Serpent of Light: The Movement of the Earth's Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light, 1949 to 2013

Submitted by AdiGaia on Tue, 12/02/2014 - 13:03

Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012

Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth's Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet's core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. Once at home in ancient Lemuria, it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet, and with every relocation changed our idea of what spiritual means. And gender. And heart. This time, with much difficulty, the "Serpent of Light" has moved to the Andes Mountains of Chile and Peru. Multi-dimensional, multi-disciplined and multi-lived, for the first time in this book, Drunvalo begins to tell his stories of 35 years spent in service to Mother Earth. Follow him around the world as he follows the guidance of Ascended Masters, his two spheres of light, and his own inner growing knowledge. His story is a living string of ceremonies to help heal hearts, align energies, right ancient imbalances, and balance the living Earth's Unity Consciousness Grid-in short to increase our awareness of the indivisibility of life in the universe. We are all-rocks and people and interdimensional beings-one!" Life may seem to be business as usual, but it is not. We are changing fast ...Remember this for life is going to present stranger things to you in your lifetime, and they all have meaning and purpose ...Only Mother Earth and ancient Maya know what's going to happen." - from Serpent of Light.……


About the author (2010)

Drunvalo Melchizedek the author of four books including "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart" and "The Serpent of Light". His books have been published in 29 languages and over one hundred countries throughout the world. He is the founder of Spirit of Maat, http: // with over 1 million viewers each year, and the Flower of Life Facilitators that teach his work in over 60 countries. His newest teaching training is the School of Remembering whose teachers are beginning their global work. Drunvalo is a graduate of UC Berkeley and lives with his family in Sedona, Arizona. Visit him at…





The anchor point on the Earth’s surface moves twice during each cycle of our planet through the Cosmos. For the last thirteen thousand years it has been anchored just north of the Himalayas, near Mount Kailash, in the far west of Tibet. According to Esoteric Wisdom and looking into the geomancy of the region, The Himalayas hold the masculine pole of the planet, where there is a predominantly masculine energy; logic, clarity of mind, focus, discipline and clear sightedness. We have historic records of male sages coming from this are, the Buddha, Tibetan lamas, Indian yogis, Confuscius, Lao Tzu, even Lord Jesus was said to have travelled extensively spending much of his time with saints and rishis in the Himalayan region.

In his book, the Serpent of Light, Drunvalo Malchizedek says that in 1959 the kundalini left its anchor point near Mount Kailash in Tibet and started on its path around the planet, to settle at its next anchor point. He makes the connection that it was in 1959 that His Holiness, the Dalai Lama left Tibet, following the Chinese invasion and persecution. Drunvalo states that it was this movement of the Dalai Lama that actually brought the kundalini out from Tibet. This kundalini energy eventually settled in the Andes of South Chile, near Peru, geographically close to Lake Titicaca, the feminine pole of the planet. South America, the land of Pachamama (Mother Earth) is a decidedly feminine continent in its artistic expression, flair and flavour of Spirit. So it appears Mother Earth’s and therefore humanity’s expression and evolution for the next thirteen thousand year cycle is for awakening and remembering the feminine aspect of our spirituality, challenging the ruling patriarchal matrix and restoring the balance between these forces.…



October 2, 2007 By José Stevens


We contemplated what the chances were that our group had seen a meteor fall during the daytime and that it had actually hit the Earth. We had also been discussing the fact that Lake Titicaca is the new Spiritual center for the planet, following a shift from Tibet, a masculine center, to the feminine area of the lake. This is the reason for all the Tibetan lamas, including the Dalai Lama for visiting this area recently. They have been exchanging information and passing the baton to the Incan priests in the Andes. The Dalai Lama has also suggested that his next incarnation may be in Peru, another sign that a shift has occurred. Now a very visible meteor has landed next to the lake in total daylight. Interesting.

Dalai Lama Meets With Incan Descendants

Jun 1, 2006


Sun in Aquarius sextile Uranus



Planetary Unity

In 2005 or 2006 the Dalai Lama went to the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca with as many as sixty monks and performed a ceremony to create the etheric structure for the resettlement of the Tibetan Buddhism planetary headquarters in that area if the oppression in Tibet became so severe as to warrant it.


Around 2006 a friend who has an inner esoteric connection with Tibet, had a dream about the Dalai Lama, and he then went to the Andes. When he was at Lake Titicaca, he met the woman who was the tour guide on the boat that took the Dalai Lama and the monks the Island of the Sun.


A few years later I attended a presentation by an Anglo-American who had been living in a Quechuan spiritual community in the Andes. He said that when the Dalai Lama went to Lake Titicaca, he took with him the stones from a spiral in the floor of a temple at Mount Kailash and put them in the spiral of the floor in a temple at Lake Titicaca which went in the opposite direction.…


This change to the southern hemisphere and the western hemisphere is empowering the new Shamanism, the Universal Family Life, the working in circles of groups to ascend the planet's life and civilization, and balancing the living Earth's Unity Consciousness Grid.  This also allows for the Gaia Universal Life and Being to enter throughout the planetary grid systems to produce the new Ascended Universal Being of the Avatar Mother Universe.

