Duality and Polarity - There's a Big Difference

Submitted by will on Sat, 02/07/2015 - 08:37

A very good explanation to what Duality and Polarities are this is a good expansion on some of the things I was trying to explain in the past. Once you go out of duality everything is viewed in a new way, and we can utilize the polarities for good expansions on world views, spirituality and how things are/work in this universe.

Thanks for posting. 

It is a worthy article. I would ask: if duality is purely a product of the (mutated) human thought process, how may we regard other expressions and forms of sentient life in the cosmos--take the reptilians for example--who are predisposed toward conquest and domination, purely a product of duality-mentality?  May it not even be possible that this split mind as it manifests within the human psyche is actually inherited from these other "outside" races who are said to have woven their DNA into ours? 

Duality is a choice, it is what gives us the opportunity to make decisions concerning what we have learn as bad and good (In dualistic terms) If other beings have never been exposed to what duality is as we have been in the past with religion and how to know what is good and bad Ex. not go killing people for fun, when your born you might not know what duality is... yet everything revolves around it and with some conditioning this is what causes us to create the dualistic realms within our perception of this world, this life right now. Now imagine we would of been exposed to a concept more complex then duality as duality is more or less two with opposites, if you would combine the two of everything and make it as a neutrality with what we have learn as the basics to what is good (acceptable) and Bad (unacceptable) for this lifetime this part of evolution we are in, our level of intelligence and how it is here on earth, we could live in a society with no worries or problems to what good and bad has made us believe, but this takes common sense, Duality was a form of accepting (learning) common sense in this world, religion pushed it pretty far at extremes in big to show us (condition us) to realize some concepts that is better for our need in evolution right now. Now getting past that some are going further than duality now and are beginning to understand newer concepts and live in different perceptions than those of duality. 

I hope this helps you out a bit for your question


Let's say 1 represents good, 2 represents bad and 3 would be as quantum computing where it can be good, bad, or Both at once creating a completely new set of results. So you can do good 1-1 for good you can do bad 2-1 for good you can do good 1-2 for bad and you can do bad 2-2 for bad now when you put 3 in there the basic Idea is beyond 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 those would be in the lines of duality but now we could go 3-1 we cold not go 3-2 and we could go 3-3 The reason why we could not go 3-2 is because of reason, instead of conflict there would be reasoning and automatically go to 3-1 = no conflict and 3-3 would be a completely new awareness as explained up above utilizing polarities you get the full spectrum thus better totality and results. so instead of utilizing one polarity and putting a stop, you would be utilizing the full spectrum and go in this never ending expansion or so something similar to a completely new way of looking into things. maybe this wont make much sense but some people are already operating from 3 and it is a complex reality for them because the ones at 1 and 2 don't know of such a possibility and when explications are done by those at 3 (keep in mind this is a simple representation) in some cases those at 1 and 2 will choose between the lines of there operating system and put the 3's information into a dualistic class and this causes a lot of confrontation for someone whom be at 3... In my case anyhow I have experienced this a lot and it can be very complex thus belief's can be destructive or constructive depending on the receiver you know? so the only way to actually know is to experience and learn little by little with a lot of time to get some people out of the dualistic perceptions and augment them to higher thought process (or consciousness) on a simpler scale of utilizing things which mainly accelerates quadruple times more than staying at 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2.... this is the first time I explain this in this manner so I'm not sure how it's going to turn out but hopefully it makes sense haha

Namaste, Be at one


Sun, 03/16/2014 - 00:58

I would like to add that while physics does not yet recognize monopolarity, that it is real and demonstratable now...we are in duality still so we see things through the lens of dual-polarity, but once many of the free energy devices are released on the planet, the concept of monopolarity will take root and will be better understood.  This is true of relationships as well (external and internal), which are currently dual polarity because of the split between the masculine and feminine, but once the two reunite with unity consciousness, there will be monopolar beings walking among us here on earth.  It is just a matter of time before this becomes a reality in consciousness, romance, and technology.  We only measure what we can conceive, in many cases, as the world we live in reflects our beliefs, experiences, and thoughts...  monopolarity is a truth that is near to becoming a mainstream reality.


Wed, 02/25/2015 - 18:41

Thank you for this clarity. I could not have said it any better. Not Us/Them and as we expand in multi-dimensionality it behooves us to join together and not honor duality any longer. 


Fri, 06/12/2015 - 09:41

Very interesting indeed. I am writing a presentation on Conflict,with a segment on how it manifests. So far my conclusion is the (conditioned) mind dividing oneness into everything we see, creating room for opposites to manifest.

The distinction between Polarities and Dualities are clear, although I cannot find any examples besides the magnets with their + and - poles. Any suggestion on other 'Complimentary forces working together to create balance' ?

Or are all forces (eventually) working together to create balance?


Although my initial idea of additional complimentary forces was also male - female, I experience they hardly ever work together to create balance, but create far more conflict.I also question if creating new life can be considered as balance.

Adding this to your first opinion, it makes me suggest all opposites attract each other: Polarity results in oneness, balance and creation, while Duality results in separation, conflict and destruction. Even these opposites attract, creating continuous cycles of conflict and balance.

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