Submitted by AdiGaia on Mon, 01/26/2015 - 17:42

Steve Greer



by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Copyright 1991


One of the greatest tasks humanity has faced throughout history is the establishment of peace and unity among differing and diverse peoples. Superficial, external and cultural distinctions such as gender, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion and so forth have long divided humanity and been the cause of much warfare and social turmoil. It is only in the last 100 or so years that humans have seriously begun to explore worldwide our points of unity and begun to overcome the barriers which have separated humanity. Central to this evolutionary process has been the dynamic of at once accepting and celebrating diversity while simultaneously seeing the fundamental oneness which all humans share. This dynamic of unity - seeing with the eye of oneness - is the essential foundation for lasting world peace and prosperity, and will be the motivating principle of the next millennium. The long and painful process of overcoming prejudice and embracing humanity's essential oneness, while by no means yet complete, has brought us to the dawn of a true world-encircling community of one people. The recognition that mankind is one, that race, nationality, gender, religion and so on are secondary to our shared humanness, may well be the crowning achievement of the 20th century.

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As great as the challenges to unity have been and continue to be for humans, how much greater might this be for the emerging and embryonic relationship between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations. The superficial and cultural differences between, say, an American and a Kenyan tribesman may pale before it! If disunity and conflict arise when we look only to the differences between humans, how much greater will the potential disunity and conflict be if we are able only to focus on the points of difference between humans and extraterrestrial beings. The failed and disastrous ways of the past - of seeing only differences and foreign qualities - must give way to a new way of seeing, of seeing with the eye of oneness. This eye of oneness must be directed not only towards our fellow humans, but towards extraterrestrial people as well, for the same fundamental basis for unity which exists among humans also exists for the relationship between humans and extraterrestrials.

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The challenges of establishing unity among the peoples of the universe is a grand extension of the challenge of establishing unity and peace among the people of the earth. 

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Full article ~

The Crossing Point

by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Copyright 1998

- See more at:…


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This piece is a good analysis of the subject of human and ET unity which is a very timely topic.

From one point of view, we are them, and they are us.  

Dalai Lama Discloses: Visitors from Other Galaxies are the Same as Us

The Dalai Lama is well aware of the ET presences around Earth, and of the impending public disclosure ~

However, I think it's important to recognize some other basic factors about this topic.

One is that the definition of 'human' is 'human being' which is fundamentally beyond space/time, and exists in the realm of Being regardless of all other considerations.

Many ETs, such as EBENs are not beings, but rather very advanced/evolved animals which lack beingness and spiritual nature.  

And there are ascended ETs, such as Arcturians, who are beyond human beings in their existence and spiritual natures.

I've been considering this subject for a few years, and I'll add to my comments here soon.


During this opposition of Sun and Jupiter there is an intergalactic portal open which is providing an input of harmonizing forces which have the power to combine the various dimensions of Earth's life into a much more unified planetary/galactic organism for the future introduction of other extra-terrestrial forces and dimensions into the Earth's system.


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