active now and move. It is time to start taking steps, any steps, as we start to actively move into the “new” and living it. The breaking down of old structures that are not working anymore, in the world and within yourselves…..and as they are breaking down, being able to see through the chaos and emotional ties …. the beautiful big picture that the Universe is presenting to us! Out of the ashes rises the Phoenix. These are the energies of this Cardinal Grand Cross.

We need to use this power and wisdom to make sure everyone stands up for their own and others rights……that we stand together as a community as a whole…. in order to move forward….as we co-create the “New” It is time to move away from the “Me-Mine” thinking, and move into the “We… community, humanity….we are one” thinking. We are also one with the Earth and all her inhabitants, don’t forget to nurture the Earth at this time. The Government/world governments seem stuck in the “Me-We-Mine” energy, when we should be moving more towards all humanity as we are one. It is time to manifest and create this way of thinking…

3 ANCIENT STAR SYSTEMS are also being activated during this powerful Cardinal Grand Cross
Pluto is sitting on Vega. Vega is often referred to as the Sapphire Star and is in the constellation Lyre, “the little harp”. One area Vega represents is music, and Pluto (transformation) is within the orb of Vega, transforming music into the “new” in many different areas. Recently there has been an increase in the areas of “Healing with Music”. Expect and create more avenues to open up in all areas of Music, especially around the areas of healing. Vega was used by our ancient ancestors including those from Atlantis and the early Egyptians. Music is also considered an International and an inter Galactical language.

The North Node (our Souls intent and the Soul intent of the Earth, the Collective) is sitting on The Star Arcturus. Arcturus is the fourth-brightest star in the sky. Edgar Cayce mentioned Arcturus more than 30 times in his readings, calling it “the highest civilization in our galaxy” and “the way, the door out of this system.” Other channeled sources identify Arcturus as one of several extraterrestrial groups who seeded life on Earth and who continue to aid humanity’s evolution. 

Jupiter is sitting on Sirius. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and one of the closest. Mystic Alice Bailey has called Sirius “the great star of initiation”, and “the source of wisdom”. In esoteric Astrology, Sirius is considered to be our spiritual Sun, overseeing the awakening of humanity. 

At this powerful time in history, I think the Universe is speaking loudly about how we should now focus on open communication with our Ancient Start Systems, activating our DNA so we can remember what we have already learned from our past, when we had open communication with the Star systems. Meditate on what these activation's of the ancient star systems might mean to you and to the “New World” that we are all co-creating. Meditate and Listen!!

REMEMBER THAT THIS CARDINAL SQUARE IS THE 5th of 7. We still have 2 more to go (1 more in 2014 and one in 2015) and those 2 will help give us the energy to continue the changes and transformations that we need to make so we can create the “New.” Each Square will add more changes and more opportunities. The next exact Cardinal Square happens on December 14th 2014. Things are soooo very different everywhere, including yourself….. from the first beginnings of the Cardinal Square back in the Spring of 2010. Think about it……where were you then, and where are you now…….where was humanity and where are we now……..think about it. Meditate on this and manifest that all humanity continues to move forward into the higher energies, and that we continue to transform and evolve.

THE ENERGIES ARE AMPLIFIED RIGHT NOW AND IT IS A TIME OF EXTREMES. The Universe is speaking loudly……and getting more urgent about it! With this exact flow of energy, the Universe is getting serious. This will be one continuous flow of energy. This energy will be intense, and it is a time to listen to your guidance and your body. These energies will let you know the area’s in which you need to let go of things that are not vibrating where you are. It is time to let go of things that are holding you back so that you can move!!! Today is an important day, and things will be activated. There could be events that happen today, especially with the Earth, like weather things, earthquakes, tidal waves, volcano’s, wild weather etc. Things also will be activated in ourselves, around change, transformation and Urgency. It is very important to know that there will be seeds planted at this time that will play out over the next several months, not everything will happen today. These energies will be very strong for several weeks. Things will get a little rocky and bumpy. This can represent a change of the old order, which can feel unstable and insecure.

Remember that we are still “birthing the New” meaning that, when you give birth to a baby, you do not know what the baby is going to look like in 10 to 20 years, or what they will do or how they will act. We don’t know what it is going to look like yet. All we can do is just follow our guidance, go with what we fill needs to be done. Think with your Heart! Meditate on this and ask for guidance…..

The Universe is speaking loudly here……what is the Universe telling you? What changes do you need to make? What areas to you need to bring into balance? What place’s or things, including others do you need to move away from because they are not vibrating where you are? 

You may feel (or someone you know) under enormous pressure right now. Whatever is coming up for you is something you need to deal with now. Acknowledge it and surrender…..It is time to take a step any step….but just Move!! Ask for guidance and then trust in the guidance you receive!!

Sit with the Earth and honor her. Feel her energy and feel the comfort she brings you. Meditate and connect with your guidance……do this often! It is a time to manifest and create the “new.” It’s time to meditate and …..Listen to your guidance!!!

( RE-VISIT: THE CARDINAL SQUARE, AND WHAT IS A CARDINAL T-SQUARE AND A CARDINAL GRAND CROSS – A square’s energies are: friction and stress. They mark turning points, they create crisis that makes us change or be changed. The Cardinal Square consists of, Uranus in Aries, being squared by Pluto. Uranus (is the constant of change, thinking outside, the box, quantum field, and into the future with a focus on community and humanity), is in Aries (the warrior, the initiator, the crusader, ego etc.). So Uranus is in Aries and is saying that we need to change and think outside the box and into the future. We need to focus on community/humanity; we need to move from the “Me” to the “We.” Uranus in Aries is being squared by Pluto the planet of transformation. Pluto only cares about the transformation of your Soul and the Soul of the Earth. Pluto does not care about out of bounds Ego, what kind of car you drive, what type of house you have etc., it only cares about your Soul. It demands integrity and respect for all. Pluto is in Capricorn (which rules Corporate America, the Government, the Banks and the Military etc.). These planets are in Cardinal Signs. Cardinal energy means: Birthing of New, Urgency, and Change! A CARDINAL T-SQUARE is when a planet comes in and opposes and squares, in this case, Pluto or Uranus. Therefore forming a Cardinal T-Square. I refer to this planet that moves in, as the Apex of the Cardinal T-Square. The same energy of the Cardinal Square (talked about above) between Pluto and Uranus is still in effect. As the apex planet moves in and forms the Cardinal T-Square, the energy of the square is enhanced by the energy of the planet that has moved in. So a Cardinal T-Square has the same energy as the Cardinal Square, with the added energy of the Apex planet that has moved in to form the Cardinal T- Square, between Pluto and Uranus. A CARDINAL GRAND CROSS, is when another planet comes in and becomes the 4th planet involved. In this aspect there are 2 oppositions and 4 squares. The 4th planet comes in and opposes the one end of the opposition that is left open, forming a Cross figure. As with the Cardinal T-Square, the Cardinal Grand Cross has Pluto & Uranus and the Apex planet forming the T-Square and then another planet that opposes either Pluto or Uranus and then squares the other planet and the Apex planet. Again this forms a very intense and active energetic aspect. This enhances the Transformation, Change and Urgency of these energies

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading. Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2014 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved. 
www.facebook.com/AstroEyesEvolutionaryAstrology   AstroEyes@aol.com 


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