Kundalini Awakening is not simply a phenomenon of the Divine energy rising in individuals alone. According to ancient esoteric wisdom, the planet has a complex energy system that includes major Earth chakras, minor Earth chakras, a planetary spinal channel and a lunar channel and solar channel on the sides of the planetary spine, similar to the chakric system of human beings. Actually, the human chakric system is only a smaller version of this planetary chakric system in which the human race is immersed along with all other beings of Earth. Planetary Kundalini rises and circulates through this network of Earth chakras and channels. 

Since humanity is an integral part of this Earth consciousness, Kundalini Awakening in individuals is intimately connected to the collective planetary Kundalini. Trying to separate from the Earth consciousness after individual Kundalini realisation, will lead to a lopsided awakening that is not integral. Some of the dreadful side effects associated with Kundalini rising happen due to the individual realisation not being in tune with the collective Kundalini of Earth.

“The Earth’s Kundalini is the secret energy that is connected to the hearts of all of mankind. The Earth’s Kundalini is always attached to a single location on the surface of the Earth and stays there for a period of about 13,000 years. But then it moves to a new location for the next 13,000 years, based upon cycles of time, or what we call the Precession of the Equinox” When the Kundalini moves our idea of spirituality changes. It transforms us all by sweeping in new energies for the next cycle by leading all of us to a higher spiritual path.  This is the big picture–

“The Kundalini has two poles, and one is in the exact center of the Earth. The other is located on the surface somewhere and anywhere in the world. It is the consciousness of the Earth herself that decides where it is to be. And there is a pulse of exactly 12,920 years when the polarity of the Earth’s Kun- dalini changes to the opposite pole, and it simultaneously changes location on the surface of the Earth. This new location not only rapidly wakes up the people living near this sacred point on the Earth, but also it sends a frequency into the electro- magnetic grids surrounding the Earth. This, in turn, affects those consciousness grids in ways that are determined by the Earth’s DNA.”…

"The Recalibration of Wisdom"

This live channelling was Given in Lima, Peru
November 27, 2011


... the heart chakra of the earth, which is the Kundalini, now begins to seek another wisdom center, a more balanced one. It moves to a place where softer wisdom has prevailed. It seeks out the wisdom of the divine feminine. 

So the earth is ready to glean this wisdom and pull upon the portals of this area. In the process, the consciousness of the planet will be changed even more. It has been waiting for this.

Like the Human Being our Planet Earth has an “energetic anatomy”. The earth kundalini energy is called the Serpent of Light or the Great White Snake in other Oriental traditions. Not only is the earth’s kundalini energy very similar to a human being’s. The earth’s kundalini energy connected to the centre of the earth behaves like a snake as it moves, similar to the way kundalini energy moves in the human body which is the secret energy, Shakti, that gives rise to the kundalini awakening of spiritual seekers everywhere on earth.



The anchor point on the Earth’s surface moves twice during each cycle of our planet through the Cosmos. For the last thirteen thousand years it has been anchored just north of the Himalayas, near Mount Kailash, in the far west of Tibet. According to Esoteric Wisdom and looking into the geomancy of the region, The Himalayas hold the masculine pole of the planet, where there is a predominantly masculine energy; logic, clarity of mind, focus, discipline and clear sightedness. We have historic records of male sages coming from this are, the Buddha, Tibetan lamas, Indian yogis, Confuscius, Lao Tzu, even Lord Jesus was said to have travelled extensively spending much of his time with saints and rishis in the Himalayan region.

In his book, the Serpent of Light, Drunvalo Malchizedek says that in 1959 the kundalini left its anchor point near Mount Kailash in Tibet and started on its path around the planet, to settle at its next anchor point. He makes the connection that it was in 1959 that His Holiness, the Dalai Lama left Tibet, following the Chinese invasion and persecution. Drunvalo states that it was this movement of the Dalai Lama that actually brought the kundalini out from Tibet. This kundalini energy eventually settled in the Andes of South Chile, near Peru, geographically close to Lake Titicaca, the feminine pole of the planet. South America, the land of Pachamama (Mother Earth) is a decidedly feminine continent in its artistic expression, flair and flavour of Spirit. So it appears Mother Earth’s and therefore humanity’s expression and evolution for the next thirteen thousand year cycle is for awakening and remembering the feminine aspect of our spirituality, challenging the ruling patriarchal matrix and restoring the balance between these forces.…

Mars square Pluto, and Venus Trine Pluto

Ascending with Planetary Kundalini

The Planetary Kundalini is available to empower the ascension of people who are ready to accept its Divine Blessing and to be the embodiments of its ascending and miraculous expressions as it continues to rise and to ascend.

The Planetary Kundalini is now the main agent of ascension throughout the planetary system, and is the source of the Planetary Ascension now occurring.

The best way to receive its empowerment is with a group of people who are also ready to receive it, and who are also in the service of Planetary Ascension.

As we are becoming Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization, we are fostering the evolution of all life and consciousness throughout the planet and the universe.

The Planetary Kundalini is the empowering source of the New Earth and its ascending life and expressions.…

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