The Direction of the Galactic Free Press
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<p>Welcome to the Galactic Free Press blogs section! This is a place where anybody with <a href="/galacticfreepress/user/register">a free GFP account</a> can post information.</p>
Deleting comments that disagree with your begging for money huh?
I have to agree with the deleted comment; reposting other's writing on a blog should not provide you a full time income so you don't have to work. If you don't enjoy it give it up and get a job. Journalists you are not.
It was deleted because it was
Who are the GFP team members now?
since MG is in Crestone and FG isn't around...
I have noticed that things are nothing like they were before, at least outwardly which is all I've been aware of, and full disclosure and transparency are basic requirements, esp. when requesting funding...
I'm not interested in dirty laundry, just the above stated basic info...
My sense is that MG was the great magnet of the site's success and of its continued funding by members...
GFP is still a valuable site along with the new site...
Amerith, whom many here know
The way we see others is
First I enjoy what I learn here. I thank-you all from the bottom of my heart. Second. I don't have money to donate. I am living as best I can at the moment and when extra comes in I will indeed put towards sites as this one. Thirdly, if this is what you want to be doing then do so. If it is too much then don't. Times are weird and uncertain we all are having to adjust. Please be kind to one another we are all changing and growing and we cannot fight and disagree here or anywhere if we are going to liberate ourselves and each other. It seems that those that want to continue to hate and disagree are not willing to awaken and need our extra understanding. We don't have to like them but we can understand what they are going through. Information and how we get it will alter and change as we grow. Let us continue to be kind, understanding, forgiving, compassion and encouraging to one another. I know that is what I need right now, some kindness. I will continue to come by here and read what resonates with me and I have left a few notes. But if it comes to it and I cannot afford to be here I know that whatever Spirit wants me to know I will. Blessings and Light, MJ
Will, always follow your
My thoughts on GFP / donations
I have been a visitor of this website since around March 2013 as I believe I was guided to it by my spiritual guide(s). This website has been so incredibly helpful in my awakening and gaining an understanding how our world works through the past 14 months, and I personally thank GFP's contributions to my finding inner peace and happiness in life. I have watched this website evolve, as well as the visitors of this website evolve, and truly feel our galactic family brought GFP to us to help aid us while Earth was going through the most intense transitions maybe ever (and still continues to go through). Although the donations have lessened through the months here, I still feel like GFP was and continues to be a powerful tool for many of us to become more aware of the things around us, and self improve our lives. I think Will and the folks of this website are going to do more great things, and let's all enjoy It's a fun new website that shows all the articles we have grown to know/enjoy about GFP.
And as far as what the donations are spent on by this website, that's none of our business and let's assume positive intent always. We all deserve to make a few dollars to support ourselves, especially when we are helping other people. This website has personally helped me in so many ways, as I felt like a broken man 14 months ago and now live as a happy, content, and proud man truly in large part of this website's teachings and articles about self discovery.
I donated a few dollars$$$
If there was only 12 others someone must have been donating ALOT each month
That was only how many had
'charity foundation'
pretty sure there is a loophole some companies use to get tax right off and such
should look into that ish
In my opinion, this site:
needs to be far more interactive,
more about user content than copy paste news
people working with people
videos forums discussions
try to combine a few of these:
...and then make it an app. make money. settle as non-profit.
i agree...very helpful post!
in fact , one of the GFP people said something very similar in a post just a few weeks ago, and i've been waiting for something like this to show up on the site...
GFP has had a video chat room going for quite awhile, but i've not yet had the time and means to do it... don't know if it's still happening...
thanks esp for this link
it looks really good... i'll go thru it asap...
I have plans to make our new
7 billion connected.... !!! .
many others trying as well:
even common ones like or Facebook
all need to be interconnected for highest efficiency of light transfer
total transparency for GTLSV.
noomap looks really good...
i'll check it out asap..
here's one of my sites ~
To link up with EarthStarNation online, go to
'expanding topics'
like these recent blog posts:…
binary matrix converter
they devolope a software that accumulates money through frequency and binary matrix
Galactic Free Press
I found it personally insulting that GFP would actually challenge my right to read the FREE press without making a donation. WTF? However, I am not surprised. I found the GFP couple of years back when I was in a particularly vulnerable place emotionally and was searching for spiritual guidance. It looked good on the outside. I was a bit confounded that the two leaders were named Mother God & Father God and actually seemed to believe they were some sort of God. I enjoyed the people who joined together in the chat room and found most of what they shared very helpful. I was very excited to learn that we were going to gather for an amazing group meditation led by Mother God that was going to change the world. And god knows the world could use some changing. There were well over 100 people in the chat room and it looked like our ranks were poised to make a difference in the universe. AND THEN FATHER GOD SHOWED UP DRUNK AS A SKUNK AND BECAME DISRUPTIVE AND VULGAR and no one challenged his behavior and FG got a pass under the guise that we were all just way to serious. I dropped in a couple of times after that hoping to get over my disallusionment and finally sought solace elsewhere of which I discovered their were many more EGO driven new age sites than I could count! And most of them wanted money to joined their enlightened weekend retreat that was well beyond my veterans pension. Anyway, I recently dropped in again a few days ago and it looks like the duo that was sent by heaven to lead us all home have split up and the website is still wondering why no one is supporting its lifestyle requirements. My suggestion is form a non-profit with some guidelines and oversight and fundraising opportunities. Otherwise, just enjoy hanging out with FG, Will and Isis and hope you can convince enough people to support your $2,000 month lifestyle sharing your point of view with those who are apparently only welcome if they donate. OMG now that sounds like a subscription site - you could try that! Best of luck spreading the news . . .
How is your "right" to read
Some details the readers didn't need to know ;)
I'm a little disappointed in the choice of words describing "MG" and "FG". Sounds like they were each frauds according to what is mentioned about them above, which is a shame because this website did help a lot of people with their positive messages.
I will continue to visit the new Awakening Daily website for the good articles, but will no longer subscribe to the GFP newsletter and will stop visiting the GFP website going forward.
Handle the Truth
I think it''s important that we know the truth. It's unfortunate that some people can't handle the truth. Without truth there is no basis for trust and without trust.......
Thank you for providing good
Thank you for providing good content on this website through the months. It was fun while it lasted and I wish FG and MG well. They did help a lot of people, and apparently know how to keep an audience interested and donations coming, from what you're saying.
This is what I was responding to in your original post: "If you enjoy the site, please consider donating, if you don't enjoy the site, well what are you doing here?" I may have misinterpreted this but I took it to mean that if you don't donate then you are not welcome. Is that what you meant?
It's just asking people to
cooperation with new methods to finance
crowdsourcing is a brand new way to finance non-profit organisations,besides you have to do an effort to
envolve in open-source technologies ,with research and development you can ensure from an income great enough for running,eventually you can ask some assistence from our friends of anonymous.In this time of growing energy,powerfull shifts we need to unite ,the hacktivists,the open-source researchers,the lightworkers and even the Divine Beings .This cooperation of seemly people from an other angle will result
in an frutty and furtile chaos of knowledge and experiences will work easily a New Form of Finance.If you pretend to speak in name of Enlightment it seems to me that to beg for donats is in a kind anaturel