Greetings Dear Light Beings!
It has come to my recent attention that spiritual websites are being attacked and censored on many levels. It used to be that we could just about look up anything we needed to know...but not anymore! I've spent most of this morning trying to look up information regarding "Rainbow Gatherings", "Circle of Light Families", "Rainbow Warrior Gatherings", "Peace Gatherings", etc., and found absolutely nothing. Just about all information about peace gatherings and their locations have been blocked. So, how do we get around this block? Looks like we're going to have to try different methods of communication, and the only way I can see (for now) is to use our phones by call or text. Yes, we can still use the internet, but we're going to have to be real slick about it so that we go undetected. So, without giving away our plans, let's start using our phones via texting, then we can figure out the rest. Let's help each other!
If you, or anyone you know has any inside information regarding the Rainbow Gathering/Circle of Light Gatherings/Rainbow Warrior Gatherings/Peace Gatherings schedules or locations, let's chat. Contact me here on this website, then we'll figure out how to contact each other via yahoo messenger/Skype or another mode of chat. Facebook IS monitored, so that is totally out of the question. Then, once we've established communication, we can exchange phone numbers and start texting our friends and families with the acquired information. Actually, all forms of communication is monitored, but some less than others.
Look, we can be silent and let those who wish to silence us have the upper hand. Is that what we really want? We're going to have to help each other. There's no getting around that. I realize that this particular website is designed for those who've achieved a certain level of spiritual development, but those who have achieved that level are going to have to help those who haven't. Peaceful gatherings are an excellent tool to do that, plus, it raises the vibration of the planet, which is exactly why those who are trying to silence us are trying to prevent. This is so important people! Let's rally together and help each other!
In Love and Light,
Google has gone downhill, and
Okay, I've been told this is