When Is Ascension Coming? - Updated

Submitted by will on Fri, 01/02/2015 - 09:44

NaGeeTah IsRae…

Mon, 04/07/2014 - 12:44


RAspect and Sahlute to TRUTH!!
Had to share with a warning. IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF TRUTH, DO NOT READ. :-)


Mon, 04/07/2014 - 16:44

Thanks Will for putting this important message out so well!!

According to the Urantia Book, the story about Adam and Eve, we have been looking up to an outside savior since that time. It talks about Adam and Eve coming here, and having such great knowledge about things (such as knowing every single plant) that the people started to look up to them as Gods, which was not what Adam and Eve intended.  From the universal experience of this event, it could be seen how important it is for humans to look inside of themselves for ascension, otherwise we cannot grow.  This story shows why we cannot just have ET's or any other light beings just show up.  We are still looking for outside guidance even today, and it is so important for us to get it right this time.  We are in a huge cycle at the starting point of a 13,600 year golden era, but because we are lined up near the Galactic center, we can gain a lot of advantage to pick up on those energies to really jump start this very positive event while they are here.  Sometimes it is only in hindsight that we can see how much we have really and truly moved forward.  Have faith, because there is a lot supporting this now!  Keep asking for the assistance you want from the Light Beings, Angels, Source, God as they are part of our team to make the changes in our world. Imagine if only the Boss at an office meeting was expected to get a project done, and everyone just sat around and waited for him to take care of it. It takes the whole team. Our positives will keep on having world wide and universal impact, and just as importantly be putting a smile on some strangers or friends face today.



Tue, 04/08/2014 - 01:42

There are all these websites, blogs, YouTube videos, Facebook pages, tumblr pages, wisdom quotes, new age speakers, organizations, companies, businesses, etc popping out. What we fail to realize is that we must take action and UNITE! Our power is through unity. Our wisdom and knowledge is all about unity and cooperation! We need to work together! We need to hear what we all have to say! That is what will spark people to find their inner truth so that they can express and contribute freely!


Tue, 04/08/2014 - 13:58

See! This is what I'm talking about! Those were brilliant ideas! But we have more power when other people join us and our ideas together. I totally agree with you. We need to stop seeing the government as some scary entity and take responsibility for it because we need to see that we are the government too and that we feed it. This is an age where people must become empowered in their heart space to become part of the "government" which everybody will be a part of! It is simply about doing away with the notion of "us" and "them", "me" or "you".


Tue, 04/08/2014 - 19:05

In our meditations we can give, speak our intent for the highest good of things we want to see happen locally and globally.  It is a powerful place to have those thoughts that create our reality.  Believe it, feel it and it will have an impact. Formulate the positives!

Everyone's comments make me feel like there is still some pretty good enthusiasm out there for changing the world and encouraging those that have become apathetic or discouraged. It has been a long time coming, and it is easy to understand human nature needing a shot in the arm to keep going, to see things fresh again, to re-adjust, or maybe find a new personal role to keep the enthusiasm going.

I think 'ascension' is an individual experience here on this earth so one should work towards bettering himself or herself spiritually.  Everyone will develop according to his own pace.  I don't think that this will happen to all of us altogether but to some of us together, periodically and regularly.

sorry to read your post which mean you haven't understand a thing about it.

but I guess you do someday..

So after trying to read your drivel, I have come to the conclusion that you are almost as blind as the rest of the "sheeple" out there!  Can you not SEE that the world's people are beginning to RISE UP against their corrupt governments?  Can you not see that people who are not otherwise Spiritual individuals are beginning to awaken and ask questions about our place in this reality?  An example is how people are beginning to stop watching the major main-stream media outlets, in favor of independently run news groups who have very little to nothing to gain, other than their desire to bring TRUTH to the masses!  I am seeing more examples of these changes almost daily now!  No, you fail to see that there IS in fact an awakening happening, and by merely stating that there is NOTHING new happening is extremely false!  Try following highly committed heroes like Cobra or David Wilcock and OPEN YOUR EYES!  Changes are abound EVERYWHERE, in technology, Spiritually, awareness on our corrupt leaders, the vast amount of independent TRUTH SEEKERS popping up daily, etc.!  The list goes on!  No, we are in a very very special time in our time-line, and it will be a time like no other! 

Yes, we have to find our heart centers and love for ourselves, as well as the reality around us.  But this awareness WILL reach a point in the not-so-distant future, that on a collective level we will literally CHANGE our reality from the current illusion we now live in to one of HEAVEN!

Regardless of your personal beliefs, we are living in a time like no other in our history, and that will become evident to you in relatively short order!


Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:28

The real Ascension is on the rare side..

I Feel That Is What ..Is Being attempted to be conveyed here..

The awakening is very simple..

it is in the present moment of now..

(Although we like people like david icke..david wilcock

and others...( I do not feel that david wilcock..is awake to the present

moment of now..he might be able to channel)

yet, the real Awakening is of a higher order

that is all

Tara Grace


Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:34

Recently A person,

Was Telling Me how wonderful teal scott was..

And this lady has been on the spiritual scene

for over twenty years..I was surprised...

that she could not tell that teal scott

is not a fully awakened human being yet.

although she has multi sensory abilities..

she is still selling ego..

it was really shocking to me..

that people ..miss that sometimes

Tara Grace


Sun, 03/08/2015 - 21:55

Dear Will, I know you posted this message a while ago but I would like to comment on it as I have just come back after a long hiatus. I get that you are disillusioned by what's happenning and what's been happenning in the world fora very long time. But the truth is we are very close to a whole new paradigm shift. NESARA is a law that was passed in 2000. It was not known or implemented because the powers that Be at that time made sure it wouldn.t be. The advent of extraterrestrials into our life here is close at hand and will come at the announcement of NESARA. The reign of the lizards is over my friend as you shall soon see. I ask you for the sake of your readers to be a little more positive and hopeful for the future. We need optimism not more and more pessimism. Things are not always what they appear to be. As far as actual ascension goes this will be a continuous process. It will happen gradually or when people are ready for it. The main thing is to get into living a golden age lifestyle which means NO more wars No more OIL drilling No more weapons production NO more lies and manipulation NO more raping ad pillaging of Earth's natural resources! It also means No more hunger and starvation too.We have the power to do this Will collectively and it will be done I assure you in very short order WITH the help of our galactic brothers and sisters once we have allowed them into our reality.Please try to have a little more faith. That is why this site was created in the first place was it not? Thanks

Look Will, I have been doing research on this for a long time. I know what I'm talking about. I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else. I think it is a shame you are so negative about all of it. Why are you even here on this site? The truth is the truth Will. There IS a Creator and the universe is filled with wondrous beings just waiting to make contact with us. If U can't believe that then I truly feel sorry for U. And You are not helping anybody here either. WAKE UP MAN! Stop being so angry. 

Look Will I don't know you and you don't know me. All I am saying is why can't we have faith in the future? In the process? Of course  God is everywhere present I know that. Perhaps I have a little more faith then most because of what I have been shown. What are we arguing about here? I'm not the only one who was unhappy with your post Will .All I am saying is try to be more positive. Otherwise what is the point? From what I gather I think we are getting very close to a major transition.This should be great news for you and everyone else. I don't know what your life is like but believe me a lot of us are struggling. But without our faith we have nothing.I guess only time will tell. 

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