What's New in the New Age - Part One

Submitted by arran on Wed, 05/28/2014 - 14:30


By David Arran Anderson

Transformational Books

Author of: The Last Avatar



Self-Mastery is what this new time is all about. It’s about everyone becoming masters of themselves; which is something they don’t teach you in school. You can get a piece of paper to hang on the wall that says you have mastered many things. You can be a Reiki master, a Sufi master, a Kung Fu master or a Master Chef. You can be a Reverend, a Doctor or have a PhD; but no one has a diploma that says, “Master of My Multidimensional Self.”  

Let’s talk a little about how Mastery relates to words like Enlightenment, Awareness and Freedom. For Enlightenment you have to first look at where the word originally came from, which is Buddhism.

Buddhism did not start out to become a religion. It was originally intended to be a form of psychology. A young prince who lived in India 2,500 years ago set out to discover why people experience unhappiness. That’s just basic psychology, and ever since that time, Buddhists have studied the human mind through meditation, and have developed a thorough understanding of the brain in ways that western psychology has yet to discover.

Modern psychology, as we know it, didn’t really take hold until Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud developed some theories about human behavior about 100 years ago; but Buddhist psychology is 2,500 years old, so who do you think knows more about the mind?

Buddha taught that the reason people suffer is because of their attachment to an impermanent Self, which includes your body and your mind; and of course your mind is absolutely full of thoughts, emotions, beliefs and moods that Buddha called “dukkha,” meaning “total garbage.” Not only are we firmly attached to all of this garbage, but we actually think it’s who we are.

Enlightenment means to have an expanded awareness that goes beyond the intellect (the Self); and is therefore not definable. The moment you try to define the word, with thoughts or beliefs, you limit it. An enlightened mind has no limits, no boxes, no borders and no boundaries; but all of our thoughts and beliefs create limitations. As long as you believe anything, your mind is in a state of limited consciousness, and yet we want to believe in something.

What about Freedom? What is Freedom? It’s not what you were taught in high school history, or what our founding fathers thought Freedom was. People all over the world seem to be crying out for Freedom these days; but what they’re doing is looking for more power in their life. They want to be a part of the political process, which they believe will give them more power.

True Freedom means to live “a life without power.” Pursuing any kind of power keeps you in the illusion of the matrix, and keeps you limited, because it feeds off of other people. You want what someone else has because you think you need it; therefore, you can never get enough, always want more, and remain in a state of limited consciousness. Power drives our culture; but to experience “freedom consciousness,” power cannot be on your agenda.

Just listen to the way people talk. Everything they say is either, “I want this, I must have these, or I need that.” The pursuit of power occurs whenever you think you want, must have, or need something that you don’t already have. I’ve seen too many people lose their dreams because of that kind of limited thinking. To seek out any form of self-gratification is the same thing.

Freedom Consciousness simply says, “I exist,” or “I Am,” but even to say that limits you. It is to be in the light of knowing that everything is already within you. You don’t need to seek anything outside of what you already are.

So now we get to Self-Mastery, which is about getting out of your brain. It’s about getting past your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and moods. Most of what you think, and what you believe, came from someone else, who put them into your brain. They are not yours. They don’t belong to you, and they are not who you are. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have them, I’m saying you don’t need to have them. You don’t have to believe in anything, because it limits your discovery of the real you, your multidimensional Self.

So, if we get out of our brain, where do we go? Where is this so-called state of expanded awareness? Do we go to some higher dimension, like the 4th dimension, or perhaps the 5th dimension, as so many claim these days?

There is no such thing as a “higher” anything. The 5th dimension isn’t about being higher; it’s about being lighter and freer. All of the dimensions are intertwined with each other, in all directions; up and down, back and forth, in and out. Although each one has its own qualities and personalities, no dimension can stand alone. No dimension is higher than another; however, some do have more lightness and freedom than others.

What holds us back from experiencing our inter-dimensional Self is all of the garbage we think and believe to be true; but how do we get past it? How do you move into Self-Mastery? That’s what the next couple of weeks will be about; so just be thinking about the fact that (1) any thought is a limitation, because it confines energy, (2) any belief limits the expansion of our awareness, and (3) any emotion or mood limits our experience of feelings. We keep ourselves trapped in 3-D, on this earth plane, in this global prison, by having limited consciousness, rather than freedom consciousness.

I thought I was going up in those times but I had reached the core, and Archangel Gabriel says the void or point where things begin was the 1st dimension and I read from another that if you get to the void point it can shatter your soul, which makes sense because of what I was speaking about that I had parts of my soul to regain. But then again I'm trying to find another one whom has been to the core... Because being or getting at the core is very expansive and there is a lot of harmony where restructuring can occur for alignments. One whom spoke from the subconscious and lives beyond the physical said that these planets (Our solar system) all the planets are in harmony as a orchestra playing in harmony except for the Earth which sounded off. She said the Earth needs to be tuned sharpened to the extent of the others and become in harmony. Because the what happens on Earth happens in the whole universe thus what happens here can affect other parts of the universe and part of our missions was/is to come down to Earth and help tune it back... An example of this is Cobra with his group's and meditation from One or Two person's whom are walking in the core get more people to connect within and get at it, we harmonize the Earth or "tune it" Thus if more groups of people could find the core or get to it---You'll know once you are there or if you ever get to it. Meditation usually get's us close enough to source which can connect you to it, walking in your true selves... I always said trust in what makes you. But by saying that I mean whom you are as an eternal being. Every answer is there to see or here or feel or get at/to all we need is our self mastery as you stated which comes by living in this experience. And we have free will so as to decide what one chooses to experience comes by time which we understand as a singular point of awareness in space to another point of awareness in space which the two points is determined by what we call a flow of consciousness. We learned, to see time as a constant flow but this comes from our awareness which is consciousness. So by that is it not reasonable... If we would not of learned time in this manner it would not exist as we know it and the only thing making time go by faster as we say---would be our frequency the state of being we are in. When we are in joy or good feeling the time goes by faster than if we are bothered or in fear. Thus does it not make sense that when we connect with Archangels or other beings in higher frequencies which may not see time as we do get a sense of 20 mins going by as fast as 50mins in the frequency we are at down here? It's just an example... Usually when I go in higher frequencies or take a trip in whit those higher flows time as we know it down here the clocks and numbers for me change completely to a new set of understandings and I only use them for what I see symbols and not a constant flow but codes set by from the space I am at or downloading getting in. The basic Idea is to create what helps you understand and then utilize it for mastery. All you need to do is connect to whom you are, connect to source or go deep within and get what you need. Its all there and I know its hard sometimes but if you ask for it the Universe does get at work instantly and in the hours or days or weeks ahead when that point in time comes for your answer or what you asked for... It will be up to you to connect and see it for what it is you receive and what it is you are doing in those moments and you can be thankful for it. Answers can come in many ways... If you want to see them outside you can also but you must be connected within or guided to see exactly at the right moment what you need to shift back within. Create for yourselves, then you can share if you will but if you create for others, it wont be as potent as you would for yourself... I say this because when you create for yourselves you can develop or unlock what you need for soul growth... Many many things comes from the inner knowledge and we are connected to it at will. Curiosity has all its purposes in this world, we can explore many avenues just by going within and creating.

Nmaste, Be at One

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